xCBL 3.0 Element and DataType Structures (DTD version)

Documentation Release 2.0

For technical assistance: xCBL Team at Commerce One, Inc.

ASNDates (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: DeliveryDate (Type: datetime)? ,  ShippedDate (Type: datetime)? ,  EarliestDeliveryDate (Type: datetime)? ,  LatestDeliveryDate (Type: datetime)? ,  CollectionDateOfCargo (Type: datetime)? ,  ScheduleDeliveryDateAfter (Type: datetime)? ,  ScheduleDeliveryDateBefore (Type: datetime)? ,  ListOfDateCoded?

Description: The ASNDates element indicates the pertinent dates for the ASN. These dates are global and apply to the entire ASN, except where overridden by dates provided at the line item or package level .

ASNDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ListOfASNItemDetail ,  ListOfASNPackageDetail?

Description: The ASNDetail element contains line item and package details of the ASN.

ListOfASNPackageDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ASNPackageDetail (Type: PackageDetail)+

Description: The ListOfASNPackageDetail element contains the details of the packaging of the goods in the ASN.

ASNHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ASNNumber (Type: Reference) ,  ASNIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  ASNOrderNumber+ ,  ASNReferences? ,  ASNPurpose ,  ASNType? ,  ASNStatus? ,  ASNCurrency (Type: Currency)? ,  ASNLanguage (Type: Language)? ,  ASNDates ,  ASNParty (Type: OrderParty) ,  ListOfTransportRouting? ,  ASNTermsOfDelivery (Type: TermsOfDelivery)? ,  ASNPaymentInstructions (Type: PaymentInstructions)? ,  ASNAllowancesOrCharges (Type: ListOfAllowOrCharge)? ,  ASNHeaderNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfStructuredNote? ,  ASNHeaderAttachments (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description: The ASNHeader element contains the header information of the ASN.

ASNItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ASNBaseItemDetail ,  ASNLineItemListOfAllowOrCharge (Type: ListOfAllowOrCharge)? ,  LineItemNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfStructuredNote? ,  LineItemAttachment (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description: The ASNItemDetail element contains the item detail information for the ASN.

ListOfASNItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ASNItemDetail+

Description: The ListOfASNItemDetail element contains a list of line items for the ASN.

ASNBaseItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: BaseItemDetail

Description: The ASNBaseItemDetail element contains the identifying and descriptive information for the line items in the ASN.

DestinationRef (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: RouteID (Type: int) ,  LocationID (Type: int)

Description: The DestinationRef element holds the references for the destinations to the line item.

ListOfDestinationRef (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: DestinationRef+

Description: The ListOfDestinationRef element holds a list of all the destinations for the line item.

ASNOrderNumber (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: OrderNumber

Description: The ASNOrderNumber element indicates the unique number assigned to identify a purchase order.

ASNPartialOrder (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ASNPartialOrderCoded (Type: ASNPartialOrderCode) ,  ASNPartialOrderCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The ASNPartialOrder element indicates the status of the shipment with respect to the purchase order referenced.

ASNPartialOrderCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the status of the shipment for the ASN message.

Value: Enumeration, including:

ASNPurpose (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ASNPurposeCoded (Type: ASNPurposeCode) ,  ASNPurposeCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The ASNPurpose element defines the purpose of the ASN.

ASNPurposeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the purpose of the ASN message. This is a subset codelist derived from EDIFACT 1225 (Message Function, Coded) and X12 353 (Transaction Set Purpose Code) and 587 (Acknowledgement Type Code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

ASNReferences (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ShipmentIdentifier (Type: Reference)? ,  PackingListNumber (Type: Reference)? ,  ContractNumber (Type: Reference)? ,  BillOfLadingNumber (Type: Reference)? ,  AirWaybillNumber (Type: Reference)? ,  ImportLicenceNumber (Type: Reference)? ,  ExportLicenceNumber (Type: Reference)? ,  LetterOfCreditNumber (Type: Reference)? ,  URL (Type: URI)? ,  TrackingInformation? ,  ListOfCarrierReference? ,  OtherASNReferences (Type: ListOfReferenceCoded)?

Description: The ASNReferences element defines the references for the ASN.

ListOfCarrierReference (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: CarrierReference+

Description: The ListOfCarrierReference element contains a list of references issued by the carrier.

CarrierReference (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: CarrierReferenceNumber (Type: Reference) ,  TransportRouteID (Type: int)

Description: The CarrierReference element contains the carrier reference number.

ASNStatus (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ASNStatusCoded (Type: ASNStatusCode) ,  ASNStatusCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The ASNStatus element identifies the status of the Order/Orders that the ASN is referencing and transmitting.

ASNStatusCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the status of the orders covered by the ASN message.

Value: Enumeration, including:

ASNSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: NumberOfLines (Type: int)? ,  TransportPackagingTotals? ,  SummaryNote (Type: string)?

Description: The ASNSummary element contains the summary information of the ASN, typically totals of numerical fields.

ASNType (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ASNTypeCoded (Type: ASNTypeCode) ,  ASNTypeCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The ASNType element identifies the type of ASN being transmitted.

ASNTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of the ASN message.

Value: Enumeration, including:

ATPResponse (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AvailabilityToPromiseResponseCoded (Type: AvailabilityToPromiseResponseCode) ,  AvailabilityToPromiseResponseCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The ATPResponse element is a container for the AvailabilityToPromise response type.

AvailabilityToPromiseResponseCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of response sent for the AvailabilityToPromise message.This is a subset codelist derived from EDIFACT 1229 (Action request/notification description code) and X12 670 (Change or Response Type Code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

ListOfActualPayment (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ActualPayment+

Description: The ListOfActualPayment element contains a list of information relating to payment(s) made on the invoice at the time the invoice was produced.

ActualPayment (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentAmount ,  PaymentDate (Type: datetime) ,  PaymentMean ,  PaymentRecord? ,  OtherPaymentInfo (Type: string)*

Description: The ActualPayment element contains detailed information on amounts, date, mean, method, card information and references relating to the ActualPayment.

PaymentAmount (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: InvoiceCurrencyAmt (Type: MonetaryValue) ,  ForeignCurrencyPayment (Type: MonetaryValue)

Description: The PaymentAmount element contains detailed information on amounts, date, mean, method, card information and references relating to the ActualPayment.

PaymentMean (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentMeanCoded (Type: PaymentMeanCode) ,  PaymentCodedMeanOther (Type: string)?

Description: The PaymentMean element contains information about a particular payment method that is used.

PaymentRecord (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentRef (Type: Reference)? ,  (CardInfo?  |  FITransfer?)

Description: The PaymentRecord element contains a record of the type of payment instrument or other method used to make the payment.

FITransfer (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: FromFITransfer (Type: FIAccount)? ,  ToFITransfer (Type: FIAccount) ,  PaymentRecordOther (Type: string)?

Description: The FITransfer element contains details about the transfer from one financial institution to another.

CardTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of card used for payment.

Value: Enumeration, including:

CardInfo (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: CardNum (Type: string) ,  CardAuthCode (Type: string)? ,  CardRefNum (Type: string)? ,  CardExpirationDate (Type: datetime)? ,  CardType (Type: CardTypeCode)? ,  CardTypeOther (Type: string)? ,  CardHolderName (Type: string)?

Description: The CardInfo element contains details of the credit or debit card that is being used for the payment.

ActualPaymentStatus (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ActualPaymentStatusCoded (Type: ActualPaymentStatusCode)? ,  ActualPaymentStatusCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description:  The ActualPaymentStatus element contains information relating to the payment status of the line item.

ActualPaymentStatusCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the actual status of a payment.

Value: Enumeration, including:

AddressType (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AddressTypeCoded (Type: AddressTypeCode) ,  AddressTypeCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The AddressType element is the container used to specify the function of an address.

AddressTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of address. This codelist is derived from EDIFACT 3035 (Party Function Code Qualifier)

Value: Enumeration, including:

Adjustment (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: LineItemReference (Type: int)? ,  AdjustmentReasonCoded (Type: AdjustmentReasonCode) ,  AdjustmentReasonCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  AdjustmentDate (Type: datetime)? ,  ExpectedAmount (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  AdjustmentAmount (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  AdjustmentPercent (Type: Decimal18_3)? ,  ActualAmount (Type: MonetaryValue) ,  AdjustmentNote (Type: string)?

Description:  The Adjustment element contains the information relevant to making monetary adjustments.

ListOfAdjustments (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Adjustment+

Description: The ListOfAdjustments element contains a set of one or more adjustment details.

AdjustmentReasonCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the reason for adjustment. This codelist is derived from EDIFACT 4465 (Adjustment reason description code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

AdvanceShipmentNotice (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ASNHeader ,  ASNDetail? ,  ASNSummary?

Description: The AdvanceShipmentNotice element (ASN) comprises the notification by a supplier to the buyer of a shipment. The shipment can be for planning or serve as a notice of a shipment in progress. Therefore it is not necessary for a supplier to provide a preliminary notice of shipment, nor is it necessary for a supplier to send an actual note of shipment. Actual tracking of freight will initially be handled by the shipper directly and not via the ASN. Buyers can respond to the ASN with an ASN Error document that will be created at a later date.

Agency (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AgencyCoded (Type: AgencyCode) ,  AgencyCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  AgencyDescription (Type: string)? ,  CodeListIdentifierCoded (Type: CodeListIdentifierCode)? ,  CodeListIdentifierCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description:  The Agency element identifies the organization and if necessary the codelist from which the identifier is assigned.

ListOfAgency (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Agency+

Description:  The ListOfAgency element contains the details on one or more agencies.

AgencyCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the agency responsible for a codelist. This codelist is derived from EDIFACT 3055 (Code list responsible agency code) and X12 559 (Agency Qualifier Code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

AllowOrCharge (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: IndicatorCoded (Type: IndicatorCode) ,  IndicatorCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  BasisCoded (Type: BasisCode)? ,  BasisCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  MethodOfHandlingCoded (Type: MethodOfHandlingCode) ,  MethodOfHandlingCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  AllowanceOrChargeDescription (Type: AllowOrChgDesc) ,  ValidityDates? ,  (BasisQuantityRange (Type: Quantity)  |  BasisMonetaryRange)? ,  TypeOfAllowanceOrCharge ,  Tax*

Attribute: Name: SeqNo - Data Type: int - Default Value: "1"

Description: The AllowOrCharge element requests or identifies a service, promotion, allowance, or charge and specifies the amount or percentage for the service, promotion, allowance, or charge.

BasisCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code specifies the basis the allowance or charge is calculated.

Value: Enumeration, including:

PercentageAllowanceOrCharge (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PercentQualifier ,  Percent (Type: Decimal10_4) ,  PercentageMonetaryValue (Type: MonetaryValue)?

Description:  The PercentageAllowanceOrCharge element specifies the allowance or charge based on a percentage.

PercentQualifier (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PercentQualifierCoded (Type: PercentQualifierCode) ,  PercentQualifierCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description:  The PercentQualifier element contains information on how the percentage is calculated.

PercentQualifierCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies how a percentage is calculated. This code list is derived from X12 378 (Allowance or Charge Percent Qualifier)

Value: Enumeration, including:

QuantityAllowanceOrCharge (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Quantity ,  Rate ,  QuantityMonetaryValue (Type: MonetaryValue)?

Description:  The QuantityAllowanceOrCharge element specifies the allowance or charge where the calculation is based on quantity.

Rate (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: RatePerUnit (Type: UnitPrice) ,  UnitPriceBasis (Type: Decimal18_3) ,  UnitOfMeasurement?

Description:  The Rate element specifies the rate that the allowance or charge is calculated on.

ListOfAllowOrCharge (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AllowOrCharge+

Description: The ListOfAllowOrCharge element contains one or more services, promotions, allowances or charges.

TypeOfAllowanceOrCharge (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: QuantityAllowanceOrCharge  |  PercentageAllowanceOrCharge  |  MonetaryValue

Description:  The TypeOfAllowanceOrCharge element is a container for the information on the type of allowance or charge. Only one method of calculating the allowance or charge can be specified.

AllowOrChargeTreatment (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AllowOrChargeTreatmentCoded (Type: AllowOrChargeTreatmentCode)? ,  AllowOrChargeTreatmentCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description:  The AllowOrChargeTreatment element contains information relating to the treatment of the allowance or charge.

AllowOrChargeTreatmentCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the basis for the calculation of the allowance or charge at line item level.

Value: Enumeration, including:

AllowOrChgDesc (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: RefID (Type: string)? ,  ListOfDescription? ,  ServiceCoded (Type: ServiceCode) ,  ServiceCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description:  The AllowOrChgDesc element describes the allowance or charge using references or free text.

Attachment (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AttachmentPurpose (Type: string) ,  FileName (Type: string)? ,  AttachmentTitle (Type: string)? ,  AttachmentDescription (Type: string)? ,  Language? ,  MIMEType (Type: string)? ,  ReplacementFile (Type: boolean)? ,  AttachmentLocation (Type: URI)

Description:  The Attachment element is a container for specifying the attachments to a document.

ListOfAttachment (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Attachment+

Description:  The ListOfAttachment element is container that holds one or more Attachment elements.

AttributeType (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: EnumeratedValue (Type: string)*

Attribute: Name: ScalarType - Data Type: ScalarTypeCode - Default Value: "String"
Attribute: Name: MaxSize - Data Type: string - Default Value: #IMPLIED

Description: The AttributeType element provides the data type of the category's attribute. Has ScalarType enumerated attribute that indicates whether this data value is a String, an Integer, a Numeric value (such as a floating point number), a Currency (an ISO Currency Code), a Date, or an Enumeration. If an Enumeration, AttributeType has a set of subelements called EnumeratedValue which list the values of the enumeration. Also optionally has MaxSize attribute which indicates the maximum length of the string in characters.

ScalarTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies a datatype.

Value: Enumeration, including:

AuctionCategory (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuctionCategoryName (Type: string) ,  AuctionCategoryLevel (Type: int)

Description: The AuctionCategory element is used to further classify the category of the item to be auctioned. This is predefined by the environment integrator. At least two category levels are required.

ListOfAuctionCategory (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuctionCategory2,*

Description: The ListOfAuctionCategory element contains a 2 or more auction categories used to define and further classify the object to be auctioned. This structure requires that at least a single category and one sub-category is defined.

AuctionCreate (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuctionCreateHeader ,  ListOfAuctionCreateDetail ,  AuctionCreateSummary

Description: The AuctionCreate element is used when the user wants to create a new auction. It contains all the header, detail and summary level information.

ListOfAuctionCreateDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuctionCreateDetail+

Description: The ListOfAuctionCreateDetail element contains the line level detail information for the AuctionCreate document.

AuctionDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuctionItem ,  ListOfMVBVariables? ,  AuctionPricingDetail? ,  AuctionItemDates (Type: OrderDates)? ,  AuctionDeliveryDetail (Type: DeliveryDetail)? ,  ListOfAttachment? ,  ComponentAuctionIndicator (Type: boolean)

Description: The AuctionDetail element contains all details relevant to an auction item. This can be used to describe a single item to be auctioned or an aggregate part which is composed of sub-items to be detailed in the ListOfAuctionItemComponents structure.

AuctionCreateDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: AuctionDetail

Description: The AuctionCreateDetail element contains all details relevant to an auction item. This can be used to describe a single item to be auctioned or an aggregate part which is composed of sub-items to be detailed in the ListOfAuctionItemComponents structure.

ListOfAuctionItemComponents (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuctionItemComponent (Type: AuctionCreateDetail)+

Description: The ListOfAuctionItemComponents element contains a list of components that are associated with the auction item.

AuctionCreateHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuctionCreatePurpose (Type: Purpose) ,  AuctionCreateIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  AuctionCreateID (Type: AlphaNum40) ,  FowardAuctionIndicator (Type: boolean) ,  AuctionValidityDates (Type: ValidityDates) ,  DecisionDate (Type: datetime)? ,  RulesProfile ,  AuctionCurrency? ,  AuctionParticipants ,  ListOfReferenceCoded? ,  Language ,  AuctionCreateGeneralNotes (Type: string)? ,  AuctionCreatListOfAttachment (Type: ListOfAttachment)? ,  AuctionSpecifications?

Description: The AuctionCreateHeader element contains the auction create header-level information. This element occurs once within the document.

AuctionCreateResponse (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuctionCreateResponseHeader ,  ListOfAuctionCreateResponseDetail? ,  AuctionCreateResponseSummary (Type: AuctionCreateSummary)

Description: The AuctionCreateResponse element provides information and status related to the request to create an auction via the AuctionCreate message.

AuctionCreateResponseDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuctionItemID (Type: AlphaNum40) ,  AuctionItemName (Type: AlphaNum50) ,  AuctionItemDescription (Type: string)? ,  AuctionItemHierarchyLevel (Type: int) ,  AuctionLineItemNum (Type: int)? ,  AuctionItemResponseCoded (Type: AuctionItemResponseCode) ,  AuctionItemResponseCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  ChangedAuctionCreateDetail (Type: AuctionDetail)? ,  ListOfAuctionItemComponentResponse?

Description: The AuctionCreateResponseDetail element contains a detail level relevant data for the AuctionCreateResponse document.

ListOfAuctionCreateResponseDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuctionCreateResponseDetail+

Description: The ListOfAuctionCreateResponseDetail element contains a list a list of AuctionCreateResponseDetail data. This is element optional.

ListOfAuctionItemComponentResponse (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuctionItemComponentResponse (Type: AuctionCreateResponseDetail)+

Description: The ListOfAuctionItemComponentResponse element contains the response details for the components of the auction item. This is a recursive structure.

AuctionCreateResponseHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuctionCreateResponsePurpose (Type: Purpose) ,  AuctionCreateResponseIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  AuctionCreateResponseID (Type: AlphaNum40) ,  AuctionCreateReference (Type: Reference) ,  AuctionResponseCoded (Type: BasicResponseCode) ,  AuctionResponseCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  ChangedAuctionCreateHeader (Type: AuctionCreateHeader)? ,  Language ,  AuctionCreateResponseNote (Type: string)?

Description: The AuctionCreateResponseHeader element contains the header level information of the AuctionCreateResponse. This element occurs once within the document.

AuctionCreateSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TotalNumberOfAuctionItems (Type: int)? ,  TotalNumberOfParticipants (Type: int)?

Description: The AuctionCreateSummary element summarizes the AuctionCreate document.

AuctionCurrency (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: BaseCurrency (Type: Currency) ,  ListOfValidBidCurrency?

Description: The AuctionCurrency element contains all currency details relevant to the auction.

ListOfValidBidCurrency (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ValidBidCurrency+

Description: The ListOfValidBidCurrency element lists all the valid currencies in which an auction partner can use to bid in this auction.

ValidBidCurrency (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: BidCurrency (Type: Currency) ,  RateOfExchangeDetail?

Description: The ValidBidCurrency element describes a valid bid currency in terms of a currency code and a FX rate.

AuctionItem (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuctionItemID (Type: AlphaNum40) ,  AuctionItemName (Type: AlphaNum50) ,  AuctionItemDescription (Type: string)? ,  ListOfAuctionCategory ,  ListOfAuctionItemAttribute? ,  AuctionItemHierarchyLevel (Type: int) ,  AuctionLineItemNum (Type: int)? ,  AuctionQuantity (Type: Quantity) ,  PartialBidIndicator (Type: boolean)? ,  PartNumbers?

Description: The AuctionItem element contains all details relevant to the auction item. This includes the ID, name description as well as the part number and quantity data. The required elements include the AuctionItemID, ListOfAuctionCategory, and Quantity information.

AuctionItemAttribute (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuctionAttributeName (Type: string) ,  AuctionAttributeDescription (Type: string)? ,  AuctionAttributeDataTypeCoded (Type: DataTypeCode) ,  AuctionAttributeDataTypeCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  ListOfValues? ,  AuctionAttributeFieldSize (Type: int)? ,  RequiredIndicator (Type: boolean) ,  AuctionAttributeDefaultValue (Type: string)?

Description: The AuctionItemAttribute element contains a user defined attribute that is used to further describe or categorize the auction item.

ListOfAuctionItemAttribute (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuctionItemAttribute+

Description: The ListOfAuctionItemAttribute element contains a list of user defined attributes that can be used to further describe or categorize the auction item.

ListOfValues (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: NameValuePair+

Description: The ListOfValues element contains a list of name value pairs to be specified if the data type is ListOfValues.

AuctionItemResponseCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies errors for the individual line of the ActionCreateDetail.

Value: Enumeration, including:

AuctionParticipants (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: InitiatingParty (Type: Party) ,  CommunityID (Type: string)? ,  ListToInform (Type: ListOfParty)? ,  ListOfAuctionPartners

Description: The AuctionParticipants element contains detailed information on all parties participating or involved in the auction.

ListOfAuctionPartners (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuctionPartners+

Description: The ListOfAuctionPartners element contains the list of trading partners participating in the auction.

AuctionPartners (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: Party

Description: The AuctionPartners element contains information to identify the trading partners participating in the auction.

AuctionPricingDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OpenPrice (Type: Decimal18_3) ,  ReservePrice (Type: Decimal18_3)? ,  BidIncrement (Type: Decimal18_3)? ,  ListOfPrice?

