
There are two documents you may find useful for working with the XML Common Business Library-the xCBL 2.0 XML Interconnectivity Guide and the xCBL 2.0 Online Structure Reference.

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Interconnectivity Guide - PDF format

4.6MB - Zip File

August 3, 2000

This guide introduces xCBL 2.0. xCBL 2.0 consists of a set of XML documents useful in business-to-business electronic commerce and a component library used to build new documents.
xCBL 2.0 provides a transition path for companies moving their business services from EDI to the Internet.

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Interconnectivity Guide - HTML format

19KB - Zip File

December 17, 1999

This is an HTML document with interactive links to help you work through the XML Common Business Library.
Elements are listed in alphabetical order. xCBL 2.0 provides a transition path for companies moving their business services from EDI to the Internet.

To encourage its use in electronic commerce applications, Commerce One is making xCBL 2.0 available at no cost. xCBL 2.0 is the culmination of two years of work in developing a set of XML building blocks for electronic commerce. It builds on relevant information standards from ISO, IETF, and EDIFACT as well as the XML standardization efforts of the W3C XML working groups, CommerceNet eCo Framework, OBI, RosettaNet, XML/EDI, OTP, OASIS, and Microsoft BizTalk. xCBL 2.0 made important contributions to the CommerceNet eCo semantic recommendations (eco.commerce.net) and will be available in the XML.org and BizTalk.org repositories. xCBL has also been submitted to the new global electronic business XML initiative being launched by the world's leading EDI and XML organizations (www.ebxml.org).

The interactivity guide includes the following chapters:

Introduction to xCBL 2.0-describes component-based Internet commerce in which businesses build on other services to create virtual enterprises, markets, and trading communities. The chapter explains why we created a library of building blocks for XML documents, how this approach is intrinsic to CommerceOne.net products, and how XML document exchange compares to EDI.

  • xCBL 2.0 Design Principles-describes the goals and principles used to design our XML documents.
  • SOX Tutorial-describes the features of the SOX language and provides sample schemas and instances. xCBL Elements and Data Types-provides descriptions and examples of the xCBL elements and user-defined data types.
  • Index of Elements-provides an alphabetic list of xCBL elements and links to other elements in which they are reused.
  • xCBL Source Files-includes listing of the .sox and .mod files that comprise the Common Business Library. Schema DTD-describes the schema in which the xCBL 2.0 documents were written.
  • Schema for Object-Oriented XML 2.0-describes the SOX schema language (or meta-grammar) for defining the syntactic structure and partial semantics of XML document types.
  • Schema DTD-provides the document type definition.
  • References-provides links to related information.



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