Description: The AuctionPricingDetail element identifies details of the pricing associated with the auction.

AuctionResult (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuctionResultHeader ,  ListOfAuctionResultDetail ,  AuctionResultSummary

Description: The AuctionResult element is used to call for the results of the auction. This element occurs once within the document.

AuctionResultDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuctionResultItemID (Type: Reference) ,  WinningBidIndicator (Type: boolean) ,  AuctionResultParty (Type: OrderParty) ,  AuctionResultDates (Type: OrderDates)? ,  AuctionResultCurrency (Type: Currency)? ,  ListOfAuctionResultItem ,  AuctionResultDetailNotes (Type: string)? ,  ListOfAuctionResultDetailAttachment (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description: The AuctionResultDetail element contains the results from the auction. The AuctionResultDetail includes details of the winning bids from auction participants.

ListOfAuctionResultDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuctionResultDetail+

Description: The ListOfAuctionResultDetail element contains a list of AuctionReponseDetail which includes the results from the auction.

ListOfAuctionResultItem (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuctionResultItem+

Description: The ListOfAuctionResultItem element contains a list of auction line item details.

AuctionResultItem (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: ItemDetail

Description: The AuctionResultItem element contains all the line item details for the auction result document from a given auction participant. This extends ItemDetails with ListMVBVariable.

AuctionResultHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuctionResultPurpose (Type: Purpose) ,  AuctionResultIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  AuctionResultID (Type: Reference) ,  AuctionCreateReference (Type: Reference) ,  ForwardAuctionIndicator (Type: boolean) ,  InitiatingParty (Type: Party)? ,  Language ,  ListOfReferenceCoded? ,  AuctionResultListOfAttachment (Type: ListOfAttachment)? ,  AuctionResultGeneralNote (Type: string)?

Description: The AuctionResultHeader element contains all the auction result header-level information.

AuctionResultResponse (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuctionResultResponseHeader

Description: The AuctionResultResponse element is used to respond to a document calling for the result of the auction. The auction initiator can send the AuctionResultResponse to communicate status of the AuctionResult receipt.

AuctionResultResponseCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the returned response from the AuctionResult message.

Value: Enumeration, including:

AuctionResultResponseHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuctionResultResponsePurpose (Type: Purpose) ,  AuctionResultResponseIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  AuctionResultResponseID (Type: string) ,  AuctionCreateReference (Type: Reference) ,  AuctionResultReference (Type: Reference)? ,  AuctionResultResponseCoded (Type: AuctionResultResponseCode) ,  AuctionResultResponseCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  Language ,  GeneralNote (Type: string)?

Description: The AuctionResultResponseHeader element contains all the auction result response header-level information. This element occurs once within the document.

AuctionResultSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TotalNumAuctionResults (Type: int)? ,  TotalNumWinningBids (Type: int)? ,  TotalNumParticipants (Type: int)?

Description: The AuctionResultSummary element contains summary information pertinent to the AuctionResult.

AuctionSpecifications (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuctionCreateName (Type: string)? ,  AuctionType (Type: string)? ,  AuctionStatus (Type: string)? ,  PartialBidIndicator (Type: boolean)?

Description: The AuctionSpecifications element contains specifications to define the AuctionCreate document. This includes the AuctionCreateName, AuctionType, AuctionStatus, and PartialBidIndicator.

AvailabilityCheckRequest (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AvailabilityCheckRequestHeader ,  AvailabilityCheckRequestDetail? ,  AvailabilityCheckRequestSummary?

Description: The AvailabilityCheckRequest element contains a request to check the availability of a specified list of items. All items in the list are offered by a single supplier to a single buyer account.

AvailabilityCheckRequestDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ListOfAvailabilityCheckRequestItemDetail

Description: The AvailabilityCheckRequestDetail element contains the line item detail information for the AvailabilityCheckRequest.

AvailabilityCheckRequestBaseItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: BaseItemDetail

Description: The AvailabilityCheckRequestBaseItemDetail element contains the identifying and descriptive information for the line items in AvailabilityCheckRequest.

AvailabilityCheckRequestHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AvailabilityCheckRequestID (Type: Reference) ,  AvailabilityCheckRequestIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  SupplierParty (Type: Party) ,  SupplierIDReferenceDate (Type: datetime)? ,  BuyerParty (Type: Party) ,  BuyerIDReferenceDate (Type: datetime)? ,  AvailabilityShipToParty (Type: Party) ,  AvailabilityCheckRequestLanguage (Type: Language)? ,  AvailabilityCheckRequestNote (Type: string)? ,  RequestListOfAttachment (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description: The AvailabilityCheckRequestHeader element holds reference dates, supplier and buyer information, and any special notes associated with the AvailabilityCheckRequest. This element occurs once within the document.

AvailabilityCheckRequestItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AvailabilityCheckRequestBaseItemDetail ,  GeneralLineItemNote (Type: string)? ,  LineItemAttachment (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description: The AvailabilityCheckRequestItemDetail element contains the item detail for the AvailabilityCheckRequest.

ListOfAvailabilityCheckRequestItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AvailabilityCheckRequestItemDetail+

Description: The ListOfAvailabilityCheckRequestItemDetail element contains a list of the line items for the AvailalbilityCheckRequest.

AvailabilityCheckRequestSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TotalNumberOfLineItem (Type: int)?

Description: The AvailabilityCheckRequestSummary element contains summary information of the AvailabilityCheckRequest, typically totals of numerical fields.

AvailabilityCheckResult (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AvailabilityCheckResultHeader ,  AvailabilityCheckResultDetail? ,  AvailabilityCheckResultSummary?

Description: The AvailabilityCheckResult element is the element containing the resulting response to an AvailabilityCheckRequest for specific supplier items.

AvailabilityCheckResultDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ListOfAvailabilityCheckResultItemDetail

Description: The AvailabilityCheckResultDetail element contains the line item detail information for the AvailabilityCheckResult.

AvailabilityCheckResultHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AvailabilityCheckResultID (Type: Reference) ,  AvailabilityCheckResultIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  SupplierParty (Type: Party) ,  SupplierIDReferenceDate (Type: datetime)? ,  BuyerParty (Type: Party) ,  BuyerIDReferenceDate (Type: datetime)? ,  AvailabilityShipToParty (Type: Party) ,  AvailabilityCheckResultLanguage (Type: Language)? ,  AvailabilityCheckResultNote (Type: string)? ,  ResultListOfAttachment (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description: The AvailabilityCheckResultHeader element holds reference dates, supplier and buyer information, and any special notes associated with the AvailabilityCheckResult. This element occurs once within the document.

AvailabilityCheckResultItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: QuotedItem ,  AvailableQuantity (Type: Quantity) ,  AvailabilityErrorInfo (Type: ErrorInfo)? ,  GeneralLineItemNote (Type: string)? ,  LineItemAttachment (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description: The AvailabilityCheckResultItemDetail element contains the item detail information in response to the AvailabilityCheckRequest line item information.

ListOfAvailabilityCheckResultItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AvailabilityCheckResultItemDetail+

Description: The ListOfAvailabilityCheckResultItemDetail element contains a list of line items for the AvailabilityCheckResult.

AvailabilityCheckResultSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AvailabilityItemErrors (Type: int) ,  SummaryErrorInfo (Type: ErrorInfo)? ,  TotalNumberOfLineItem (Type: int)?

Description: The AvailabilityCheckResultSummary element contains summary information of the AvailabilityCheckResult including total number of line items.

AvailabilityDeliveryOption (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AvailabilityDeliveryOptionCoded (Type: AvailabilityDeliveryOptionCode) ,  AvailabilityDeliveryOptionCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The AvailabilityDeliveryOption element contains the type of delivery for the AvailabilityToPromise document.

AvailabilityDeliveryOptionCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of the AvailabilityToPromise.

Value: Enumeration, including:

AvailabilityToPromise (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AvailabilityToPromiseHeader ,  AvailabilityToPromiseDetail? ,  AvailabilityToPromiseSummary?

Description: The AvailabilityToPromise element consists of the request for availability to be sent from a buyer to a supplier or a number of suppliers. The request for availability can also be received from an outside source by a supplier. The request is used to determine when, where and how many of the requested goods the supplier(s) can supply, in many cases the request will be sent to existing suppliers only.

AvailabilityToPromiseDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ListOfAvailabilityToPromiseItemDetail?

Description: The AvailabilityToPromiseDetail element is the container for the AvailabilityToPromise information.

ListOfAvailabilityToPromiseItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AvailabilityToPromiseItemDetail+

Description: The ListOfAvailabilityToPromiseItemDetail element is the container for the list of line items.

AvailabilityToPromiseItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AvailabilityToPromiseBaseItemDetail (Type: BaseItemDetail) ,  AvailabilityToPromiseDeliveryDetail (Type: DeliveryDetail)? ,  AvailabilityToPromiseTransportDetail (Type: Transport)? ,  AvailabilityToPromiseItemListOfAttachment (Type: ListOfAttachment)? ,  GeneralNote (Type: string)?

Description: The AvailabilityToPromiseItemDetail element contains the line item detail information.

AvailabilityToPromiseHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AvailabilityID (Type: Reference) ,  AvailabilityIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  ListOfReferenceCoded? ,  AvailabilityToPromisePurpose ,  AvailabilityDeliveryOption ,  InitiatingParty (Type: Party) ,  AvailabilityShipToParty (Type: Party)? ,  AvailabilityToPromiseHeaderTransport (Type: TransportRouting)? ,  GeneralNote (Type: string)? ,  AvailabilityToPromiseListOfAttachment (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description: The AvailabilityToPromiseHeader element holds all AvailabilitytoPromise header-level information. This element occurs once within the document.

AvailabilityToPromisePurpose (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AvailabilityToPromisePurposeCoded (Type: AvailabilityToPromisePurposeCode) ,  AvailabilityToPromisePurposeCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The AvailabilityToPromisePurpose element is a container for the AvailabilitytoPromise purpose details.

AvailabilityToPromisePurposeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the purpose of the AvailabilityToPromise message. This is a subset codelist derived from EDIFACT 1225 (Message Function, Coded) and X12 353 (Transaction Set Purpose Code) and 587 (Acknowledgement Type Code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

AvailabilityToPromiseResponse (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AvailabilityToPromiseResponseHeader ,  AvailabilityToPromiseResponseDetail? ,  AvailabilityToPromiseResponseSummary?

Description: The AvailabilityToPromiseResponse element is used to respond to an AvailabilityToPromise document. This element occurs once within the document.

AvailabilityToPromiseResponseDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ListOfAvailabilityToPromiseResponseItemDetail?

Description: The AvailabilityToPromiseResponseDetail element is the container for the AvailabilityToPromiseResponse document.

ListOfAvailabilityToPromiseResponseItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AvailabilityToPromiseResponseItemDetail+

Description: The ListOfAvailabilityToPromiseResponseItemDetail element is the container for the list of line items.

AvailabilityToPromiseResponseItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AvailabilityToPromiseItemResponse (Type: AvailabilityToPromisePurpose)? ,  AvailabilityToPromiseResponseBaseItemDetail (Type: BaseItemDetail) ,  AvailabilityToPromiseResponseDeliveryDetail (Type: DeliveryDetail)? ,  AvailabilityToPromiseResponseTransportDetail (Type: Transport)? ,  AvailabilityToPromiseResponseItemListOfAttachment (Type: ListOfAttachment)? ,  GeneralNote (Type: string)?

Description: The AvailabilityToPromiseResponseItemDetail element is the container for the list of line items.

AvailabilityToPromiseResponseHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AvailabilityResponseID (Type: Reference) ,  AvailabilityResponseIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  AvailabilityToPromiseID (Type: Reference) ,  ATPResponse ,  ListOfReferenceCoded? ,  AvailabilityResponseDeliveryOption (Type: AvailabilityDeliveryOption) ,  InitiatingParty (Type: Party) ,  AvailabilityShipToParty (Type: Party)? ,  AvailabilityResponseHeaderTransport (Type: TransportRouting)? ,  GeneralNote (Type: string)? ,  AvailabilityResponseListOfAttachment (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description: The AvailabilityToPromiseResponseHeader element holds all AvailabilityToPromiseResponse header-level information. This element occurs once within the document.

AvailabilityToPromiseResponseSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TotalNumberOfLineItems (Type: int)?

Description: The AvailabilityToPromiseResponseSummary element details summarizing the AvailabilityToPromiseResponse document.

AvailabilityToPromiseSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TotalNumberOfLineItems (Type: int)?

Description: The AvailabilityToPromiseSummary element contains details summarizing the AvailabilityToPromise document.

BankDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: BankCountry (Type: Country) ,  BankKey (Type: string)? ,  SWIFTCode (Type: string)? ,  BankAccountNumber (Type: string) ,  InternationalBankAccountNumber (Type: string)? ,  TradingPartnerAccountHolder (Type: string)? ,  BankAccountControlKey (Type: string)? ,  BankReference (Type: string)?

Description: The BankDetail element provides detailed bank information for the organization.

ListOfBankDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: BankDetail

Description: The ListOfBankDetail element provides a list of one or more bank details for the organization.

BaseCharacteristicLocation (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: LocationAttributeID (Type: string) ,  LocationAttributeName (Type: Identifier)* ,  LocationAttributeDescription (Type: string)? ,  Location? ,  LocationNotes (Type: string)? ,  OtherLocationAttribute (Type: CharacteristicAttribute)?

Description: The BaseCharacteristicLocation element contains the details describing a location. It also includes a generic characteristic field to allow for user specific location related data.

BaseCharacteristicProduct (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ProductAttributeID (Type: string) ,  ProductAttributeName (Type: Identifier)* ,  ProductAttributeDescription (Type: string)? ,  ListOfDimension? ,  ProductNotes (Type: string)? ,  OtherProductAttribute (Type: CharacteristicAttribute)?

Description: The BaseCharacteristicProduct element contains the details describing a characteristic product. It also includes a generic characteristic field to allow for user-specific product related data.

BaseItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: LineItemNum ,  LineItemType? ,  ParentItemNumber (Type: LineItemNumberReference)? ,  ItemIdentifiers? ,  ListOfDimension? ,  TotalQuantity (Type: Quantity)? ,  MaxBackOrderQuantity (Type: Quantity)? ,  OffCatalogFlag (Type: boolean)? ,  ListOfItemReferences (Type: ListOfReferenceCoded)? ,  CountryOfOrigin (Type: Country)? ,  CountryOfDestination (Type: Country)? ,  FinalRecipient (Type: Party)? ,  ConditionsOfSale? ,  HazardousMaterials (Type: Hazardous)?

Description:  The BaseItemDetail element identifies the line item for the document. This contains the description, specific identifiers, weights, measures and other information associated with the product.

LineItemNum (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: BuyerLineItemNum (Type: int) ,  SellerLineItemNum (Type: int)?

Description:  The LineItemNum element a set of numbers uniquely identifying the line item for the number. In the case where the seller's system. splits a line item number into 2 line items, the buyer item number will remain the same for both line items, but the seller item number will be different.

LineItemType (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: LineItemTypeCoded (Type: LineItemTypeCode) ,  LineItemTypeCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description:  The LineItemType element contains information on whether the line item is part of a component group.

LineItemNumberReference (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: int

Attribute: Name: LineItemNumTypeCoded - Data Type: LineItemNumTypeCode - Default Value: "Buyer"

Description:  The LineItemNumberReference element identifies a line item number and whether that number was assigned by the buyer or the seller. This is a string content model.

LineItemTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies whether the line item is a single or component line item.

Value: Enumeration, including:

LineItemNumTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the party that assigned the line item number.

Value: Enumeration, including:

ItemCharacteristic (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ItemCharacteristicCoded (Type: ItemCharacteristicCode)? ,  ItemCharacteristicCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  SurfaceLayerPositionCoded (Type: SurfaceLayerPositionCode)? ,  SurfaceLayerPositionCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  ItemCharacteristicValue (Type: string) ,  UnitOfMeasurement?

Description:  The ItemCharacteristic element is a container element that contains the physical attributes other than dimensions of an item.

ListOfItemCharacteristic (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ItemCharacteristic+

Description:  The ListOfItemCharacteristic element is a collection of one or more characteristics that describe the item such as surface finishes.

BasePlanningDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: BaseItemDetail

Description: The BasePlanningDetail element extends BaseItemDetail to include item schedule reference, release frequency and item quantities.

BaseShippingDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: BaseItemDetail

Description: The BaseShippingDetail element extends BaseItemDetail to include item schedule reference, release frequency and item quantities.

BasicResponseCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the header level acknowledgement to be sent in response to the AuctionCreate message.

Value: Enumeration, including:

AlphaNum3 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Variable String, Maxlength: 3

Description:  The AlphaNum3 datatype is a string with a maximum length of 3.

AlphaNum6 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Variable String, Maxlength: 6

Description:  The AlphaNum6 datatype is a string with a maximum length of 6.

AlphaNum9 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Variable String, Maxlength: 9

Description:  The AlphaNum9 datatype is a string with a maximum length of 9.

AlphaNum14 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Variable String, Maxlength: 14

Description:  The AlphaNum14 datatype is a string with a maximum length of 14.

AlphaNum17 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Variable String, Maxlength: 17

Description:  The AlphaNum17 datatype is a string with a maximum length of 17.

AlphaNum20 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Variable String, Maxlength: 20

Description:  The AlphaNum20 datatype is a string with a maximum length of 20.

AlphaNum35 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Variable String, Maxlength: 35

Description:  The AlphaNum35 datatype is a string with a maximum length of 35.

AlphaNum40 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Variable String, Maxlength: 40

Description:  The AlphaNum40 datatype is a string with a maximum length of 40.

AlphaNum50 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Variable String, Maxlength: 50

Description:  The AlphaNum50 datatype is a string with a maximum length of 50.

AlphaNum70 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Variable String, Maxlength: 70

Description:  The AlphaNum70 datatype is a string with a maximum length of 70.

AlphaNum80 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Variable String, Maxlength: 80

Description:  The AlphaNum80 datatype is a string with a maximum length of 80.

AlphaNum256 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Variable String, Maxlength: 256


Used for free-form notes

AlphaNum512 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Variable String, Maxlength: 512

Description:  The AlphaNum512 datatype is a string with a maximum length of 512.

Decimal2_0 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Scalar, Datatype: number, Digits: 2, Decimals: 0


numeric datatypes

Decimal6_0 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Scalar, Datatype: number, Digits: 6, Decimals: 0

Description:  The Decimal6_0 datatype a Decimal6_0 double is intended to hold a decimal double with up to 6 digits of precision, including up to 6 digits to the left of the decimal sign and 0 digits to the right.

Decimal15_3 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Scalar, Datatype: number, Digits: 12, Decimals: 3


A Decimal15_3 double is intended to hold a decimal double with up to 15 digits of precision, including up to 15 digits to the left of the decimal sign and 3 digits to the right.

Decimal15_4 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Scalar, Datatype: number, Digits: 11, Decimals: 4

Description:  The Decimal15_4 datatype a Decimal15_4 double is intended to hold a decimal double with up to 15 digits of precision, including up to 11 digits to the left of the decimal sign and 4 digits to the right.

Decimal18_3 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Scalar, Datatype: number, Digits: 15, Decimals: 3


A Decimal18_3 double is intended to hold a decimal double with up to 18 digits of precision, including up to 15 digits to the left of the decimal sign and 3 digits to the right.

Decimal8_2 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Scalar, Datatype: number, Digits: 6, Decimals: 2


A Decimal8_2 double is intended to hold a decimal double with up to 8 digits of precision, including up to 6 digits to the left of the decimal sign and 2 digits to the right.

Decimal10_4 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Scalar, Datatype: number, Digits: 6, Decimals: 4

Description:  The Decimal10_4 datatype a Decimal10_4 double is intended to hold a decimal double with up to 10 digits of precision, including up to 6 digits to the left of the decimal sign and 4 digits to the right.

Decimal21_6 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Scalar, Datatype: number, Digits: 15, Decimals: 6

Description:  The Decimal21_6 datatype a Decimal21_6 double is intended to hold a decimal double with up to 21 digits of precision, including up to 15 digits to the left of the decimal sign and 6 digits to the right.

Decimal19_9 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Scalar, Datatype: number, Digits: 10, Decimals: 9

Description:  The Decimal19_9 datatype a Decimal19_9 double is intended to hold a decimal double with up to 19 digits of precision, including up to 10 digits to the left of the decimal sign and 9 digits to the right.

PosInt_6 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Scalar, Datatype: int, Digits: 6, Decimals: 0


A PosInt_6 double is intended to hold an positive integer comprised of up to 6 base 10 characters

AlphaNum60 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Variable String, Maxlength: 60

Description:  The AlphaNum60 datatype is a string with a maximum length of 60.

AlphaNum30 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Variable String, Maxlength: 30

Description:  The AlphaNum30 datatype is a string with a maximum length of 30.

AlphaNum10 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Variable String, Maxlength: 10

Description:  The AlphaNum10 datatype is a string with a maximum length of 10.

Float_16 (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Scalar, Datatype: float, Digits: 16

Description:  The Float_16 datatype a floating point value with a maximum number of 16 digits.

BidRuleCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the bidding requirements for the AuctionResultResponse message.

Value: Enumeration, including:

BuyerSupplierCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the role of a trading partner, or otherwise qualifies a piece of data that could come from more than one source within the trading relationship.

Value: Enumeration, including:

CatalogContract (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: CatalogContractID (Type: string) ,  CatalogContractItemID (Type: string)

Attribute: Name: Type - Data Type: BuyerSupplierCode - Default Value: "Buyer"

Description: The CatalogContract element contains information to identify the buyer's or supplier's contract, and the item identification in terms of that contract.

CatalogData (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Product*

Description: The CatalogData element is a container for instances of products described in the ProductCatalog.

CatalogHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: CatalogID (Type: string) ,  CatalogDate (Type: date)? ,  CatalogProvider? ,  ListOfPartners? ,  ValidFrom (Type: date)? ,  ValidUntil (Type: date)? ,  CatalogVersion (Type: number)? ,  DefaultLanguage? ,  DefaultCurrency (Type: Currency)? ,  IsReplacement? ,  IsPriceUpdate? ,  IsMultiVendor? ,  ShortDescription* ,  LongDescription* ,  ObjectAttribute*

Description:  The CatalogHeader element provides administrative information about the catalog including its provider, and suppliers and other trading partners present in the catalog.

DefaultLanguage (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: EMPTY

Attribute: Name: lang - Data Type:
xmllang - Default Value: "en"

Description:  The DefaultLanguage element contains the attribute xml:lang indicating the language that should be assumed for the catalog, When it is not specified explicitly on a particular element. The value for xml:lang must be a valid RFC 1766 language code, and as such is not restricted to the coded values typically used for this purpose in xCBL (although these are RFC 1766-compliant).

IsReplacement (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: EMPTY

Description:  The IsReplacement element is an element whose presence in the catalog indicates that this is a complete replacement for an existing catalog.

IsPriceUpdate (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: EMPTY

Description:  The IsPriceUpdate element is an element whose presence indicates that the catalog is only being used to update prices.

IsMultiVendor (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: EMPTY

Description:  The IsMultiVendor element is an element whose presence indicates that the catalog is a multivendor catalog. If a product is multivendor, price should only appear under ProductVendorData.

CatalogProvider (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Party? ,  CatalogSystem?

Attribute: Name: ProviderID - Data Type: string - Default Value: #IMPLIED

Description:  The CatalogProvider element specifies the providing party of this catalog. Contains an optional Party subelement.

CatalogSystem (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: SystemAddress (Type: string) ,  SystemType (Type: string)

Description:  The CatalogSystem element specifies the system address and type of system of this catalog. Contains 2 mandatory subelements.

CatalogSchema (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: SchemaName (Type: string) ,  SchemaVersion (Type: number)? ,  SchemaStandard (Type: string)? ,  SchemaSource (Type: URI)? ,  ValidateAttributes? ,  ShortDescription* ,  LongDescription* ,  SchemaCategory*

Attribute: Name: Type - Data Type: BuyerSupplierCode - Default Value: "Supplier"

Description: The CatalogSchema element holds optional, creator-configured information about the structure of products in the catalog.

ValidateAttributes (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: EMPTY

Description: The ValidateAttributes element is an element whose presence indicates that the category attributes should be validated.

CategoryAttribute (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AttributeID (Type: string) ,  AttributeName* ,  AttributeType ,  IsRequired?

Description: The CategoryAttribute element holds a list of the category's attribute definitions, as described in its child elements.

AttributeName (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


Attribute: Name: lang - Data Type: xmllang - Default Value: "en"

Description: The AttributeName element contains the name of the attribute. Multilanguage support is provided by potentially having multiple AttributeName elements, each of which has an xml:lang attribute. xml:lang must contain a value that is a valid RFC 1766 language code. If not specified in DefaultLanguage or in a specific element, the value is assumed to be en for "English.".

IsRequired (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: EMPTY

Description: The IsRequired element indicates, by its presence in the message, that the attribute is required. This should be reflected by the validation behavior of the processing application.

ChangeOrder (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ChangeOrderHeader ,  ChangeOrderDetail? ,  ChangeOrderSummary?

Description: The ChangeOrder element ChangeOrder allows a requisitioner or buyer to initiate a change to an already existing order. A seller uses the OrderResponse document to accept or reject an order or a changed order.

ChangeOrderDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ListOfChangeOrderItemDetail? ,  ListOfChangeOrderPackageDetail?

Description: The ChangeOrderDetail element is an optional section providing a list of line items. This list can only include those which were changed, the entire line item list, or no line items at all. This should be used in accordance with the OrderHeaderPurpose selected in the ChangeOrderHeader.

ChangeOrderHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ChangeOrderNumber ,  ChangeOrderSequence (Type: string) ,  ChangeOrderIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  OrderReference (Type: Reference) ,  SellerParty (Type: Party) ,  BuyerParty (Type: Party) ,  ListOfReferenceCoded? ,  Purpose ,  RequestedResponse? ,  ChangeType ,  OrderType? ,  OriginalOrderHeader (Type: OrderHeader)? ,  OrderHeaderChanges (Type: OrderHeader)? ,  ChangeOrderHeaderNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfStructuredNote?

Description: The ChangeOrderHeader element contains the header information of the OrderChange.

ChangeOrderNumber (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: BuyerChangeOrderNumber (Type: string) ,  SellerChangeOrderNumber (Type: string)? ,  ListOfMessageID?

Description: The ChangeOrderNumber element indicates the unique number assigned to the ChangeOrder, typically according to the system that generated the ChangeOrderNumber.

ChangeOrderItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ItemDetailChangeCoded (Type: DetailChangeCode) ,  ItemDetailChangeCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  ListOfReferenceCoded? ,  OriginalItemDetail (Type: ItemDetail)? ,  ItemDetailChanges (Type: ItemDetail)? ,  LineItemNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfStructuredNote?

Description: The ChangeOrderItemDetail element contains a qualifier for the type of change made to the line item, the line item itself, and note field for any additional information to be provided.

ListOfChangeOrderItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ChangeOrderItemDetail+

Description: The ListOfChangeOrderItemDetail element holds change information for the item detail information.

ChangeOrderPackageDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PackageDetailChangeCoded (Type: DetailChangeCode) ,  PackageDetailChangeCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  OriginalPackageDetail (Type: PackageDetail)? ,  PackageDetailChanges (Type: PackageDetail)? ,  PackageDetailNote (Type: string)?

Description: The ChangeOrderPackageDetail element holds a change information for the package detail.

ListOfChangeOrderPackageDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ChangeOrderPackageDetail+

Description: The ListOfChangeOrderPackageDetail element holds change information for the package detail information.

ChangeOrderSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OriginalOrderSummary (Type: OrderSummary)? ,  RevisedOrderSummary (Type: OrderSummary)?

Description: The ChangeOrderSummary element is the summary section for the ChangeOrder. This contains the same information as the OrderSummary.

ChangeType (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ChangeTypeCoded (Type: ChangeTypeCode) ,  ChangeTypeCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The ChangeType element identifies the type of change in the ChangeOrder.

ChangeTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of change initiated by the ChangeOrder message. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 1225 (Message function code)and 1229 (Action request/notification description code) and X12 353 (Transaction set purpose code) and 670(Change or response type code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

CharacteristicAttribute (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: CharacteristicName (Type: string) ,  CharacteristicAttributeID (Type: string) ,  CharacteristicAttributeName (Type: Identifier)* ,  CharacteristicAttributeDescription (Type: string)? ,  ListOfDimension? ,  CharacteristicAttributeNote (Type: string)? ,  OtherCharacteristicAttribute (Type: CharacteristicAttribute)*

Description: The CharacteristicAttribute element contains the details relevant to describing a characteristic. It also includes a generic characteristic field to allow for user-defined data.

CharacteristicCombination (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: CharacteristicCombinationPurposeCoded (Type: TimeSeriesPurposeCode)? ,  CharacteristicCombinationPurposeCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  CharacteristicCombinationResponseCoded (Type: TimeSeriesErrorCode)? ,  CharacteristicCombinationResponseCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  CharacteristicCombinationID (Type: string) ,  CharacteristicProduct? ,  CharacteristicLocation? ,  CharacteristicProductGroup? ,  CharacteristicOther*

Description: The CharacteristicCombination element defines a single characteristic combination for the time series.

ListOfCharacteristicCombinations (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: CharacteristicCombination+

Description: The ListOfCharacteristicCombinations element contains a list of all the characteristic combinations for the time series. This element can be sent in a separate transmission from the time series document (without the key figure and time series value information) to serve as an initial setup/configuration process.

CharacteristicLocation (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: SourceLocation (Type: BaseCharacteristicLocation)? ,  TargetLocation (Type: BaseCharacteristicLocation)?

Description: The CharacteristicLocation element contains the basic elements used to describe a characteristic location with respect to the source and target systems.

CharacteristicOther (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: SourceCharacteristicsOther (Type: CharacteristicAttribute)? ,  TargetCharacteristicsOther (Type: CharacteristicAttribute)?

Description: The CharacteristicOther element is a generic configurable characteristic element that can be used to describe various characteristics of a time series. This element is given with respect to the source and target systems.

CharacteristicProduct (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: SourceProduct (Type: BaseCharacteristicProduct)? ,  TargetProduct (Type: BaseCharacteristicProduct)?

Description: The CharacteristicProduct element contains the basic elements used to describe a characteristic product with respect to the source and target systems.

CharacteristicProductGroup (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: SourceProductGroup (Type: BaseCharacteristicProduct)? ,  TargetProductGroup (Type: BaseCharacteristicProduct)?

Description: The CharacteristicProductGroup element contains the basic elements used to describe a characteristic product group with respect to the source and target systems.

ChargeRegulationCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the party responsible for the payment of fees.

Value: Enumeration, including:

CodeListIdentifierCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the code list used. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 1131 (Code list identification code) and X12 1270 (Code list identifier code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

CommitmentLevelCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the commitment level for the forecast. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 4017 (Delivery plan commitment level code) and X12 680 (Forecast Qualifier)

Value: Enumeration, including:

CommunicationDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: CommunicationDetailDescription (Type: string)? ,  PersonCommunicationType ,  CommunicationValue (Type: string) ,  DefaultCommunication (Type: boolean)?

Description:  The CommunicationDetail element is the information of the communication detail for the person.

ListOfCommunicationDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: CommunicationDetail+

Description: The ListOfCommunicationDetail element is a container that holds one or more CommunicationDetail elements.

PersonCommunicationType (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PersonCommunicationTypeCoded (Type: PersonCommunicationTypeCode) ,  PersonCommunicationTypeCodedOther (Type: string)

Description: The PersonCommunicationType element is container to hold the coded list of the communication method of the person.

PersonCommunicationTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the communication type of the person involved.

Value: Enumeration, including:

Company (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: Party

Description: The Company element contains information pertinent to identifying a company. This element extends the Party definition with an Industry sector code.

ConditionsCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the conditions that apply to a measurement value. This code list is derived from X12 935 (Measurement significance code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

ConditionsOfSale (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: SalesRequirement+ ,  SalesActionCoded (Type: SalesActionCode)? ,  SalesActionCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  SalesActionValue (Type: string)?

Description: The ConditionsOfSale element details the conditions of sale for the item.

SalesActionCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code indicates the type of sales action. This code list is derived from X12 306 (Action code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

Contact (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ContactID (Type: Identifier)? ,  ContactName (Type: string) ,  ContactFunction? ,  ContactDescription (Type: string)? ,  ListOfContactNumber?

Description: The Contact element contains the means for contacting a person or department.

ContactNumber (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ContactNumberValue (Type: string) ,  ContactNumberTypeCoded (Type: ContactNumberTypeCode) ,  ContactNumberTypeCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description:  The ContactNumber element contains the channel and value of a communication point.

ContactFunction (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ContactFunctionCoded (Type: ContactFunctionCode) ,  ContactFunctionCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description:  The ContactFunction element describes the purpose of the contact.

ContactNumberTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


Identifies the channel of communication. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 3155 (Communication number code qualifier) and X12 365 (Communication number qualifier)

Value: Enumeration, including:

ListOfContact (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Contact+

Description:  The ListOfContact element lists the information on one or more contacts for an entity.

ListOfContactNumber (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ContactNumber+

Description:  The ListOfContactNumber element lists one or more communication points.

ContactFunctionCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the major duty or responsibility of the person or department for contact purposes. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 3139 (Contact function code) and X12 366 (Contact function code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

ContactRelationType (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ContactRelationTypeCoded (Type: ContactRelationTypeCode) ,  ContactRelationTypeCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The ContactRelationType element defines the contact relation type of a contact as primarily always being a 'contact person' to the trading partner organization he/she is assigned to. In addition to that a relationship describes the function of a contact role to the trading partner.

ContactRelationTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of the contact relation.

Value: Enumeration, including:

Contract (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ContractID (Type: Identifier) ,  ContractType? ,  ValidityDates?

Description:  The Contract element provides the details of an agreement between trading partners.

ContractType (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ContractTypeCoded (Type: ContractTypeCode) ,  ContractTypeCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description:  The ContractType element identifies the type of contract.

ListOfContract (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Contract+

Description:  The ListOfContract element lists the information on one or more contracts. This includes the identifier and the type of contract.

ContractTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of the contract. This code list is derived from X12 1166 (Contract type code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

Country (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: CountryCoded (Type: CountryCode) ,  CountryCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description:  The Country element identifies a country.

CountryCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies a country. This code list is derived from ISO 3166-1997

Value: Enumeration, including:

Currency (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: CurrencyCoded (Type: CurrencyCode) ,  CurrencyCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description:  The Currency element identifies a currency.

CurrencyCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of currency being used. This codelist is derived from ISO recommendation no.9

Value: Enumeration, including:

DataTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the data type of the AuctionItemAttribute.

Value: Enumeration, including:

DateCoded (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Date (Type: datetime) ,  DateQualifier

Description:  The DateCoded element is a container for a date that has its function indicated with a qualifier.

DateQualifier (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: DateQualifierCoded (Type: DateQualifierCode) ,  DateQualifierCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description:  The DateQualifier element is a container for the code qualifying a date.

ListOfDateCoded (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: DateCoded+

Description:  The ListOfDateCoded element lists one or more dates that are qualified with a function.

DateFormat (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: DateFormatCoded (Type: DateFormatCode) ,  DateFormatCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The DateFormat element supplies the preferred date format that an application should use when displaying this value to the user. It does not describe the format in which the date is sent in the document.

DateFormatCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Value: Enumeration, including:

DateQualifierCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the function of a date, time or period. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 2005 (Date or time or period function code qualifier) and X12 374 (Date/Time qualifier)

Value: Enumeration, including:

DateTimeRefCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code references to a point in time. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 2475 (Payment time reference code) and X12 333 (Term basis date code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

DeliveryDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ShipToLocation (Type: Location)? ,  ShipFromLocation (Type: Location)? ,  ListOfScheduleLine? ,  ItemPackagingReference? ,  SimplePackageNote (Type: string)? ,  TermsOfDelivery? ,  CargoClassification?

Description: The DeliveryDetail element is used to specify the scheduling information for a distinct set of ship from party, ship to party, and transport information for the line item.

CargoClassification (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: NatureOfGoods (Type: Identifier)? ,  OperationalTypeCoded (Type: OperationalTypeCode)? ,  OperationalTypeCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  TypeOfCargo (Type: string)?

Description: The CargoClassification element contains different conventions for the classification and description of the goods being transported.

OperationalTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the classification type of the cargo. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 7085 (Cargo type classification code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

Description (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: DescriptionText (Type: string) ,  Language

Description:  The Description element is used to provide a free form description with the Language which it is written in.

ListOfDescription (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Description+

Description: The ListOfDescription element contains a list of descriptions.

DetailChangeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of change to the line item. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 1229 and X12 668 and 670

Value: Enumeration, including:

DetailResponseCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the response for the line item detail. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 1225 (Message function code), 1229 (Action request/notification description code), and 4343 (Response type code) and X12 353 (Transaction set purpose code), 587 (Acknowledgment type), and 670 (Change or response type code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

Dimension (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Measurement ,  DimensionCoded (Type: DimensionCode) ,  DimensionCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description:  The Dimension element is quantitative physical characteristic.

ListOfDimension (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Dimension+

Description:  The ListOfDimension element is a container for a list of one or more dimension elements.

DimensionCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the attribute measured. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 6313 (Measured attribute code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

DocumentTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This identifies the type of document. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 1001 (Document Code Name).

Value: Enumeration, including:

EncryptedInfo (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: CertificateAuthority (Type: string)? ,  ListOfEncryptedField

Description: The EncryptedInfo element contains a placeholder to store customer or bank specific encrypted fields.

ListOfEncryptedField (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: EncryptedField+

Description: The ListOfEncryptedField element is a a list of encrypted fields.

EncryptedField (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Sequence (Type: int)? ,  EncryptedData (Type: string)

Description: The EncryptedField element contains a generic structure to store encrypted data.

EquipmentOwnerCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the relationship of equipment to carrier or ownership of equipment. This code list is derived from X12 102 (Ownership code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

EquipmentProviderCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the party that is the provider of the equipment. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 8077 (Equipment supplier code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

EquipmentSizeTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the size and type of the equipment. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 8155 (Equipment size and type description code) and X12 40 (Equipment description code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

EquipmentStatusCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the status of the equipment. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 8249

Value: Enumeration, including:

ErrorInfo (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: CompletionText (Type: string) ,  CompletionMsg (Type: LanguageString) ,  Severity ,  ListOfParameter? ,  MinRetrySecs (Type: int)? ,  SwVendorErrorRef (Type: string)?

Description:  The ErrorInfo element is used by the receiving application to return complete information about errors encountered during processing of a message.

ListOfParameter (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Parameter (Type: string)+

Description:  The ListOfParameter element is a collection of one or more Parameter elements.

ListOfErrorInfo (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ErrorInfo+

Description:  The ListOfErrorInfo element is a collection of one or more ErrorInfo elements.

Severity (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: SeverityCoded (Type: SeverityCode) ,  SeverityCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description:  The Severity element is a container for stating the severity of an error.

SeverityCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code indicates the severity of an error.

Value: Enumeration, including:

FIAccountDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AccountDetail ,  FinancialInstitution

Description:  The FIAccountDetail element is a container for the financial institution and account details.

FIAccount (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AccountDetail? ,  FinancialInstitution

Description: The FIAccount element describes account information including account numbers, institution and branch.

AccountDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AccountID (Type: string) ,  SecondaryAccountID (Type: string)? ,  IBAN (Type: string)? ,  AccountControlKey (Type: string)? ,  AccountTypeCoded (Type: AccountTypeCode) ,  AccountTypeCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  AccountName1 (Type: string) ,  AccountName2 (Type: string)? ,  Currency? ,  AccountReferences (Type: ListOfReferenceCoded)?

Description: The AccountDetail element contains information pertinent to identifying an account within a financial institution.

FinancialInstitution (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: FinancialInstitutionID (Type: string) ,  FinancialInstitutionName (Type: string) ,  FIBranchID (Type: string)? ,  FIBranchName (Type: string)? ,  FIBranchCity (Type: string)? ,  FIBranchCountry (Type: Country)?

Description:  The FinancialInstitution element identifies a financial institution and branch.

AccountTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code indicates the type of account. This codelist is derived from X12 569 (Account Number Qualifier)

Value: Enumeration, including:

FXRateRequest (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: FXRateRequestHeader ,  ListOfFXRateRequestDetail? ,  FXRateRequestSummary?

Description:  The FXRateRequest element . The foreign exchange rate request document enables payers to retrieve a foreign exchange quote from a financial institution. The payer can initiate a Foreign Exchange Request to get a rate quote and quote reference number on two specific currency pairs. The payer will review the quote information and then decide whether this quote is satisfactory. This will allow the payer the capability to pay for goods and services in a foreign currency when they enact a Payment Request.

ListOfFXRateRequestDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: FXRateRequestDetail+

Description:  The ListOfFXRateRequestDetail element contains a list of FXRateRequestDetails. Details are optional in the case where an indicative FX rate is being requested. This is specified by the IndicativeIndicator in the header.

FXRateRequestDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: SequenceNumber (Type: int)? ,  RateQuoteID (Type: Reference)? ,  ReferenceCurrency (Type: Currency) ,  TargetCurrency (Type: Currency) ,  SettlementAmount (Type: MonetaryValue) ,  DebitAmount (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  CreditAmount (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  OriginatingFinancialInstitution (Type: FIAccountDetail)? ,  CardInfo? ,  ComputationalMethodCoded (Type: ComputationalMethodCode)? ,  ComputationalMethodCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  FXQuoteTypeCoded (Type: FXQuoteTypeCode)? ,  FXQuoteTypeCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  ListOfReference? ,  PayeeParty (Type: Party)? ,  PayerParty? ,  FXRateRequestNote (Type: string)?

Description:  The FXRateRequestDetail element contains detailed information related to the FX rates being requested.

FXRateRequestHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: FXRateRequestID (Type: Reference) ,  FXRateRequestIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  Language ,  PaymentMeanCoded (Type: PaymentMeanCode)? ,  PaymentMeanCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  PayerParty? ,  IndicativeIndicator (Type: boolean) ,  GeneralNote (Type: string)?

Description:  The FXRateRequestHeader element contains all header-related data associated with the FXRateRequest document.

FXRateRequestSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: NumberOfFXRateRequest (Type: int)?

Description:  The FXRateRequestSummary element contains summary related information for the FXRateRequest document.

FXRateResponse (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: FXRateResponseHeader ,  ListOfFXRateResponseDetail ,  FXRateResponseSummary (Type: FXRateRequestSummary)?

Description:  The FXRateResponse element . The Financial Institution sends this document to the Payer to provide a foreign exchange rate quote to obtain the currency needed to settle the payment.

ListOfFXRateResponseDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: FXRateResponseDetail+

Description:  The ListOfFXRateResponseDetail element contains a list of FXRateRequestDetail for a FX rate quote.

FXRateResponseDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: SequenceNumber (Type: int)? ,  ReferenceCurrency (Type: Currency) ,  ComputationalMethodCoded (Type: ComputationalMethodCode)? ,  ComputationalMethodCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  FXRate (Type: Decimal19_9) ,  InverseFXRate (Type: Decimal19_9)? ,  PayerParty? ,  (IndicativeRateDetail  |  SpotRateDetail) ,  ListOfPaymentReference (Type: ListOfReference)? ,  ListOfOtherPaymentInfo (Type: ListOfNameValuePair)? ,  ListOfPaymentException? ,  CertificateAuthority (Type: string)? ,  FXRateResponseNote (Type: string)?

Description:  The FXRateResponseDetail element contains detailed information pertaining to the FXRateResponse. This includes payment document information containing payment-related information at the line item level.

FXRateResponseHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: FXRateResponseID (Type: Reference) ,  FXRateResponseIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  FXRateRequestID (Type: Reference) ,  Language ,  SendingParty (Type: PayerParty)? ,  IndicativeIndicator (Type: boolean) ,  GeneralNote (Type: string)?

Description:  The FXRateResponseHeader element contains all data associated with the FXRateResponse document.

ListOfFee (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Fee+

Description:  The ListOfFee element contains a list of fees and amounts pertinent to the spot FX rate quote.

Fee (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: FeeType (Type: string)? ,  FeeValue (Type: MonetaryValue)?

Description:  The Fee element holds the description and amount elements for the fee.

FinancialChargesAllocation (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ChargeRegulationCoded (Type: ChargeRegulationCode) ,  ChargeRegulationCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  FeeAmount (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  ChargeAccount (Type: AccountDetail)?

Description: The FinancialChargesAllocation element contains information pertaining to how payment of fees will be allocated between partners.

FinancialInstitutionDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OriginatingFinancialInstitution (Type: FIAccountDetail) ,  ReceivingFinancialInstitution (Type: FIAccountDetail) ,  ListOfFinancialInstitutions (Type: ListOfFIAccount)?

Description:  The FinancialInstitutionDetail element contains specifications for the financial institution information which includes both account specific detail (i.e., account ID, account type, account holder) and financial institution specific detail (i.e., bank ID, branch ID). Financial institution information must be provided for the originating bank and associated account detail and the receiving bank and associated account detail.

ForecastFrequencyCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the release frequency of the line item. This code list is derived from X12 681 (Timing Qualifier)

Value: Enumeration, including:

Hazardous (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ListOfHazardousIdentifiers? ,  HazardClassCoded (Type: HazardClassCode)? ,  HazardClassCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  HazardousPlacardInformation? ,  HazardousReferences (Type: ListOfReferenceCoded)? ,  HazardousContact (Type: Contact)? ,  HazardNote (Type: string)? ,  UNDGNum (Type: int)? ,  HazardousTemperatures? ,  HazardousShipmentInformation? ,  EMSNum (Type: string)? ,  Mfag (Type: string)?

Description:  The Hazardous element specifies the hazardous information required for safe handling of an item or package.

HazardousIdentifiers (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: HazardousRegulationsCoded (Type: AgencyCode) ,  HazardousRegulationsCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  HazardCode (Type: string)? ,  CodeExtension (Type: string)? ,  CodeVersion (Type: string)? ,  HazardOfficialText (Type: string)? ,  TremCardNum (Type: string)?

Description:  The HazardousIdentifiers element are identifiers that describe specifics of the hazardous codes associated with an item or packaging.

ListOfHazardousIdentifiers (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: HazardousIdentifiers+

Description: The ListOfHazardousIdentifiers element is a list of identifiers that are in reference to the hazardous material being described.

HazardousPlacardInformation (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: HazardousPlacardIdentification (Type: string)? ,  HazardousPlacardText (Type: string)?

Description:  The HazardousPlacardInformation element is used to specify the placard information required on the means of transport or shipping information.

HazardousTemperatures (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Flashpoint (Type: Quantity)? ,  Emergency (Type: Quantity)? ,  Control (Type: Quantity)? ,  ListOfTemperatureCoded (Type: ListOfDimension)?

Description:  The HazardousTemperatures element contains the various temperatures that relate to the item or package, such as flashpoint, control, and emergency.

HazardousShipmentInformation (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: HazardPackingCoded (Type: HazardPackingCode)? ,  HazardPackingCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  HazardousShipmentCoded (Type: HazardousShipmentCode)? ,  HazardousShipmentCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  HazardousShipmentNote (Type: string)? ,  HazardousZoneCoded (Type: HazardousZoneCode)? ,  HazardousZoneCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The HazardousShipmentInformation element holds information related to the shipping and packaging of hazardous goods.

HazardPackingCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the packing criteria for hazardous materials as assigned by IATA/IMDB/ADR/RID. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 8339 (Packing group code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

HazardClassCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the hazardous class.

Value: Enumeration, including:

HazardousZoneCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the Department of Transportation assigned zone designating the inhalation toxicity hazard zone. This is code list is derived from X12 1023 (Hazard zone code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

HazardousShipmentCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of information being passed so that a receiver may format a description of hazardous commodity movements that meet regulatory requirements. This code list is derived from X12 808 (Hazardous material shipment information qualifier)

Value: Enumeration, including:

ListOfHazardous (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Hazardous+

Description:  The ListOfHazardous element contains one or more Hazardous elements.

Identifications (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PrimaryID? ,  ListOfTradingPartnerID?

Description: The Identifications element is an identification structure containing all possibilities of identifying a trading partner or a contact and also enabling referencing to one of those. At least one of the elements must be used.

Identifier (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Agency ,  Ident (Type: string)

Description:  The Identifier element is used to provide an identification number that is assigned by a standards agency.

ListOfIdentifier (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Identifier+

Description:  The ListOfIdentifier element contains one or more Identifier elements.

IndicativeRateDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: CurrencyDecimalPlaces (Type: int)? ,  CurrencyAvailabilityCheckList? ,  IndicativeRateRetrievedDate (Type: datetime)? ,  CurrentDateTime (Type: datetime)?

Description:  The IndicativeRateDetail element contains fields and elements specific to the indicate rate quote. This structure is provided when the IndicativeIndicator is true.

CurrencyAvailabilityCheckList (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: FundsTransferIndicator (Type: boolean)? ,  RemoteCheckIndicator (Type: boolean)? ,  OnsiteCheckIndicator (Type: boolean)? ,  ACHIndicator (Type: boolean)? ,  RemitCurrencyIndicator (Type: boolean)? ,  OtherPaymentServiceNote (Type: string)?

Description:  The CurrencyAvailabilityCheckList element indicates multiple types of payment services available for the exchange currency.

IndicatorCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies whether an allowance or charge applies. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 5463 (Allowance) and X12 248 (Allowance Or Charge Indicator)

Value: Enumeration, including:

IndustrySectorCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the industry sector for a given company. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 7293(Sector/subject identification qualifier)

Value: Enumeration, including:

Invoice (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: InvoiceHeader ,  InvoiceDetail ,  InvoiceSummary?

Description: The Invoice element comprises the creation of an invoice that is sent from a seller to a buyer for payment for the goods or services detailed in the invoice supplied under conditions agreed between buyer and seller. An invoice may refer to goods, items or services related to one or more orders. An invoice may contain references to payment terms and transport information.

InvoiceDates (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: InvoiceDueDate (Type: datetime)? ,  ExpectedShipToDateTime (Type: datetime)? ,  ActualShipToDateTime (Type: datetime)? ,  ReceiptDateTime (Type: datetime)? ,  TaxPeriod (Type: ValidityDates)? ,  InvoicingPeriod (Type: ValidityDates)? ,  ListOfOtherInvoiceDates (Type: ListOfDateCoded)?

Description: The InvoiceDates element contains pertinent dates for the invoice. These may be overwritten at a lower level within the structure InvoiceDetail.

InvoiceDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ListOfInvoiceItemDetail ,  ListOfPackageDetail?

Description: The InvoiceDetail element contains the line item and package details of the Invoice.

InvoiceHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: InvoiceNumber (Type: Reference) ,  InvoiceIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  TaxPointDate (Type: datetime)? ,  InvoiceReferences* ,  InvoicePurpose ,  InvoiceType ,  InvoiceCurrency (Type: Currency)? ,  PaymentCurrency (Type: Currency)? ,  ListOfRateOfExchangeDetail? ,  TaxAccountingCurrency (Type: Currency)? ,  InvoiceLanguage (Type: Language) ,  InvoiceTaxReference (Type: TaxReference)? ,  InvoiceMedium? ,  AllowOrChargeTreatment? ,  InvoiceDates? ,  InvoiceParty ,  ListOfTransportRouting? ,  InvoiceTermsOfDelivery (Type: TermsOfDelivery)? ,  InvoicePaymentInstructions (Type: PaymentInstructions)? ,  InvoiceAllowancesOrCharges (Type: ListOfAllowOrCharge)? ,  InvoiceHeaderNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfStructuredNote? ,  InvoiceHeaderAttachments (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description: The InvoiceHeader element contains the header information of the Invoice.

InvoiceItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: InvoiceBaseItemDetail ,  InvoicePricingDetail ,  LineItemDates (Type: InvoiceDates)? ,  OtherInvoiceParties? ,  DeliveryDetail? ,  LineItemNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfStructuredNote? ,  LineItemAttachments (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description: The InvoiceItemDetail element contains the item detail information for the Invoice.

ListOfInvoiceItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: InvoiceItemDetail+

Description: The ListOfInvoiceItemDetail element contains a list of line items for the Invoice.

InvoiceBaseItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: BaseItemDetail

Description: The InvoiceBaseItemDetail element contains the identifying and descriptive information for the line items in the Invoice.

ExceptionQuantities (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Ordered (Type: Quantity)? ,  Damaged (Type: Quantity)? ,  Unusable (Type: Quantity)? ,  Returned (Type: Quantity)? ,  ShippedToDate (Type: Quantity)?

Description: The ExceptionQuantities element informs why the invoiced quantity is different to the ordered.

InvoicePricingDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: PricingDetail

Description: The InvoicePricingDetail element contains the information on the basic unit prices for the line item.

OtherInvoiceParties (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: BillToParty (Type: Party)? ,  RemitToParty (Type: Party)? ,  ListOfPartyCoded?

Description: The OtherInvoiceParties element contains information on other parties for the line item, including unique ID's and address information.

InvoiceMedium (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: InvoiceMediumCoded (Type: InvoiceMediumCode)? ,  InvoiceMediumCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The InvoiceMedium element is the method of communicating the invoice.

InvoiceMediumCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Value: Enumeration, including:

InvoiceParty (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: BuyerParty (Type: Party) ,  BuyerTaxInformation (Type: PartyTaxInformation)? ,  BuyerTax (Type: Tax)? ,  SellerParty (Type: Party) ,  SellerTaxInformation (Type: PartyTaxInformation)? ,  ShipToParty (Type: Party)? ,  BillToParty (Type: Party)? ,  RemitToParty (Type: Party)? ,  RemitToTaxInformation (Type: PartyTaxInformation)? ,  RemitToTax (Type: Tax)? ,  ShipFromParty (Type: Party)? ,  WarehouseParty (Type: Party)? ,  SoldToParty (Type: Party)? ,  ManufacturingParty (Type: Party)? ,  MaterialIssuerParty (Type: Party)? ,  ListOfPartyCoded?

Description: The InvoiceParty element contains information on the parties to the Invoice, including unique ID's and address information.

InvoicePurpose (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: InvoicePurposeCoded (Type: InvoicePurposeCode) ,  InvoicePurposeCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The InvoicePurpose element defines the purpose of the invoice.

InvoicePurposeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the purpose of the Invoice message. This is a subset code list derived from EDIFACT 1225 (Message Function, Coded) and X12 353 (Transaction Set Purpose Code) and 587 (Acknowledgement Type Code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

InvoiceReferences (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PurchaseOrderReference? ,  ContractReference (Type: Contract)? ,  AccountNumber (Type: Reference)? ,  ProformaInvoiceNumber (Type: Reference)? ,  ASNNumber (Type: Reference)? ,  ASNOrderNumber? ,  SupplierOrderNumber (Type: Reference)? ,  PriceListNumber (Type: Reference)? ,  PriceListVersionNumber (Type: Reference)? ,  BuyersCatalogNumber (Type: Reference)? ,  BillOfLadingNumber (Type: Reference)? ,  AirWayBillNumber (Type: Reference)? ,  LetterOfCreditNumber (Type: Reference)? ,  AuthorizationReference? ,  DeliveryNoteNumber (Type: Reference)? ,  CostAllocation? ,  ListOfRelatedInvoiceRef? ,  OtherInvoiceReferences (Type: ListOfReferenceCoded)?

Description: The InvoiceReferences element contains external references to the Invoice that are important to the processing and use of the Invoice.

AuthorizationReference (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AuthorizationNumber (Type: Reference) ,  AuthorizationAssignedBy (Type: Party)?

Description: The AuthorizationReference element contains information for the authorization for the purchase order.

CostAllocation (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: CostAllocationNumber (Type: Reference) ,  WorkBreakdownStructure (Type: string)? ,  FixedAsset (Type: string)?

Description: The CostAllocation element contains information on the cost allocation.

InvoiceSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: NumberOfLines (Type: int)? ,  InvoiceTotals? ,  ListOfTaxSummary? ,  AllowOrChargeSummary? ,  InvoicePaymentStatus? ,  ListOfActualPayment? ,  SummaryNote (Type: string)?

Description:  The InvoiceSummary element contains summary information relating to the Invoice.

AllowOrChargeSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TotalAllowOrCharge+

Description:  The AllowOrChargeSummary element contains the summary amounts, for each category of the allowance or charge.

TotalAllowOrCharge (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AllowOrChargeIndicatorCoded (Type: AllowOrChargeIndicatorCode) ,  AllowOrChargeIndicatorCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  AllowanceOrChargeDescription (Type: AllowOrChgDesc) ,  SummaryAllowOrCharge (Type: MonetaryValue)

Description:  The TotalAllowOrCharge element contain the details of the summerized totals of the allowance or charge categorized by the AllowOrChargeDesc.

AllowOrChargeIndicatorCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code indicates an allowance or charge for the specified service. This codelist is derived from EDIFACT 5463 (Allowance) and X12 248 (Allowance Or Charge Indicator)

Value: Enumeration, including:

InvoicePaymentStatus (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: InvoicePaymentStatusCoded (Type: ActualPaymentStatusCode)? ,  InvoicePaymentStatusCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description:  The InvoicePaymentStatus element contains information relating to the payment status of the invoice.

InvoiceTotals (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: NetValue (Type: MonetaryValue) ,  GrossValue (Type: MonetaryValue) ,  TaxValue (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  TaxValueInTaxAccountingCurrency (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  ChargeTotal (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  TotalAmountPayable (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  PrepaidAmount (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  TotalDiscount (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  TotalTaxAmount (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  TotalAmountMinusDiscount (Type: MonetaryValue)?

Description: The InvoiceTotals element contains a number of totals relevant to the Invoice.

InvoiceType (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: InvoiceTypeCoded (Type: InvoiceTypeCode) ,  InvoiceTypeCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The InvoiceType element identifies the type of the invoice being transmitted.

InvoiceTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of the Invoice message.

Value: Enumeration, including:

InvoicingDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: InvoicingDetailReference (Type: ReferenceCoded) ,  InvoicingDetailAmountDue (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  InvoicingDetailAmountPaid (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  InvoicingItemDetail (Type: InvoiceItemDetail)? ,  ListOfAdjustments?

Description:  The InvoicingDetail element contains information relating to the payment document for which the RemittanceAdvice is placed against.

ListOfInvoicingDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: InvoicingDetail+

Description:  The ListOfInvoicingDetail element contains a set of invoicing detail.

ItemCharacteristicCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the characteristic of an item. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 7081 (Item characteristic code) and X12 750 (Product/process characteristic code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

ItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: BaseItemDetail ,  PricingDetail? ,  DeliveryDetail? ,  LineItemNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfStructuredNote? ,  LineItemAttachments (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description: The ItemDetail element contains information to describe and identify an item along with all pricing and delivery information for that item.

ListOfItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ItemDetail+

Description: The ListOfItemDetail element holds one or more items for the document.

ItemPackagingReference (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PackageReference+

Description: The ItemPackagingReference element contains reference information when detailed packaging information contained in list of package detail is to be associated with the line item.

PackageReference (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Quantity? ,  PackageIDReference (Type: int) ,  PackageReference?

Description: The PackageReference element provides a reference for the packaging of the item.

ItemReleaseStatusCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the status of the part being ordered or forecast with respect to the material release or planning document. This code list is derived from X12 682 (Part release status code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

ItemResourceAuthorization (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ResourceAuthorizationCoded (Type: ResourceAuthorizationCode) ,  ResourceAuthorizationCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  ValidityDates?

Description: The ItemResourceAuthorization element is used to specify resource authorization in the schedule.

ResourceAuthorizationCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the resource authorization for the schedule quantity. This code list is derived from X12 672 (Resource authorization code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

KeyFigure (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: KeyFigureID (Type: string) ,  KeyFigureName (Type: string)? ,  KeyFigureDescription (Type: string)?

Description: The KeyFigure element is the key figure data used to identify the name, type, and value of a key figure used in a time series.

KeyFigureInformation (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: SourceKeyFigure (Type: KeyFigure)? ,  TargetKeyFigure (Type: KeyFigure)?

Description: The KeyFigureInformation element is used to identify the name, type, and value of a key figure used in a time series with respect to the source or target systems.

KeyFigureData (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: KeyFigurePurposeCoded (Type: TimeSeriesPurposeCode)? ,  KeyFigurePurposeCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  CharacteristicCombinationID (Type: string)? ,  KeyFigureInformation ,  UnitOfMeasurement ,  KeyFigureNotes (Type: string)?

Description: The KeyFigureData element defines the key figure and includes all of the time series data values.

ListOfKeyFigureData (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: KeyFigureData+

Description: The ListOfKeyFigureData element contains a list of all the key figure and time series data related information.

KeyVal (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: KeyValString (Type: string) ,  Language ,  Keyword (Type: string)

Description:  The KeyVal element is used to associate a value with a custom qualifier.

ListOfKeyVal (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: KeyVal+

Description:  The ListOfKeyVal element contains one or more KeyVal elements.

Language (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: LanguageCoded (Type: LanguageCode) ,  LanguageCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  LocaleCoded (Type: LocaleCode)? ,  LocaleCodedOther (Type: string)?

Attribute: Name: LanguageDependent - Data Type: boolean - Default Value: #IMPLIED

Description: The Language element is used to provide information about the language which text is written in.

ListOfLanguage (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Language+

Description:  The ListOfLanguage element contains a list of languages.

LanguageString (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: LangString (Type: string) ,  Language

Description:  The LanguageString element is a string with an optional language specification. If the language is not provided, it is assumed that the language is known from the context in which the LanguageString is used.

ListOfLanguageString (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: LanguageString+

Description:  The ListOfLanguageString element contains one or more LanguageString elements.

LanguageCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the language being used. This code list is derived from ISO 639-1998

Value: Enumeration, including:

LegalReportingInformation (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: LegalReportingIndicator (Type: string) ,  LegalReportingSupplementalCode (Type: string)? ,  LegalReportingParty (Type: Company)? ,  LegalReportingInvoicedAmount (Type: MonetaryValue) ,  LegalReportingPaymentAmount (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  LegalReportingSupplyingCountry (Type: Country)? ,  LegalReportingPayeeCountry (Type: Country)? ,  LegalReportingImportDate (Type: datetime)? ,  LegalReportingPaymentDate (Type: datetime)?

Description: The LegalReportingInformation element contains legal reporting information associated with payments made to a foreign payee. This is used by central banks for processing cross border payments over a certain amount.

ListOfFIAccount (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: FIAccountData+

Description: The ListOfFIAccount element contains information pertinent to identifying a financial institution and an account within the financial institution.

FIAccountData (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: FIAccount

Description: The FIAccountData element extends the definition of FIAccount, which identifies an account at a financial institution, with the following information: Sequence, FINote. Note: The financial institution information will be required but the Account information will be optional in this structure.

ListOfMVBVariables (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: MVBVariable+

Description: The ListOfMVBVariables element contains a list of MVBVariable values which are the user defined parameters in a manually determined auction. This element exists in the document only if the MVBTemplate value has been previously set up by the auction originator. The BidRule must be selected as MVBForward or MVBReverse and an MVBTemplate must be given.

MVBVariable (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: MVBVariableName (Type: string) ,  (MVBVariableValue (Type: string)  |  MVBRange (Type: Range))

Description: The MVBVariable element contains the originator required variable values only. These are customer defined variables that do not currently exist in the AuctionCreate document.

ListOfOrderStatusItem (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OrderStatusItem+

Description: The ListOfOrderStatusItem element is a container holding the line item information.

OrderStatusItem (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: BaseItemDetail

Description: The OrderStatusItem element contains item detail information for the OrderStatusRequest.

ListOfOrderStatusResultItem (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OrderStatusResultItem+

Description: The ListOfOrderStatusResultItem element contains a list of line items for the OrderStatusResult.

OrderStatusResultItem (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: BaseItemDetail

Description:  The OrderStatusResultItem element contains the identifying and descriptive information for the line items in OrderStatusResult.

ItemStatus (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ItemStatusQuantity (Type: Quantity) ,  ItemStatusEvent (Type: Status) ,  PaymentStatusEvent (Type: Status)? ,  ShipmentStatusEvent?

Description: The ItemStatus element provides a status for the item.

ShipmentStatusEvent (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: Status

Description: The ShipmentStatusEvent element provides a status related to the ship date of the item(s).

ListOfTradingPartnerID (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TradingPartnerID (Type: Identifier)+

Description: The ListOfTradingPartnerID element is a container holding one or more trading partner identifiers.

LocaleCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the location where the language is spoken.

Value: Enumeration, including:

Location (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: LocationQualifierCoded (Type: LocationQualifierCode)? ,  LocationQualifierCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  (LocationIdentifier  |  ExternalAddressID (Type: string)  |  NameAddress) ,  GPSCooridinates?

Description:  The Location element identifies a place by its function and either an identifier, an identification assigned to an address, or an address.

GPSCooridinates (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: GPSSystem (Type: string) ,  Latitude (Type: string) ,  Longitude (Type: string)

Description:  The GPSCooridinates element identifies the location by specific co-ordinates.

LocationIdentifier (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: LocID (Type: Identifier) ,  LocationDescription (Type: string)?

Description:  The LocationIdentifier element contains the location identifier and the agency responsible for issuing the identifier.

ListOfLocation (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Location+

Description:  The ListOfLocation element contains a list of locations.

LocationGroupedPlanningDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Location ,  ListOfContact? ,  ListOfLocationPlanningItemDetail

Description: The LocationGroupedPlanningDetail element contains all the schedule-line-level data grouped by the delivery location.

ListOfLocationGroupedPlanningDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: LocationGroupedPlanningDetail+

Description: The ListOfLocationGroupedPlanningDetail element contains the line level detail information for the PlanningSchedule. The detail is grouped by the delivery location. This is one of two options for grouping forecasting detail in the PlanningSchedule.

LocationGroupedPlanningResponse (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: DetailResponseCoded (Type: DetailResponseCode) ,  DetailResponseCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  OriginalLocationGroupedPlanningDetail (Type: LocationGroupedPlanningDetail)? ,  ChangedLocationGroupedPlanningDetail (Type: LocationGroupedPlanningDetail)? ,  LineItemNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfStructuredNote? ,  ListOfAttachment?

Description: The LocationGroupedPlanningResponse element contains all the schedule-line-level data grouped by the delivery location.

ListOfLocationGroupedPlanningResponse (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: LocationGroupedPlanningResponse+

Description: The ListOfLocationGroupedPlanningResponse element contains the line level detail information for the planning schedule. The detail is grouped by the delivery location. This is one of two options for grouping forecasting detail in the PlanningScheduleResponse document.

LocationGroupedShippingDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Location ,  ListOfContact? ,  ListOfLocationShippingItemDetail

Description: The LocationGroupedShippingDetail element contains all the schedule-line-level data grouped by the delivery location.

ListOfLocationGroupedShippingDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: LocationGroupedShippingDetail+

Description: The ListOfLocationGroupedShippingDetail element contains the line level detail information for the ShippingSchedule document. The detail is grouped by the delivery point. This is one of two options for grouping the shipping detail.

LocationGroupedShippingResponse (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: DetailResponseCoded (Type: DetailResponseCode) ,  DetailResponseCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  OriginalLocationGroupedShippingDetail (Type: LocationGroupedShippingDetail)? ,  ChangedLocationGroupedShippingDetail (Type: LocationGroupedShippingDetail)? ,  LineItemNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfStructuredNote? ,  ListOfAttachment?

Description: The LocationGroupedShippingResponse element contains all the schedule-line-level data grouped by the delivery location.

ListOfLocationGroupedShippingResponse (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: LocationGroupedShippingResponse+

Description: The ListOfLocationGroupedShippingResponse element contains the line level detail information for the planningschedule. The detail is grouped by the delivery location. This is one of two options for grouping forecasting detail in the ShippingScheduleResponse.

LocationPlanningItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: BasePlanningDetail ,  ListOfScheduleDetail ,  LineItemNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfStructuredNote?

Description: The LocationPlanningItemDetail element is a collection of items that are grouped by location for planning purposes.

ListOfLocationPlanningItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: LocationPlanningItemDetail+

Description: The ListOfLocationPlanningItemDetail element is a list of item details organized by location.

LocationQualifierCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of the location. This code list is derived from X12 309 (Location Qualifier)

Value: Enumeration, including:

LocationSchedule (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Location? ,  ListOfContact? ,  ListOfScheduleDetail

Description: The LocationSchedule element is a schedule for the material based on location.

ListOfLocationSchedule (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: LocationSchedule+

Description: The ListOfLocationSchedule element is the scheduling information by location for the material identified by the line item.

LocationShipSchedule (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Location? ,  ListOfContact? ,  ListOfShipScheduleDetail

Description: The LocationShipSchedule element is a schedule for the material based on location.

ListOfLocationShipSchedule (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: LocationShipSchedule+

Description: The ListOfLocationShipSchedule element is the scheduling information by location for the material identified by the line item.

LocationShippingItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: BaseShippingDetail ,  ListOfShipScheduleDetail ,  LineItemNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfStructuredNote?

Description: The LocationShippingItemDetail element is a collection of items that are grouped by location for shipping purposes.

ListOfLocationShippingItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: LocationShippingItemDetail+

Description: The ListOfLocationShippingItemDetail element is a list of item details organized by location.

LongDescription (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


Attribute: Name: lang - Data Type: xmllang - Default Value: "en"
Attribute: Name: DescriptionPurpose - Data Type: string - Default Value: #IMPLIED

Description: The LongDescription element provides a long textual description of the catalog. Has xml:lang attribute for multilanguage support. xml:lang must contain valid RFC 1766 language code. If not specified in DefaultLanguage or in a specific element, the value is assumed to be en for "English.".

MaterialGroupedPlanningDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: BasePlanningDetail ,  ListOfLocationSchedule ,  LineItemNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfStructuredNote?

Description: The MaterialGroupedPlanningDetail element contains all the schedule-line-level data grouped by the material/product.

ListOfMaterialGroupedPlanningDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: MaterialGroupedPlanningDetail+

Description: The ListOfMaterialGroupedPlanningDetail element contains the line level detail information for the PlanningSchedule. The detail is grouped by the material. This is one of two options for grouping forecasting detail in the PlanningSchedule.

MaterialGroupedPlanningResponse (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: DetailResponseCoded (Type: DetailResponseCode) ,  DetailResponseCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  OriginalMaterialGroupedPlanningDetail (Type: MaterialGroupedPlanningDetail)? ,  ChangedMaterialGroupedPlanningDetail (Type: MaterialGroupedPlanningDetail)? ,  LineItemNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfStructuredNote? ,  ListOfAttachment?

Description: The MaterialGroupedPlanningResponse element contains all the schedule-line-level data grouped by the material/product for the PlanningSchedule and the PlanningScheduleResponse document.

ListOfMaterialGroupedPlanningResponse (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: MaterialGroupedPlanningResponse+

Description: The ListOfMaterialGroupedPlanningResponse element contains the line level detail information for the planning schedule. The detail is grouped by the material. This is one of two options for grouping forecasting detail in the PlanningScheduleResponse document.

MaterialGroupedShippingDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: BaseShippingDetail ,  ListOfLocationShipSchedule ,  LineItemNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfStructuredNote?

Description: The MaterialGroupedShippingDetail element contains all the schedule-line-level data grouped by the material/product.

ListOfMaterialGroupedShippingDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: MaterialGroupedShippingDetail+

Description: The ListOfMaterialGroupedShippingDetail element contains the line level detail information for the ShippingSchedule document. The detail is grouped by the material. This is one of two options for grouping shipping detail.

MaterialGroupedShippingResponse (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: DetailResponseCoded (Type: DetailResponseCode) ,  DetailResponseCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  OriginalMaterialGroupedShippingDetail (Type: MaterialGroupedShippingDetail)? ,  ChangedMaterialGroupedShippingDetail (Type: MaterialGroupedShippingDetail)? ,  LineItemNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfStructuredNote? ,  ListOfAttachment?

Description: The MaterialGroupedShippingResponse element contains all the schedule-line-level data grouped by the material/product for the ShippingSchedule and the ShippingScheduleResponse document.

ListOfMaterialGroupedShippingResponse (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: MaterialGroupedShippingResponse+

Description: The ListOfMaterialGroupedShippingResponse element contains the line level detail information for the planning schedule. The detail is grouped by the material. This is one of two options for grouping forecasting detail in the ShippingScheduleResponse document.

Measurement (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: (MeasurementValue  |  MeasurementRange) ,  UnitOfMeasurement

Description: The Measurement element is the quantitative value expressed as either a value or a range and unit of measure.

MeasurementValue (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: number

Attribute: Name: SignificanceCoded - Data Type: SignificanceCode - Default Value: #IMPLIED
Attribute: Name: SignificanceCodedOther - Data Type: string - Default Value: #IMPLIED
Attribute: Name: ConditionsCoded - Data Type: ConditionsCode - Default Value: #IMPLIED
Attribute: Name: ConditionsCodedOther - Data Type: string - Default Value: #IMPLIED

Description:  The MeasurementValue element contains the value of the measurement.

MeasurementRange (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: MinimumValue ,  MaximumValue

Description:  The MeasurementRange element defines a range which a measurement may fall in by a minimum and maximum value.

ListOfMeasurement (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Measurement+

Description:  The ListOfMeasurement element lists one or more measurements.

MessageAcknowledgement (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AcknowledgementLocation (Type: string)? ,  AcknowledgementReferenceNumber (Type: string)? ,  AcknowledgementNote (Type: string)?

Description: The MessageAcknowledgement element is part of a larger business process defined by a document exchange. Message acknowledgements are used by e-business parties to notify the sender of a message/document that the message has been received. Message acknowledgements are not used to indicate a syntactical or content check of the received document.

MessageID (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: IDNumber (Type: string) ,  IDAssignedBy ,  IDAssignedDate (Type: datetime)?

Description: The MessageID element contains the identification for a message.

IDAssignedBy (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: IDAssignedByCoded (Type: PartyRoleCode) ,  IDAssignedByCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The IDAssignedBy element identifies who assigns the MessageID to the message.

ListOfMessageID (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: MessageID+

Description: The ListOfMessageID element contains one or more identifiers for a message.

MethodOfHandlingCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the method of handling for an allowance or charge. This code list is derived from X12 331 (Allowance or charge method of handling code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

MonetaryRange (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: MinimumMonetaryValue (Type: Decimal21_6) ,  MaximumMonetaryValue (Type: Decimal21_6) ,  Currency

Description:  The MonetaryRange element identifies a range of monetary values.

BasisMonetaryRange (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: MonetaryRange  |  MonetaryLimit

Description:  The BasisMonetaryRange element is the monetary range over which the allowance or charge applies.

MonetaryLimit (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: MonetaryLimitValue (Type: Decimal21_6) ,  Currency

Attribute: Name: SignificanceCoded - Data Type: SignificanceCode - Default Value: #IMPLIED
Attribute: Name: SignificanceCodedOther - Data Type: string - Default Value: #IMPLIED

Description:  The MonetaryLimit element is used to specify either a lower or upper bound, beyond which an allowance or charge will apply.

MonetaryValue (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: MonetaryAmount (Type: Decimal21_6) ,  Currency? ,  RateOfExchangeDetail?

Description:  The MonetaryValue element is used to specify an amount of money and the currency.

NameAddress (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ExternalAddressID (Type: string)? ,  Name1 (Type: string) ,  Name2 (Type: string)? ,  Name3 (Type: string)? ,  Identifier? ,  POBox? ,  Street (Type: string)? ,  HouseNumber (Type: string)? ,  StreetSupplement1 (Type: string)? ,  StreetSupplement2 (Type: string)? ,  Building (Type: string)? ,  Floor (Type: string)? ,  RoomNumber (Type: string)? ,  InhouseMail (Type: string)? ,  Department (Type: string)? ,  PostalCode (Type: string)? ,  City (Type: string)? ,  County (Type: string)? ,  Region? ,  District (Type: string)? ,  Country? ,  Timezone?

Attribute: Name: AddressTypeCoded - Data Type: AddressTypeCode - Default Value: "NotApplicable"
Attribute: Name: AddressTypeCodedOther - Data Type: string - Default Value: #IMPLIED

Description:  The NameAddress element contains the name and the address information for an entity.

POBox (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


Attribute: Name: POBoxPostalCode - Data Type: string - Default Value: #IMPLIED

Description:  The POBox element contains the post office box number. This is a string content model.

ListOfNameAddress (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: NameAddress+

Description:  The ListOfNameAddress element contains one or more addresses for an entity.

NameValuePair (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Name (Type: string) ,  Value (Type: string)

Description: The NameValuePair element contains a generic name and value.

Note (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


Description: The Note element holds free text, typically for display by the processing application.

ObjectAttribute (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AttributeID (Type: string) ,  AttributeUnit (Type: UOM)? ,  AttributeValue*

Description: The ObjectAttribute element provides customizable data regarding the overall catalog, catalog administration, configured schema category, or product description that are not in elements that already exist in the CatalogHeader, SchemaCategory, or Product.

AttributeValue (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


Attribute: Name: lang - Data Type: xmllang - Default Value: "en"

Description: The AttributeValue element gives the value of the attribute being described. For example, if the attribute is "Color", the value is "Red". Multiple values may be specified, each with its own xml:lang value.

Order (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OrderHeader ,  OrderDetail? ,  OrderSummary?

Description: The Order element comprises the creation of a purchase order that is sent for acceptance or rejection by a seller. A requisitioner, buyer, or buying organization can initiate an Order in response to a variety of factors in the electronic business arena, contracts, auctions, order requests, etc. A requisitioner, or buyer, can initiate a change to an already existing order. A seller uses the OrderResponse document to accept or reject an Order or a changed order.

OrderDates (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: RequestedShipByDate (Type: datetime)? ,  RequestedDeliverByDate (Type: datetime)? ,  PromiseDate (Type: datetime)? ,  ValidityDates? ,  CancelByDate (Type: datetime)? ,  ListOfDateCoded?

Description: The OrderDates element is used to hold a list of the pertinent dates for the purchase order dates will include validity dates, RequestedShipDate, CancelByDates, among others. These dates act as defaults that may be overwritten at the item level or package level in the body of the message.

OrderDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ListOfItemDetail ,  ListOfPackageDetail?

Description: The OrderDetail element contains the line item and package details of the Order.

OrderHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OrderNumber ,  OrderIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  OrderReferences? ,  ReleaseNumber (Type: string)? ,  Purpose ,  RequestedResponse? ,  OrderType? ,  OrderCurrency (Type: Currency) ,  TaxAccountingCurrency (Type: Currency)? ,  OrderLanguage (Type: Language) ,  OrderTaxReference (Type: TaxReference)? ,  OrderInvoiceMediumTypeCoded (Type: OrderInvoiceMediumTypeCode)? ,  OrderInvoiceMediumTypeCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  OrderDates? ,  OrderParty ,  PartLocation (Type: string)? ,  ListOfTransport? ,  OrderTermsOfDelivery (Type: TermsOfDelivery)? ,  OrderHeaderPrice (Type: ListOfPrice)? ,  OrderPaymentInstructions (Type: PaymentInstructions)? ,  OrderAllowancesOrCharges (Type: ListOfAllowOrCharge)? ,  OrderHeaderNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfStructuredNote? ,  OrderHeaderAttachments (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description: The OrderHeader element contains the header information of the order.

OrderNumber (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: BuyerOrderNumber (Type: string) ,  SellerOrderNumber (Type: string)? ,  ListOfMessageID?

Description: The OrderNumber element is a unique number assigned to the Order in respect to the parties assigning the number.

OrderInvoiceMediumTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the medium type of the message. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 3153 (CommunicationChannel Identification, Coded) and X12 1019 (Invoice Type Code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

OrderParty (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: BuyerParty (Type: Party) ,  BuyerTaxInformation (Type: PartyTaxInformation)? ,  SellerParty (Type: Party) ,  SellerTaxInformation (Type: PartyTaxInformation)? ,  ShipToParty (Type: Party)? ,  BillToParty (Type: Party)? ,  RemitToParty (Type: Party)? ,  ShipFromParty (Type: Party)? ,  WarehouseParty (Type: Party)? ,  SoldToParty (Type: Party)? ,  ManufacturingToParty (Type: Party)? ,  MaterialIssuer (Type: Party)? ,  ListOfPartyCoded?

Description: The OrderParty element holds all party information related to ordering goods.

OrderReferences (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AccountCode (Type: Reference)? ,  ContractReferences (Type: ListOfContract)? ,  QuoteReference (Type: Reference)? ,  OtherOrderReferences (Type: ListOfReferenceCoded)?

Description: The OrderReferences element defines the references for the Order.

ListOfOrderReferences (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OrderReferences+

Description: The ListOfOrderReferences element is a list of order references.

OrderRequest (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OrderRequestHeader ,  OrderRequestDetail (Type: OrderDetail)? ,  OrderRequestSummary (Type: OrderSummary)?

Description:  The OrderRequest element comprises ordering information that is a result of a buyer's inquiry to purchase. A supplier initiates an OrderRequest to a requisitioner that is a result of a buyer's inquiry into a purchase of the supplier's goods. The requisitioner's approval of this OrderRequest results in the creation of a purchase order. There is not a response to the OrderRequest. Any changes to the OrderRequest will be represented in the Order.

OrderRequestHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OrderRequestNumber? ,  OrderRequestIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  OrderRequestReferences (Type: OrderReferences)? ,  Purpose? ,  RequestedResponse? ,  OrderRequestCurrency (Type: Currency) ,  TaxAccountingCurrency (Type: Currency)? ,  OrderRequestLanguage (Type: Language) ,  OrderRequestTaxReference (Type: TaxReference)? ,  OrderInvoiceMediumTypeCoded (Type: OrderInvoiceMediumTypeCode)? ,  OrderInvoiceMediumTypeCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  OrderRequestDates (Type: OrderDates)? ,  OrderRequestParty ,  ListOfTransport? ,  OrderTermsOfDelivery (Type: TermsOfDelivery)? ,  OrderHeaderPrice (Type: ListOfPrice)? ,  OrderPaymentInstructions (Type: PaymentInstructions)? ,  OrderAllowancesOrCharges (Type: ListOfAllowOrCharge)? ,  OrderHeaderNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfStructuredNote? ,  OrderHeaderAttachments (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description:  The OrderRequestHeader element contains the header information of the OrderRequest.

OrderRequestNumber (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: BuyerOrderRequestNumber (Type: string) ,  SellerOrderRequestNumber (Type: string)? ,  ListOfMessageID?

Description:  The OrderRequestNumber element is the unique number assigned to the PurchaseOrder in respect to the parties assigning the number.

OrderRequestParty (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: BuyerParty (Type: Party)? ,  BuyerTaxInformation (Type: PartyTaxInformation)? ,  SellerParty (Type: Party) ,  SellerTaxInformation (Type: PartyTaxInformation)? ,  ShipToParty (Type: Party)? ,  BillToParty (Type: Party)? ,  RemitToParty (Type: Party)? ,  ShipFromParty (Type: Party)? ,  ListOfPartyCoded?

Description:  The OrderRequestParty element holds information on the parties for the OrderRequest, including unique ID's and address information.

OrderResponse (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OrderResponseHeader ,  OrderResponseDetail? ,  OrderResponseSummary?

Description: The OrderResponse element is used to respond at the application level to an order or change order that has been received.

OrderResponseDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ListOfOrderResponseItemDetail? ,  ListOfOrderResponsePackageDetail?

Description:  The OrderResponseDetail element is an optional section used to repeat the detail section of the Order as it is, make changes to line item details or packaging details, or both. This should be used in accordance with the OrderHeaderResponseCode selected in the OrderResponseHeader..

OrderResponseHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OrderResponseNumber ,  OrderResponseIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  OrderResponseDocTypeCoded (Type: OrderResponseDocTypeCode) ,  OrderResponseDocTypeCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  OrderReference (Type: Reference) ,  ChangeOrderReference (Type: Reference)? ,  SellerParty (Type: Party) ,  BuyerParty (Type: Party) ,  ListOfReferenceCoded? ,  Purpose ,  ResponseType ,  (OriginalOrderHeader (Type: OrderHeader)  |  ChangeOrderHeader)? ,  OrderHeaderChanges (Type: OrderHeader)? ,  OrderResponseHeaderNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfStructuredNote?

Description: The OrderResponseHeader element contains the header information of the OrderResponse.

OrderResponseNumber (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: BuyerOrderResponseNumber (Type: string) ,  SellerOrderResponseNumber (Type: string)? ,  ListOfMessageID?

Description: The OrderResponseNumber element is the unique number that identifies the OrderResponse, typically according to the system that generated the OrderResponse.

OrderResponseDocTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the response document type.

Value: Enumeration, including:

OrderResponseItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ItemDetailResponseCoded (Type: DetailResponseCode) ,  ItemDetailResponseCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  PriceErrorInfo (Type: ErrorInfo)? ,  AvailabilityErrorInfo (Type: ErrorInfo)? ,  ListOfErrorInfo? ,  ListOfReferenceCoded? ,  (OriginalItemDetail (Type: ItemDetail)  |  ChangeOrderItemDetail)? ,  ItemDetailChanges (Type: ItemDetail)? ,  LineItemNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfStructuredNote?

Description: The OrderResponseItemDetail element holds response information for a line item, any references for that line item, and the relevant response to that line item. Applications will be expected to return any line items with any changes and generally all of the accepted line items as well. Any line item not present in this section that was found in the original order will be assumed to be accepted as is.

ListOfOrderResponseItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OrderResponseItemDetail+

Description: The ListOfOrderResponseItemDetail element contains response information for one or more item details.

OrderResponsePackageDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PackageDetailResponseCoded (Type: DetailResponseCode) ,  PackageDetailResponseCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  (OriginalPackageDetail (Type: PackageDetail)  |  ChangeOrderPackageDetail)? ,  PackageDetailChanges (Type: PackageDetail)? ,  PackageDetailNote (Type: string)?

Description: The OrderResponsePackageDetail element contains response information for the package detail. This includes a response code for the package detail and elements to repeat the original PackageDetail and to change the PackageDetail.

ListOfOrderResponsePackageDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OrderResponsePackageDetail+

Description: The ListOfOrderResponsePackageDetail element holds response information for the package detail information.

OrderResponseSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ErrorInfo? ,  OriginalOrderSummary (Type: OrderSummary)? ,  RevisedOrderSummary (Type: OrderSummary)?

Description: The OrderResponseSummary element contains the summary information of the OrderResponse.

OrderStatusReference (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AccountCode (Type: Reference)? ,  BuyerReferenceNumber (Type: Reference) ,  SellerReferenceNumber (Type: Reference) ,  OtherReference (Type: ListOfReferenceCoded)? ,  OrderDate (Type: datetime) ,  ListOfOrderStatusItem?

Description: The OrderStatusReference element identifies the order the status is being requested for.

OrderStatusRequest (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OrderStatusRequestHeader ,  OrderStatusRequestDetail? ,  OrderStatusRequestSummary?

Description: The OrderStatusRequest element is the root element for requesting the status of an Order. OrderStatusRequest is sent from a buyer to a supplier. The request is only used to request the status of goods.

OrderStatusRequestDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ListOfOrderStatusRequestDetail

Description: The OrderStatusRequestDetail element contains the line item and package detail for the OrderStatusRequest.

ListOfOrderStatusRequestDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OrderStatusDetailRequest+

Description: The ListOfOrderStatusRequestDetail element contains the list of order status request details.

OrderStatusDetailRequest (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OrderStatusReference ,  GeneralLineItemNote (Type: string)? ,  LineItemAttachment (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description: The OrderStatusDetailRequest element contains the order status detail information.

OrderStatusRequestHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OrderStatusRequestID (Type: Reference) ,  OrderStatusIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  OrderStatusParty (Type: OrderParty) ,  OrderStatusLanguage (Type: Language)? ,  OrderStatusRequestNote (Type: string)? ,  OrderStatusListOfAttachment (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description: The OrderStatusRequestHeader element holds all OrderStatusRequest header-level information. This element occurs once within the document.

OrderStatusRequestSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TotalNumberOfLineItem (Type: int)?

Description: The OrderStatusRequestSummary element contains the details summarizing the OrderStatusRequest.

OrderStatusResult (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OrderStatusResultHeader ,  OrderStatusResultDetail? ,  OrderStatusResultSummary?

Description: The OrderStatusResult element is the root element that holds the OrderStatusResult response to an OrderStatusRequest. This element occurs once within the document.

OrderStatusResultSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OrderStatusCheckItemError (Type: int) ,  OrderStatusSummaryErrorInfo (Type: ErrorInfo)? ,  TotalNumberOfLineItem (Type: int)?

Description: The OrderStatusResultSummary element contains the summary information of the OrderStatusResult.

OrderStatusResultDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ListOfOrderStatusResultDetail

Description: The OrderStatusResultDetail element contains the detail information for the OrderStatusResult.

ListOfOrderStatusResultDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OrderStatusDetailResult+

Description: The ListOfOrderStatusResultDetail element contains a list of line items for the OrderStatusResult.

OrderStatusDetailResult (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OrderStatusResultReference ,  GeneralLineItemNote (Type: string)? ,  LineItemAttachment (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description: The OrderStatusDetailResult element contains the OrderStatus detail information.

OrderStatusResultHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OrderStatusID (Type: Reference) ,  OrderStatusIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  OrderStatusResultParty (Type: OrderParty) ,  OrderStatusResultLanguage (Type: Language)? ,  OrderStatusResultNote (Type: string)? ,  ResultListOfAttachment (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description: The OrderStatusResultHeader element holds all OrderStatusResult header-level information. This element occurs once within the document.

OrderStatusResultReference (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AccountCode (Type: Reference)? ,  BuyerReferenceNumber (Type: Reference) ,  SellerReferenceNumber (Type: Reference) ,  OtherReference (Type: ListOfReferenceCoded)? ,  OrderDate (Type: datetime) ,  OrderStatusDate (Type: datetime) ,  OrderStatus (Type: Status) ,  ListOfOrderStatusResultItem?

Description: The OrderStatusResultReference element contains external references to the OrderStatusResult that are important to the processing and use of the OrderStatusResult.

OrderSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: NumberOfLines (Type: int)? ,  TotalTax (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  TotalAmount (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  TransportPackagingTotals? ,  SummaryNote (Type: string)?

Description: The OrderSummary element contains the summary information of the order, typically totals of numerical fields.

OrderType (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OrderTypeCoded (Type: OrderTypeCode) ,  OrderTypeCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The OrderType element identifies the type of purchase order the ChangeOrder is referencing.

OrderTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of the order message. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 1001 (Document Code Name) and X12 92 (Purchase Order Type Code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

OrganizationAddress (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AddressType? ,  ExternalAddressID (Type: string) ,  POBox? ,  Street (Type: string)? ,  HouseNumber (Type: string)? ,  StreetSupplement1 (Type: string)? ,  StreetSupplement2 (Type: string)? ,  PostalCode (Type: string)? ,  City (Type: string) ,  County (Type: string)? ,  Region? ,  District (Type: string)? ,  Country ,  TradingPartnerTimezone (Type: Timezone)?

Description:  The OrganizationAddress element indicates all relevant address information for an organization.

OrganizationAddresses (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PrimaryOrganizationAddress (Type: OrganizationAddress) ,  ListOfOrganizationAddress?

Description: The OrganizationAddresses element provides all the address information for an organization.

ListOfOrganizationAddress (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OrganizationAddress+

Description: The ListOfOrganizationAddress element is a list of organization addresses.

Package (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PackageID (Type: int) ,  ListOfItemReference (Type: ListOfOrderReferences)? ,  ListOfPackageMark? ,  ListOfPackageCharacteristic? ,  ListOfDimension? ,  ListOfPackageDescription? ,  TransportReference (Type: int)? ,  SpecialHandling? ,  HazardousPackaging (Type: Hazardous)? ,  AssociatedDocuments? ,  ShippingInstructions (Type: string)? ,  ReturnableContainerInfo? ,  PackageDetail*

Description: The Package element contains information about the specifics of the collection of packages being described by the PackageDetail element. If the collection of packages all contain the same things, and there is no need to identify specifically which packages are contained in which, the only one Package element should be use. If the contents of the package differ or if there needs to be a distinction between which package a sub package is contained in, then multiple Package elements should be used.

PackageCharacteristic (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PackageCharacteristicCoded (Type: PackageCharacteristicCode) ,  PackageCharacteristicCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  PackageCharacteristicDescription (Type: Identifier)

Description: The PackageCharacteristic element contains the code and the description of the packaging characteristics.

PackageMark (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PackageMarkCoded (Type: PackageMarkCode) ,  PackageMarkCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  PackageMarkValue (Type: string)?

Description: The PackageMark element specifies the type and value of markings on packages.

ListOfPackageCharacteristic (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PackageCharacteristic+

Description: The ListOfPackageCharacteristic element contains one or more PackageCharacteristic elements.

ListOfPackageMark (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PackageMark+

Description: The ListOfPackageMark element contains one or more PackageMark elements.

AssociatedDocuments (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ListOfDocumentLoose? ,  ListOfDocumentAttached?

Description: The AssociatedDocuments element identifies documents with information related to the hazardous packaging of this order.

ListOfDocumentLoose (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: DocumentLoose (Type: PackageDoc)+

Description: The ListOfDocumentLoose element identifies documents significant to the packaging that are not attached to the package.

ListOfDocumentAttached (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: DocumentAttached (Type: PackageDoc)+

Description: The ListOfDocumentAttached element identifies documents significant to the packaging that are attached to the package.

PackageDoc (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: DocumentTitle (Type: string)?

Attribute: Name: DocumentTypeCoded - Data Type: DocumentTypeCode - Default Value: #REQUIRED
Attribute: Name: DocumentTypeCodedOther - Data Type: string - Default Value: #IMPLIED

Description:  The PackageDoc element describes a document that is included with a package.

ListOfPackage (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Package+

Description:  The ListOfPackage element is used to describe one or more Package element as necessary by the complexity of the use of PackageDetail element.

PackageCharacteristicCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the characteristics of the package. This codelist is derived from X12 753 (packaging characteristic code).

Value: Enumeration, including:

PackageDescription (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ListOfPackageIdentifier? ,  ContainerCounter (Type: string)? ,  LoadOrderCounter (Type: int)?

Description: The PackageDescription element identifies specific information relating to an individual package. Includes the package identifier, the container counter, and the load order counter.

PackageIdentifier (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PackageIdentifierCoded (Type: PackageIdentifierCode) ,  PackageIdentifierCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  PackageIdentifierValue (Type: string)?

Description: The PackageIdentifier element is the identifier on the package that is unique in relation to other packages.

ListOfPackageIdentifier (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PackageIdentifier+

Description: The ListOfPackageIdentifier element is a list of the identifiers for the individual package.

ListOfPackageDescription (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PackageDescription+

Description: The ListOfPackageDescription element is a list of package descriptions. To be used to identify individual packages.

PackageIdentifierCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of barcode that is used to identify a package.

Value: Enumeration, including:

PackageDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PackageType ,  NumberOfPackages (Type: int) ,  ListOfPackage?

Description: The PackageDetail element is the packaging information at the detail level for the items, packages, and equipment. This also provides information on hazardous materials, returnable containers, and marks and numbers. This is used to describe a collection of packages of the same type. For instance, a collection of multiple pallets would be described by one PackageDetail element. The PackageDetail element is recursive to allow for sub packaging descriptions. For instance, if a collection of boxes are contained on a pallet, the first recurrence of the PackageDetail element would describe the boxes that are contained on the pallet.

ListOfPackageDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PackageDetail+

Description: The ListOfPackageDetail element is a container to hold one or more PackageDetail elements.

PackageMarkCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code list is derived from EDIFACT 4233 and 7405 and X12 88

Value: Enumeration, including:

PackageType (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PackageTypeCoded (Type: PackageTypeCode) ,  PackageTypeCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  PackageTypeDescription (Type: ListOfDescription)?

Description:  The PackageType element is a container element that identifies and describes the kind of package.

ListOfPackageType (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PackageType+

Description:  The ListOfPackageType element is a container element that identifies and describes the kind of package.

PackageTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code list is derived from EDIFACT 7065 REC 21 and X12 103

Value: Enumeration, including:

PartNum (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PartID (Type: string) ,  PartIDExt (Type: string)?

Description:  The PartNum element is a complete identification for a product or service.

ListOfPartNum (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PartNum+

Description: The ListOfPartNum element a list of one or more part numbers.

ProductIdentifierCoded (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ProductIdentifierQualifierCoded (Type: ProductIdentifierQualifierCode) ,  ProductIdentifierQualifierCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  ProductIdentifier (Type: string) ,  ProductIdentifierExt (Type: string)?

Description: The ProductIdentifierCoded element is an identification of a product or service where the source or function of the identification is not explicitly stated by another element.

ListOfProductIdentifierCoded (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ProductIdentifierCoded+

Description: The ListOfProductIdentifierCoded element contains one or more identifications of a product or service where the source or function of the identification is not explicitly stated in another element.

ItemIdentifiers (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PartNumbers? ,  ItemDescription (Type: string)? ,  ListOfItemCharacteristic? ,  CommodityCode (Type: Identifier)?

Description:  The ItemIdentifiers element details all of the part numbers, descriptions, and characteristics of an item.

PartNumbers (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: SellerPartNumber (Type: PartNum)? ,  BuyerPartNumber (Type: PartNum)? ,  ManufacturerPartNumber? ,  StandardPartNumber (Type: ProductIdentifierCoded)? ,  SubstitutePartNumbers (Type: ListOfProductIdentifierCoded)? ,  OtherItemIdentifiers (Type: ListOfProductIdentifierCoded)?

Description:  The PartNumbers element identifies all identification numbers for the item.

ManufacturerPartNumber (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: PartNum

Description: The ManufacturerPartNumber element is the identification of a product as assigned by the manufacturer of the product and identification of the manufacturer.

ListOfPartners (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Partner+

Description: The ListOfPartners element identifies suppliers, manufacturers used by this catalog, and, potentially, buyers for whom this catalog is targeted.

Partner (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Party?

Attribute: Name: PartnerID - Data Type: ID - Default Value: #IMPLIED
Attribute: Name: Relationship - Data Type: PartnerRelationshipCode - Default Value: "Supplier"

Description: The Partner element has an optional PartnerID attribute that is an XML ID. Although the PartnerID attribute is optional, an ID must be present as either the PartnerID or in the Party subelement. The ID in the Party subelement takes precedence over the PartnerID.

PartnerRelationshipCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Value: Enumeration, including:

Party (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PartyID (Type: Identifier) ,  ListOfIdentifier? ,  MDFBusiness (Type: boolean)? ,  NameAddress? ,  OrderContact (Type: Contact)? ,  ReceivingContact (Type: Contact)? ,  ShippingContact (Type: Contact)? ,  OtherContacts (Type: ListOfContact)? ,  CorrespondenceLanguage (Type: Language)?

Description:  The Party element identifies an entity doing business and the relevant information pertaining to it.

PartyCoded (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: Party

Description:  The PartyCoded element identifies an entity doing business not explicitly stated as the content of another element with its role and the relevant information pertaining to the entity.

ListOfParty (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Party+

Description: The ListOfParty element is a collection of entities doing business and the relevant information pertaining to them.

ListOfPartyCoded (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PartyCoded+

Description:  The ListOfPartyCoded element is a collection of all other party information not explicitly stated as the content of another element.

PartyRoleCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the party role of the person relating to the package. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 3035 (party function code qualifier) and X12 98 (entity identifier code).

Value: Enumeration, including:

PartyTaxInformation (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TaxIdentifier (Type: Identifier)? ,  RegisteredName (Type: string)? ,  RegisteredOffice (Type: string)? ,  TaxLocation (Type: Location)? ,  CompanyRegistrationNumber (Type: string)?

Description: The PartyTaxInformation element describes the tax information for a party.

PayerParty (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: Party

Description: The PayerParty element describes the partner that is responsible for payment. This is assumed to also be the sender of the document. For PayerParty, the Party definition is extended to include CertificateAuthority.

PaymentDates (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentDueDate (Type: datetime)? ,  RequestedPaymentDate (Type: datetime)? ,  PayBeforeDate (Type: datetime)? ,  ListOfPaymentDates (Type: ListOfDateCoded)?

Description: The PaymentDates element contains a list of dates that are pertinent to the payment document.

PaymentExceptionCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code contains exception codes that relate to the Payment document.

Value: Enumeration, including:

PaymentInstructions (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentTerms+ ,  PaymentMethod+

Description: The PaymentInstructions element contains the terms and the method of payment for goods or services received.

ListOfPaymentInstructions (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentInstructions+

Description: The ListOfPaymentInstructions element is a collection of one or more elements to communication the terms and the method of payment for goods or services received.

PaymentMeanCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of payment to be made for the package. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 4461 (payment means code) and X12 107 (payment method code).

Value: Enumeration, including:

PaymentMethod (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentMeanCoded (Type: PaymentMeanCode) ,  PaymentMeanCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  PaymentMeanReference (Type: Reference)? ,  PaymentSystemCoded (Type: PaymentSystemCode)? ,  PaymentSystemCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  OriginatingFIAccount (Type: FIAccount)? ,  ReceivingFIAccount (Type: FIAccount)? ,  CardInfo?

Description: The PaymentMethod element communicates the specific manner in which a payment is to be made.

PaymentSystemCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This identifies the system over which the payment will be transmitted. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 4435 (Payment channel code).

Value: Enumeration, including:

PaymentParty (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PayerParty ,  PayeeParty (Type: Party) ,  BuyerParty (Type: Party)? ,  SupplierParty (Type: Party)? ,  BillToParty (Type: Party)? ,  ListOfPartyCoded?

Description: The PaymentParty element contains all parties relevant to the payment document. The required parties are the PayerParty and the PayeeParty. The PayerParty includes an optional CertificateAuthority field to specify a digital signature.

PaymentReasonCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the reason or business function for the payment. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 4025 (Business function code).

Value: Enumeration, including:

PaymentRequest (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentRequestHeader ,  ListOfPaymentRequestDetail ,  PaymentRequestSummary

Description:  The PaymentRequest element consists of details for arranging for payment of a specified value amount to a beneficiary in settlement of a business transaction. The payer can initiate a PaymentRequest to instruct its financial institution to debit its account by the specified amount to be paid to the beneficiary for goods or services rendered. The PaymentRequest can reference multiple documents (i.e. PO, ASN, Invoice) but no reference is mandatory. The payment is expressed in a single language. Consolidated payment is supported. The Payer can send multiple payment requests in a single PaymentRequest document. Foreign exchange rates are supported. This is not an IFX compliant document; however IFX influenced the design of this document.

ListOfPaymentRequestDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentRequestDetail+

Description:  The ListOfPaymentRequestDetail element contains a list of payment documents which include details and instructions for payment. Each payment document can optionally have RemittanceAdviceDetail. This is a required element with at least one payment document.

PaymentRequestAcknDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ConfirmationID (Type: string) ,  PaymentDocumentID (Type: Reference) ,  PaymentSequenceNo (Type: int)? ,  SettlementAmount (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  DebitAmount (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  CreditAmount (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  PaymentParty? ,  FinancialInstitutionDetail? ,  ListOfRateOfExchangeDetail? ,  ExcpetionNote (Type: string)? ,  PaymentRequestNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfPaymentException? ,  EncryptedInfo?

Description:  The PaymentRequestAcknDetail element contains high level information for the PaymentRequest document.

ListOfPaymentRequestAcknDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentRequestAcknDetail+

Description:  The ListOfPaymentRequestAcknDetail element contains a list of one or more payment document details for which the PaymentRequestAcknowledgement is referencing from the original PaymentRequest document.

ListOfPaymentException (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentException+

Description:  The ListOfPaymentException element contains a list of exception codes relating to thePaymentRequest document.

PaymentException (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentExceptionCoded (Type: PaymentExceptionCode) ,  PaymentExceptionCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  PaymentExceptionNote (Type: string)? ,  OffendingPaymentElement (Type: NameValuePair)?

Description:  The PaymentException element holds the exception details that include an exception code, exception note and a specifier for the offending element.

PaymentRequestAcknHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentRequestAcknCoded (Type: PurposeCode) ,  PaymentRequestAcknCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  PaymentRequestAcknIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  PaymentRequestAcknID (Type: string) ,  PaymentRequestIDReference (Type: Reference)? ,  CertificateAuthority (Type: string)? ,  SuccessfulReceptIndicator (Type: boolean) ,  GeneralNote (Type: string)? ,  Language

Description:  The PaymentRequestAcknHeader element contains information to acknowledge receipt of a PaymentRequest document.

PaymentRequestAcknowledgment (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentRequestAcknHeader ,  ListOfPaymentRequestAcknDetail ,  PaymentRequestAcknSummary (Type: PaymentRequestSummary)

Description: The PaymentRequestAcknowledgment element acknowledges the receipt of the PaymentRequest.

PaymentRequestDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentDocumentID (Type: Reference) ,  PaymentSequenceNo (Type: int)? ,  PaymentDates? ,  (FinancialInstitutionDetail  |  (OriginatingFinancialInstitution (Type: FIAccountDetail) ,  ReceivingFISpecificID (Type: Party)) ,  (OriginatingFISpecificID (Type: Party) ,  (ReceivingFinancialInstitution (Type: FIAccountDetail)  |  ReceivingFISpecificID (Type: Party))) ,  CardInfo) ,  SettlementAmount (Type: MonetaryValue) ,  SettlementCurrency (Type: Currency) ,  PaymentRequestParty ,  LegalReportingInformation? ,  PaymentReasonCoded (Type: PaymentReasonCode)? ,  PaymentReasonCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  PaymentUrgencyCoded (Type: PaymentUrgencyCode)? ,  PaymentUrgencyCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  InternationalPaymentIndicator (Type: boolean)? ,  IntraCompanyPaymentIndicator (Type: boolean)? ,  PaymentMeanCoded (Type: PaymentMeanCode) ,  PaymentMeanCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  PaymentMeanReference (Type: Reference)? ,  PaymentSystemCoded (Type: PaymentSystemCode)? ,  PaymentSystemCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  PaymentReference (Type: ListOfReferenceCoded)? ,  AcceptFXMarketRate (Type: boolean)? ,  ListOfRateOfExchangeDetail? ,  PaymentDetailAttachment (Type: Attachment)? ,  PaymentInstructionNotes (Type: string)? ,  IsCredit (Type: boolean)? ,  RepetitiveCode (Type: string)? ,  FinancialChargesAllocation? ,  ListOfPaymentDocumentDetail?

Description:  The PaymentRequestDetail element contains details and instructions for the PaymentRequest. This may include, for example, settlement amount, receiving financial institution detail, payment reason and payment mean codes, and payment dates.

ListOfPaymentDocumentDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentDocumentDetail (Type: RemittanceAdviceDetail)+

Description:  The ListOfPaymentDocumentDetail element contains the RemittanceAdvice details. Remittance detail is not required to process a payment. Thus, usage of this element is dependent on the established trading partner agreements between sender and receiver of this document.

PaymentRequestHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentRequestPurpose (Type: Purpose) ,  PaymentRequestIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  PaymentRequestID (Type: Reference) ,  PayerParty ,  Language ,  GeneralNotes (Type: string)? ,  PaymentRequestAttachment (Type: Attachment)?

Description:  The PaymentRequestHeader element contains the header information of the PaymentRequest.

PaymentRequestParty (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PayerParty? ,  PayeeParty (Type: Party) ,  BuyerParty (Type: Party)? ,  SupplierParty (Type: Party)? ,  BillToParty (Type: Party)? ,  ListOfPartyCoded?

Description: The PaymentRequestParty element contains all parties relevant to the payment document. The PayerParty is optional in this structure.

PaymentRequestSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TotalPaymentDocuments (Type: int)? ,  TotalLineItem (Type: int)? ,  TotalSettlementAmount (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  EncryptedInfo? ,  SummaryNote (Type: string)?

Description:  The PaymentRequestSummary element contains the summary information of the PaymentRequest typically totals of numeric fields.

PaymentResponsibilityCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies which party pays for the package. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 8395 (Returnable package freight payment responsibility code) and X12 743 (Returnable container freight payment responsibility code).

Value: Enumeration, including:

PaymentStatusRequest (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentStatusRequestHeader ,  ListOfPaymentStatusRequestDetail ,  PaymentStatusRequestSummary

Description:  The PaymentStatusRequest element enables payers to query the status of a previously submitted payment to/from a financial institution.

ListOfPaymentStatusRequestDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentStatusRequestDetail+

Description:  The ListOfPaymentStatusRequestDetail element contains a list of PaymentStatusRequest details.

PaymentStatusRequestDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: SequenceNumber (Type: int)? ,  (PaymentRequestID (Type: Reference)  |  ConfirmationID (Type: string)  |  PaymentDateRange (Type: ValidityDates)  |  PaymentDates) ,  SettlementAmount (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  ListOfPaymentRequestReferences (Type: ListOfReference)?

Description:  The PaymentStatusRequestDetail element contains detailed information related to the payment status being requested.

PaymentStatusRequestHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentStatusRequestID (Type: Reference) ,  PaymentStatusRequestIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  PayerParty? ,  Language ,  GeneralNotes (Type: string)?

Description:  The PaymentStatusRequestHeader element contains the header information of the PaymentStatusRequest.

PaymentStatusRequestSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TotalNumberPaymentRequests (Type: int)?

Description:  The PaymentStatusRequestSummary element contains the summary information of the PaymentRequestStatus.

PaymentStatusResponse (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentStatusResponseHeader ,  ListOfPaymentStatusResponseDetail ,  PaymentStatusResponseSummary (Type: PaymentStatusRequestSummary)

Description:  The PaymentStatusResponse element . The payment status response document enables the financial institution to send the information on the status of a payment to the payer.

ListOfPaymentStatusResponseDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentStatusResponseDetail+

Description:  The ListOfPaymentStatusResponseDetail element contains a list of PaymentStatusResponse details.

PaymentStatusResponseDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentRequestID (Type: Reference) ,  ConfirmationID (Type: string) ,  SequenceNumber (Type: int)? ,  PaymentDates? ,  SettlementDate (Type: datetime)? ,  FXValueDate (Type: datetime)? ,  SettlementAmount (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  DebitAmount (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  CreditAmount (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  OriginatingFinancialInstitution (Type: FIAccountDetail)? ,  ReceivingFinancialInstitution (Type: FIAccountDetail)? ,  CardInfo? ,  PaymentParty? ,  ParticipantUserID (Type: Identifier)? ,  RateOfExchangeDetail? ,  PaymentSystemCoded (Type: PaymentSystemCode)? ,  PaymentSystemCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  ListOfPaymentReferences (Type: ListOfReference)? ,  ListOfOtherPaymentInfo (Type: ListOfNameValuePair)? ,  ListOfPaymentResponse (Type: ListOfPaymentException)

Description:  The ListOfPaymentStatusResponseDetail element contains detailed information pertaining to the payment status. This includes payment document information containing payment related information at the line item level.

PaymentStatusResponseHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentStatusRequestID (Type: Reference) ,  PaymentStatusResponseID (Type: Reference) ,  PaymentStatusResponseIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  SendingParty (Type: PayerParty)? ,  Language ,  GeneralNote (Type: string)?

Description:  The PaymentStatusResponseHeader element contains the header information of the PaymentStatusResponse.

PaymentTerm (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentTermCoded (Type: PaymentTermCode) ,  PaymentTermCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  PaymentTermValue (Type: int)? ,  PaymentTermDetails (Type: Discounts)?

Description:  The PaymentTerm element contains information about one payment condition, such as discount eligibility.

PaymentTermCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the a payment term. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 4279 (Payment terms type code qualifier) and X12 336 (Terms type code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

PaymentTerms (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PaymentTerm+ ,  Discounts* ,  PaymentTermsNote (Type: string)?

Description: The PaymentTerms element is used to communicate one or more of terms relating to the instructions for payment of goods or services received.

Discounts (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: DiscountPercent (Type: Decimal10_4)? ,  DiscountAmount (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  DiscountDaysDue (Type: int)? ,  DiscountDueDate (Type: datetime)? ,  DiscountDateTimeRefCoded (Type: DateTimeRefCode)? ,  DiscountDateTimeRefCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  NetDaysDue (Type: int)? ,  NetDueDate (Type: datetime)? ,  NetDateTimeRefCoded (Type: DateTimeRefCode)? ,  NetDateTimeRefCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description:  The Discounts element is a container element that holds discount information as it pertains to the payment term.

PaymentUrgencyCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies whether the payment should be normal or express.

Value: Enumeration, including:

PersonAddress (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: (OrganizationAddressID (Type: string)  |  (POBox? ,  Street (Type: string)? ,  HouseNumber (Type: string)? ,  StreetSupplement1 (Type: string)? ,  StreetSupplement2 (Type: string)? ,  PostalCode (Type: string)? ,  City (Type: string) ,  County (Type: string)? ,  Region? ,  District (Type: string)? ,  Country)) ,  Building (Type: string)? ,  Floor (Type: string)? ,  RoomNumber (Type: string)? ,  InhouseMail (Type: string)? ,  Department (Type: string)? ,  ListOfCommunicationDetail

Description:  The PersonAddress element contains a user-specific specified address within an organization. Organization address can be referenced as an option. Personal addresses that do not exist as corporate addresses will not be stored in the trading partner directory. Any address that is associated with a user is also a corporate address.

ListOfPersonAddress (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PersonAddress+

Description:  The ListOfPersonAddress element contains a list of one or more personal addresses.

PersonProfile (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Title? ,  AcademicTitle? ,  LastName (Type: string) ,  FirstName (Type: string)? ,  MiddleName (Type: string)? ,  FullName (Type: string)? ,  CorrespondenceLanguage (Type: Language)? ,  NumberFormat (Type: string)? ,  DateFormat? ,  TimeFormat (Type: string)? ,  PersonTimezone (Type: Timezone)? ,  ListOfX509Certificate? ,  PersonAddress ,  GeneralNotes (Type: string)?

Description: The PersonProfile element contains the profile of the trading partner user.

PlanningSchedule (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PlanningScheduleHeader ,  (ListOfLocationGroupedPlanningDetail  |  ListOfMaterialGroupedPlanningDetail) ,  PlanningScheduleSummary?

Description: The PlanningSchedule element is sent from a party who is planning the use or consumption of products (buyer) to a party who has to plan for the supply of the products (seller). The document consists of the notification of a forecast to be sent from the buyer to the seller. The document outlines the requirements regarding the details for short term delivery and/or medium to long scheduling for products. The scheduling can be used to authorize manufacturing and/or the provision of materials. This is based on the terms and conditions defined in a purchasing agreement commonly outlined by a contract or order. The Planning Schedule defined here will not be designed to support release capability. This document will serve solely as a materials requirement schedule. All schedule requirements relating to shipping and release authorization will be handled by the ShippingSchedule document. A response to Planning Schedule can be made using the PlanningScheduleResponse document. Use of this document is determined by trading partners.

PlanningScheduleHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ScheduleID (Type: string) ,  ScheduleIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  ScheduleReferences? ,  ReleaseNumber (Type: string)? ,  SchedulePurpose (Type: Purpose) ,  RequestedResponse? ,  ScheduleTypeCoded (Type: ScheduleTypeCode) ,  ScheduleTypeCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  QuantityQualifierCoded (Type: QuantityQualifierCode) ,  QuantityQualifierCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  ValidityDates? ,  ScheduleParty ,  Language ,  PlanningScheduleHeaderNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfStructuredNote? ,  ListOfAttachment?

Description: The PlanningScheduleHeader element contains the header information of the Planning Schedule.

PlanningScheduleResponse (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PlanningScheduleResponseHeader ,  (ListOfLocationGroupedPlanningResponse  |  ListOfMaterialGroupedPlanningResponse) ,  PlanningScheduleResponseSummary (Type: PlanningScheduleSummary)?

Description: The PlanningScheduleResponse element is the response to a previously sent PlanningSchedule. The intent of this document is for sellers to provide changes or corrections to the original documents. A seller can reply back with changes to a schedule due to factors such as backorder, insufficient parts, cannot meet demand, incorrect information, etc.

PlanningScheduleResponseHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ScheduleResponseID (Type: string) ,  ScheduleResponseIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  ScheduleReference (Type: Reference) ,  ListOfReferenceCoded? ,  BuyerParty (Type: Party) ,  SellerParty (Type: Party) ,  Purpose ,  ResponseType ,  Language ,  OriginalPlanningScheduleHeader (Type: PlanningScheduleHeader)? ,  ChangedPlanningScheduleHeader (Type: PlanningScheduleHeader)? ,  PlanningScheduleResponseHeaderNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfStructuredNote? ,  ListOfAttachment?

Description:  The PlanningScheduleResponseHeader element contains the header information of the PlanningScheduleResponse.

PlanningScheduleSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TotalNumberOfLineItems (Type: int)

Description: The PlanningScheduleSummary element contains the summary information of the PlanningSchedule, typically totals of numerical fields.

Price (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: UnitPrice ,  PriceBasisQuantity (Type: Quantity)? ,  ValidityDates? ,  PriceQuantityRange (Type: Quantity)? ,  PriceMultiplier?

Description: The Price element contains a pricing scheme for an item.

UnitPrice (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: UnitPriceValue (Type: Decimal21_6) ,  Currency? ,  UnitOfMeasurement?

Description: The UnitPrice element container element that holds the pricing information for a basic unit of an item.

PriceMultiplier (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PriceMultiplierCoded (Type: PriceMultiplierCode) ,  PriceMultiplierCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  Multiplier (Type: number)

Description: The PriceMultiplier element contains a reason and value by which the unit price is multiplied by to arrive at the final price for an item. This can be used to apply a discount to a basic unit price.

PriceMultiplierCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the reason for which a price is to be multiplied by a factor to obtain the final price. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 5393 (Price Multiplier Qualifier) and X12 648 (Price Multiplier Qualifier)

Value: Enumeration, including:

ListOfPrice (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Price+

Description: The ListOfPrice element contains one or more pricing schemes.

PriceCheckRequest (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PriceCheckRequestHeader ,  PriceCheckRequestDetail? ,  PriceCheckRequestSummary?

Description: The PriceCheckRequest element consists of the request for a price to be sent from a buyer to a supplier. The request is only used to request the price of the goods.

PriceCheckRequestDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ListOfPriceCheckRequestItemDetail

Description: The PriceCheckRequestDetail element contains the line item detail information for the PriceCheckRequest.

PriceCheckRequestSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TotalNumberOfLineItem (Type: int)?

Description: The PriceCheckRequestSummary element contains summary information for the PriceCheckRequest. This includes totals of numerical fields.

PriceCheckRequestHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PriceCheckRequestID (Type: Reference) ,  PriceCheckRequestIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  SupplierParty (Type: Party) ,  SupplierIDReferenceDate (Type: datetime)? ,  BuyerParty (Type: Party) ,  BuyerIDReferenceDate (Type: datetime)? ,  PriceCheckShipToParty (Type: Party) ,  PriceCurrency (Type: Currency)? ,  QuoteDate (Type: datetime)? ,  PriceCheckRequestLanguage (Type: Language)? ,  PriceCheckRequestNotes (Type: string)? ,  RequestListOfAttachment (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description: The PriceCheckRequestHeader element holds all PriceCheck header-level information. This element occurs once within the document and contains reference date along with buyer and supplier information.

PriceCheckRequestItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PriceCheckRequestBaseItemDetail ,  GeneralLineItemNote (Type: string)? ,  LineItemAttachment (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description: The PriceCheckRequestItemDetail element contains the item detail information for the PriceCheckRequest .

PriceCheckRequestBaseItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: BaseItemDetail

Description: The PriceCheckRequestBaseItemDetail element contains the identifying and descriptive information for the line items in PriceCheckRequest.

ListOfPriceCheckRequestItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PriceCheckRequestItemDetail+

Description: The ListOfPriceCheckRequestItemDetail element contains a list of line items for PriceCheckRequest.

PriceCheckResult (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PriceCheckResultHeader ,  PriceCheckResultDetail? ,  PriceCheckResultSummary?

Description: The PriceCheckResult element consists of the response from a supplier to a PriceCheckRequest sent by a buyer. The PriceCheckResult contains specific price information for items in the PriceCheckRequest.

PriceCheckResultDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ListOfPriceCheckResultItemDetail

Description: The PriceCheckResultDetail element contains the line item detail information for the PriceCheckResult.

PriceCheckResultSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PriceCheckItemError (Type: int) ,  PriceCheckSummaryErrorInfo (Type: ErrorInfo)? ,  TotalNumberOfLineItem (Type: int)?

Description: The PriceCheckResultSummary element holds information about the errors generated during the price check and total number of line items.

PriceCheckResultHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PriceCheckResultID (Type: Reference) ,  PriceCheckResultIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  SupplierParty (Type: Party) ,  SupplierIDReferenceDate (Type: datetime)? ,  BuyerParty (Type: Party) ,  BuyerIDReferenceDate (Type: datetime)? ,  PriceCheckShipToParty (Type: Party) ,  PriceCheckCurrency (Type: Currency)? ,  QuoteDate (Type: datetime)? ,  PriceCheckResultLanguage (Type: Language)? ,  PriceCheckResultNote (Type: string)? ,  ResultListOfAttachment (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description: The PriceCheckResultHeader element holds all price check header-level information. This element occurs once within the document.

PriceCheckResultItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: QuotedItem ,  ResultPrice (Type: Price) ,  PriceErrorInfo (Type: ErrorInfo)? ,  GeneralLineItemNote (Type: string)? ,  LineItemAttachment (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description:  The PriceCheckResultItemDetail element contains the item detail information for the PriceCheckResult .

ListOfPriceCheckResultItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PriceCheckResultItemDetail+

Description:  The ListOfPriceCheckResultItemDetail element contains a list of line items for the PriceCheckResult.

PricingDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ListOfPrice ,  Tax* ,  ItemAllowancesOrCharges (Type: ListOfAllowOrCharge)? ,  TotalValue (Type: MonetaryValue)?

Description: The PricingDetail element contains all pricing information, including taxes, allowances and charges, and total price for an item.

PrimaryID (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: Identifier

Description: The PrimaryID element contains a unique TradingPartnerID created by the marketplace. This ID is globally unique.

PrimaryMessageInformation (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: MessageResponseIdentifier (Type: Reference) ,  PrimaryReturnCoded (Type: PrimaryReturnCode) ,  PrimaryReturnCodeDescription (Type: string)?

Description:  The PrimaryMessageInformation element holds information on what happened to the actual initial document. Details will be in SecondaryMessageInformation.

PrimaryReturnCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies if the initial request succeeded or not.

Value: Enumeration, including:

Product (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Action? ,  ProductID ,  ProductIDExtension (Type: string)? ,  ProductIDStandard? ,  ProductName* ,  UOM? ,  Manufacturer? ,  ManuPartNumber (Type: string)? ,  LeadTime (Type: string)? ,  LeadTimeUOM (Type: UOM)? ,  ValidFrom (Type: date)? ,  ValidUntil (Type: date)? ,  CountryOfOrigin (Type: Country)? ,  MinOrder (Type: int)? ,  LotSize (Type: int)? ,  ExternalCategory (Type: string)* ,  ShortDescription* ,  LongDescription* ,  CatalogContract* ,  ProductPrice* ,  ProductVendorData* ,  ProductAttachment* ,  RelatedProduct* ,  ObjectAttribute*

Attribute: Name: Type - Data Type: ProductTypeCoded - Default Value: "Good"
Attribute: Name: SchemaCategoryRef - Data Type: IDREFS - Default Value: #IMPLIED

Description:  The Product element contains all attributes associated with a product.

Action (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: EMPTY

Attribute: Name: Value - Data Type: ActionValueCode - Default Value: "Add"

Description:  The Action element specifies the action to be taken by the application processing the product description.

ActionValueCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the action taken by the application processing the data.

Value: Enumeration, including:

ProductID (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


Attribute: Name: Type - Data Type: BuyerSupplierCode - Default Value: "Supplier"

Description: The ProductID element uniquely identifies the product.

ProductIDStandard (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


Attribute: Name: Agency - Data Type: ProductIDStandardCode - Default Value: "Other"

Description: The ProductIDStandard element indicates the agency whose product identification scheme is being used in ProductID.

ProductName (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


Attribute: Name: lang - Data Type: xmllang - Default Value: "en"

Description: The ProductName element contains the name of the product. Multilanguage support is provided by potentially having multiple ProductName elements, each of which has an xml:lang attribute. xml:lang must contain a value that is a valid RFC 1766 language code. If not specified in DefaultLanguage or in a specific element, the value is assumed to be en for "English.".

Manufacturer (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


Attribute: Name: PartnerRef - Data Type: IDREF - Default Value: #IMPLIED

Description: The Manufacturer element supplies the name of the manufacturer or a reference to a manufacturer partner in the ListOfPartners. If a value is supplied in the PartnerRef attribute, the string content of the element will typically be ignored by the application or treated as secondary.

RelatedProduct (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


Attribute: Name: TargetType - Data Type: TargetTypeCode - Default Value: "Component"

Description: The RelatedProduct element allows the catalog to describe relationships between products, both by identifying the related product, and by explaining what type of relationship is being indicated. The content of this element should be the product ID of the related product.

ProductTypeCoded (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of product

Value: Enumeration, including:

ProductIDStandardCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the standard that the product ID is produced to.

Value: Enumeration, including:

TargetTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of target or related product within the ProductCatalog document

Value: Enumeration, including:

UOM (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: UOMCoded (Type: UOMCode) ,  UOMCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The UOM element represents the base unit of measure.

ProductAttachment (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AttachmentURL (Type: URI) ,  AttachmentPurpose (Type: string)? ,  AttachmentMIMEType (Type: string)? ,  ShortDescription* ,  LongDescription*

Description: The ProductAttachment element allows the catalog creator to attach files of any type to the product description, and contains relevant information.

ProductCatalog (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: CatalogHeader ,  CatalogSchema? ,  CatalogData?

Description: The ProductCatalog element is a document that is used to supply pricing and product description data to trading partners. It is also used to configure non-standard product attributes that are useful for a particular type of product, service, catalog, etc., and is sometimes used as a vehicle for exchanging non-standard attributes and categorizations.

ProductIdentifierQualifierCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code shows the qualifier used to identify the product.

Value: Enumeration, including:

ProductPrice (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Amount (Type: Decimal18_3) ,  PriceType (Type: string)? ,  Currency? ,  UOM? ,  MinimumQuantity (Type: int)? ,  ShortDescription? ,  ValidFrom (Type: date)? ,  ValidUntil (Type: date)? ,  Buyer? ,  PriceBasisQuant (Type: number)?

Description: The ProductPrice element gives a set of price information for the item. If there is more than one relevant price, repeat the element.

Buyer (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


Attribute: Name: PartnerRef - Data Type: IDREF - Default Value: #IMPLIED

Description: The Buyer element provides the name of a buyer, or a reference to a buyer described in ListOfTradingPartner. If the name is supplied, as well as a reference to the buyer, the reference should be treated as the primary identifier.

ProductVendorData (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: VendorPartNumber (Type: string)? ,  LeadTime (Type: string)? ,  LeadTimeUOM (Type: UOM)? ,  CatalogContract? ,  MinOrder (Type: int)? ,  ProductPrice*

Attribute: Name: PartnerRef - Data Type: IDREF - Default Value: #REQUIRED

Description: The ProductVendorData element holds the data specific to a particular product vendor. The product vendor is identified using the PartRef attribute.

PurchaseOrderReference (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PurchaseOrderNumber (Type: Reference) ,  PurchaseOrderDate (Type: datetime)? ,  PurchaseOrderLineItemNumber (Type: string)? ,  PartialOrderCoded (Type: ASNPartialOrderCode)? ,  PartialOrderCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The PurchaseOrderReference element contains information relevant to the purchase order the invoice is issued against.

Purpose (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PurposeCoded (Type: PurposeCode) ,  PurposeCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The Purpose element is used to communicate the function of a document.

PurposeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This identifies the function of a document. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 1225 (Message function, coded) and X12 353 (Transaction Set Purpose Code).

Value: Enumeration, including:

Quantity (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: (QuantityValue  |  QuantityRange) ,  UnitOfMeasurement

Description: The Quantity element identifies a quantitative amount of an item.

QuantityValue (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: number

Attribute: Name: SignificanceCoded - Data Type: SignificanceCode - Default Value: #IMPLIED
Attribute: Name: SignificanceCodedOther - Data Type: string - Default Value: #IMPLIED
Attribute: Name: ConditionsCoded - Data Type: ConditionsCode - Default Value: #IMPLIED
Attribute: Name: ConditionsCodedOther - Data Type: string - Default Value: #IMPLIED

Description: The QuantityValue element is used to specify a specific value of a quantity.

QuantityRange (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: MinimumValue ,  MaximumValue

Description: The QuantityRange element is used to specify a range for a quantity.

QuantityCoded (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: Quantity

Description: The QuantityCoded element contains a quantity not explicitly stated in another element.

ListOfQuantity (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Quantity+

Description: The ListOfQuantity element contains a list of one or more quantities.

ListOfQuantityCoded (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: QuantityCoded+

Description: The ListOfQuantityCoded element is a container holding a list of quantities not explicitly stated in other elements.

QuantityQualifierCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of quantities. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 6063 (Quantity type code qualifier) and X12 673 (Quantity qualifier)

Value: Enumeration, including:

QuotationRequestReference (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: QuotationReqReference (Type: Reference) ,  ReferenceReleaseNumber (Type: string)?

Description: The QuotationRequestReference element identifies the RequestReference.

Quote (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: QuoteHeader ,  ListOfQuoteDetails? ,  ListOfQuotePackageDetail (Type: ListOfPackageDetail)? ,  QuoteSummary?

Description: The Quote element contains information in response to a RequestForQuotation. This will contain details on the availability of the goods and prices if applicable.

QuoteSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TotalNumberOfLineItems (Type: int)?

Description: The QuoteSummary element contains details summarizing the quote.

ListOfQuoteDetails (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: QuoteDetails+

Description:  The ListOfQuoteDetails element contains the line level detail information for the quote.

QuoteDetails (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: QuoteItemType (Type: QuoteType) ,  QuoteItemDetail ,  QuotePricingDetail (Type: PricingDetail)? ,  QuoteDeliveryDetail (Type: DeliveryDetail)? ,  QuoteItemListOfAttachment (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description:  The QuoteDetails element contains detailed information concerning the quote.

QuoteItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: BaseItemDetail

Description:  The QuoteItemDetail element identifies the material relevant information associated with the quote.

QuoteHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: QuoteIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  QuoteID (Type: Reference) ,  QuotationRequestReference? ,  QuoteType? ,  QuoteParty (Type: OrderParty) ,  QuoteTransport (Type: TransportRouting)? ,  QuoteCurrency (Type: Currency)? ,  QuoteAllowanceOrCharge (Type: ListOfAllowOrCharge)? ,  QuoteTermsOfPayment (Type: PaymentInstructions)? ,  QuoteTermsOfDelivery (Type: TermsOfDelivery)? ,  QuoteTax (Type: TaxReference)* ,  QuoteLanguage (Type: Language)? ,  GeneralNotes (Type: string)? ,  QuoteListOfAttachment (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description: The QuoteHeader element holds all RequestforQuotation header-level information. This element occurs once within the document.

QuoteType (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: QuoteTypeCoded (Type: QuoteTypeCode) ,  QuoteTypeCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The QuoteType element specifies the type of quote generated in response to the request.

QuoteTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the code values for the type of quote.

Value: Enumeration, including:

QuotedItem (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: CheckResultBaseItemDetail

Description: The QuotedItem element is a container for holding the original item detail from the PriceCheckRequest.

CheckResultBaseItemDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: BaseItemDetail

Description: The CheckResultBaseItemDetail element contains the identifying and descriptive information for the line items in PriceCheckRequest.

Range (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: MinimumValue ,  MaximumValue

Description:  The Range element identifies a range of values by a minimum and maximum value.

MinimumValue (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: number

Attribute: Name: SignificanceCoded - Data Type: SignificanceCode - Default Value: #IMPLIED
Attribute: Name: SignificanceCodedOther - Data Type: string - Default Value: #IMPLIED
Attribute: Name: ConditionsCoded - Data Type: ConditionsCode - Default Value: #IMPLIED
Attribute: Name: ConditionsCodedOther - Data Type: string - Default Value: #IMPLIED

Description:  The MinimumValue element specifies the minimum value and its inclusiveness. This is a string content model of a number datatype.

MaximumValue (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: number

Attribute: Name: SignificanceCoded - Data Type: SignificanceCode - Default Value: #IMPLIED
Attribute: Name: SignificanceCodedOther - Data Type: string - Default Value: #IMPLIED
Attribute: Name: ConditionsCoded - Data Type: ConditionsCode - Default Value: #IMPLIED
Attribute: Name: ConditionsCodedOther - Data Type: string - Default Value: #IMPLIED

Description: The MaximumValue element specifies the maximum value and its inclusiveness. This is a string content model of a number datatype.

RateOfExchangeDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ReferenceCurrency (Type: Currency) ,  TargetCurrency (Type: Currency) ,  RateOfExchange (Type: Decimal19_9) ,  InverseRateOfExchange (Type: Decimal19_9)? ,  DateOfRateOfExchange (Type: datetime)? ,  ListOfRateOfExchangeReference (Type: ListOfReference)?

Description: The RateOfExchangeDetail element contains the detail of the exchange rate between two currencies.

ListOfRateOfExchangeDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: RateOfExchangeDetail+

Description: The ListOfRateOfExchangeDetail element contains one or more elements detailing information on the rate of exchange between currencies.

ReasonTaxExemptCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the reason for exemption from tax. This code list is derived from X12 441 (Tax exempt code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

Reference (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: RefNum (Type: string) ,  RefDate (Type: datetime)?

Description: The Reference element contains information that can be used to find further information elsewhere.

ReferenceCoded (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ReferenceTypeCoded (Type: ReferenceTypeCode) ,  ReferenceTypeCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  PrimaryReference (Type: Reference) ,  SupportingReference (Type: Reference)? ,  SupportingSubReference (Type: Reference)? ,  ReferenceDescription (Type: string)?

Description: The ReferenceCoded element identifies the source of the information using a standard codelist.

ListOfReference (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Reference+

Description: The ListOfReference element contains one or more elements containing information that can be used to find further information elsewhere.

ListOfReferenceCoded (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ReferenceCoded+

Description: The ListOfReferenceCoded element contains one or more elements containing information that can be used to find further information elsewhere that are not explicitly stated in another element.

ReferenceTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the meaning to a reference. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 1153 (Reference function code qualifier) and X12 128 (Reference identification qualifier)

Value: Enumeration, including:

Region (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: RegionCoded (Type: RegionCode) ,  RegionCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The Region element identifies a region within a country.

ListOfRegion (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Region+

Description: The ListOfRegion element holds the information regarding regions within countries.

RegionCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the region within a country. This code list is derived from ISO 3166/1998 (Country code subdivision code, UN/LOCODE 2000)

Value: Enumeration, including:

RelatedInvoiceRef (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: RelatedInvoiceType (Type: InvoiceType) ,  InvoiceNumber (Type: Reference) ,  InvoiceLineItemNumber (Type: string)?

Description: The RelatedInvoiceRef element holds a reference to another invoice.

ListOfRelatedInvoiceRef (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: RelatedInvoiceRef+

Description: The ListOfRelatedInvoiceRef element contains a list of other invoices related to this invoice or InvoiceDetail.

RemittanceAdvice (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: RemittanceAdviceHeader ,  ListOfRemittanceAdviceDetail ,  RemittanceAdviceSummary (Type: PaymentRequestSummary)

Description: The RemittanceAdvice element advises a trading partner of payment for specific goods and/or services being provided. Payers may initiate a RemittanceAdvice with a related payment request to specify the exact goods being paid. Payers may also initiate a RemittanceAdvice to inform payees of the intent to refund moneys for specific goods and/or services.

RemittanceAdviceDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: (ListOfSubsidiary  |  ListOfInvoicingDetail  |  ListOfAdjustments) ,  GeneralNote (Type: string)?

Description: The RemittanceAdviceDetail element contains detail information pertaining to the RemittanceAdvice document. The structure is composed of Adjustments, Subsidiary and/or InvoicingDetail.

ListOfRemittanceAdviceDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: RemittanceAdviceDetail+

Description: The ListOfRemittanceAdviceDetail element contains all detail information pertaining to the RemittanceAdvice.

RemittanceAdviceHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: RemittanceAdvicePurpose (Type: Purpose) ,  RemittaceAdviceIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  RemittanceAdviceID (Type: Reference) ,  PaymentSettlementDate (Type: datetime)? ,  TotalAmountDue (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  TotalAmountPaid (Type: MonetaryValue) ,  PaymentCurrency (Type: Currency) ,  ListOfRateOfExchangeDetail? ,  Language ,  IsCredit (Type: boolean)? ,  PaymentInstructions? ,  PaymentParty ,  PaymentReasonCoded (Type: PaymentReasonCode)? ,  PaymentReasonCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  ListOfRemittanceAdviceReference (Type: ListOfReferenceCoded)? ,  RemittanceAdviceAttachment (Type: Attachment)? ,  GeneralNote (Type: string)?

Description: The RemittanceAdviceHeader element contains the header information for the RemittanceAdvice.

RequestForQuotation (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: RequestQuoteHeader ,  ListOfRequestQuoteDetails? ,  ListOfRequestQuotePackageDetail (Type: ListOfPackageDetail)? ,  RequestQuoteSummary?

Description: The RequestForQuotation element consists of the request for a quotation to be sent from the buyer to the supplier. The document outlines the requirements regarding the details for a request for quotation sent directly between the two parties. The request can be used to request goods or services. The requests are based on the terms and conditions defined either in a previous purchasing agreement or in the request itself. The request can be used to determine the availability of goods from existing suppliers where price will not be a deciding factor. The RequestForQuotation defined here allows for delivery information to be built into the request. All schedule requirements relating to shipping and release authorization will be handled by the ShippingSchedule document. The response to the request (a quote) can be used as the basis for a purchase order by the buyer if appropriate.

RequestQuoteSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TotalNumberOfLineItems (Type: int)?

Description: The RequestQuoteSummary element contains details summarizing the RequestForQuotation.

RequestQuoteDate (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: RequestQuoteValidityDate (Type: ValidityDates) ,  DecisionDate (Type: datetime)? ,  DeliveryDate (Type: datetime)? ,  DeliveryDateEarliest (Type: datetime)? ,  DeliveryDateLatest (Type: datetime)? ,  AdviseBefore (Type: datetime)? ,  CancelIfNotDelivered (Type: datetime)?

Description: The RequestQuoteDate element holds the dates for the RequestforQuotation.

ListOfRequestQuoteDetails (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: RequestQuoteDetails+

Description: The ListOfRequestQuoteDetails element contains the line level detail information for the RequestForQuotation.

RequestQuoteDetails (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: RequestQuoteItemDetail (Type: BaseItemDetail) ,  RequestQuotePricingDetail (Type: PricingDetail)? ,  RequestQuoteDeliveryDetail (Type: DeliveryDetail)? ,  RequestQuoteItemListOfAttachment (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description: The RequestQuoteDetails element contains the line item level information for the RequestForQuotation.

RequestQuoteHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: RequestQuoteIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  RequestQuoteID (Type: Reference) ,  RequestQuoteReference? ,  RequestQuotePurpose? ,  RequestQuoteDate? ,  RequestQuoteParty (Type: OrderParty) ,  ResultingOrderType (Type: OrderType)? ,  RequestQuoteCurrency (Type: Currency)? ,  RequestQuoteAllowanceOrCharge (Type: ListOfAllowOrCharge)? ,  RequestQuoteTermsOfPayment (Type: PaymentInstructions)? ,  RequestQuoteTermsOfDelivery (Type: TermsOfDelivery)? ,  RequestQuoteTax (Type: Tax)? ,  RequestQuoteTransport (Type: TransportRouting)? ,  RequestQuoteLanguage (Type: Language)? ,  RequestQuoteGeneralNotes (Type: string)? ,  RequestQuoteListOfAttachment (Type: ListOfAttachment)?

Description: The RequestQuoteHeader element holds all RequestForQuotation header-level information.

RequestQuotePurpose (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: RequestQuotePurposeCoded (Type: RequestQuotePurposeCode) ,  RequestQuotePurposeCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The RequestQuotePurpose element indicates the use of the document.

RequestQuotePurposeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the purpose of the RequestforQuotation message. This is a subset code list derived from EDIFACT 1225 (Message function, coded) and X12 353 (Transaction set purpose code) and 587 (Acknowledgement type code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

RequestQuoteReference (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ContractReference (Type: Contract)? ,  AccountNumber (Type: Reference)? ,  PriceListNumber (Type: Reference)? ,  PriceListVersionNumber (Type: Reference)? ,  BuyersCatalogNumber (Type: Reference)? ,  OtherRequestQuoteReferences (Type: ListOfReferenceCoded)?

Description: The RequestQuoteReference element contains a list of references for the request.

RequestedResponse (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: RequestedResponseCoded (Type: RequestedResponseCode) ,  RequestedResponseCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The RequestedResponse element specifies the type of acknowledgment requested by the buyer from the seller.

RequestedResponseCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of response requested. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 1225 (Message function code) and 1229 (Action request/notification description code) and X12 353 (Transaction set purpose code) and 587 (Acknowledgment type)

Value: Enumeration, including:

ResponseType (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ResponseTypeCoded (Type: ResponseTypeCode) ,  ResponseTypeCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The ResponseType element defines the type of response sent between seller and buyer.

ResponseTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of acknowledgment sent by the buyer or seller. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 1225 (Message function code), 1229 (Action request/notification description code), and 4343 (Response type code) and X12 353 (Transaction set purpose code), 587 (Acknowledgment type), and 670 (Change or response type code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

ReturnLoadCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code indicates the contents or state of goods on a returnable container. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 8393 (Returnable package load contents coded) and X12 728 (Returnable container load make-up code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

ReturnableContainerInfo (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ReturnableContainerPartNumber (Type: PartNum)? ,  PaymentResponsibilityCoded (Type: PaymentResponsibilityCode)? ,  PaymentResponsibilityCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  ReturnLoadCoded (Type: ReturnLoadCode)? ,  ReturnLoadCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  ReturnNote (Type: string)?

Description: The ReturnableContainerInfo element describes shipping, payment and miscellaneous information regarding containers that are returned after they have been used in shipment.

ReturnedIdentification (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TradingPartnerPrimaryID (Type: PrimaryID)? ,  AlternateID (Type: string)? ,  UserID? ,  ReturnedIdentificationURN (Type: URI)?

Description:  The ReturnedIdentification element contains the information on returned identification.

ListOfReturnedIdentification (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ReturnedIdentification+

Description: The ListOfReturnedIdentification element holds information on IDs which have been created or changed.

Rule (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: RuleName (Type: string) ,  RuleDescription (Type: string)? ,  RuleValue (Type: string) ,  RuleFormula (Type: string)?

Description: The Rule element contains specific information to describe a custom rule in the auction.

ListOfRules (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Rule+

Description: The ListOfRules element describes a set of generic rules associated with the auction.

RulesProfile (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: BidRuleCoded (Type: BidRuleCode) ,  BidRuleCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  MVBTemplate (Type: string)? ,  WinRuleCoded (Type: WinRuleCode) ,  WinRuleCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  VisibilityRules? ,  ListOfRules?

Description: The RulesProfile element contains all the rules associated with the auction.

SalesRequirement (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: SalesRequirementCoded (Type: SalesRequirementCode) ,  SalesRequirementCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The SalesRequirement element outlines any specific sales information relating to the item.

SalesRequirementCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies a specific requirement or agreement of sale. This code list is derived from X12 563 (Sales requirement code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

ScheduleDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: CommitmentLevelCoded (Type: CommitmentLevelCode) ,  CommitmentLevelCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  ScheduleDates (Type: ListOfDateCoded) ,  ScheduleQuantities (Type: ListOfQuantityCoded) ,  ItemResourceAuthorization? ,  ScheduleNote (Type: string)?

Description: The ScheduleDetail element provides the commitment level, dates, and quantity for the shipment.

ListOfScheduleDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ScheduleDetail+

Description: The ListOfScheduleDetail element is the detailed schedule information for the materials. Includes dates and quantity.

ScheduleLine (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ScheduleLineID (Type: int)? ,  Quantity ,  RequestedDeliveryDate (Type: datetime)? ,  ListOfOtherDeliveryDate (Type: ListOfDateCoded)? ,  (Transport  |  TransportReference (Type: int))? ,  ListOfShipToSubInformation?

Description: The ScheduleLine element contains the information on a portion of the line item shipment to be sent on particular set of dates with a particular set of transport information.

ListOfScheduleLine (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ScheduleLine+

Description: The ListOfScheduleLine element is all of the schedule information relevant to the line item for the shipping parties. This may indicate several shipments to the same location over a period of time.

ScheduleParty (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: BuyerParty (Type: Party) ,  SellerParty (Type: Party) ,  ShipFromParty (Type: Party) ,  ShipToParty (Type: Party) ,  BillToParty (Type: Party)? ,  MaterialIssuerParty (Type: Party)? ,  ListOfPartyCoded?

Description: The ScheduleParty element contains information on the parties to the PlanningSchedule, including unique ID's and address information.

ScheduleReferences (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ContractReferences (Type: ListOfContract)? ,  ScheduleOrderReference? ,  OrderType? ,  OtherScheduleReferences (Type: ListOfReferenceCoded)?

Description: The ScheduleReferences element is used to identify references to other documents and release information for the PlanningSchedule.

ScheduleOrderReference (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OrderNumber ,  OrderIssueDate (Type: datetime)? ,  OrderType?

Description: The ScheduleOrderReference element references the PurchaseOrder that the PlanningSchedule references.

ScheduleTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of schedule when defining shipping or delivery time in a schedule or forecast. This code list is derived from X12 675 (Schedule type qualifier)

Value: Enumeration, including:

SchemaCategory (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: CategoryName* ,  ShortDescription* ,  LongDescription* ,  CategoryAttribute*

Attribute: Name: CategoryID - Data Type: ID - Default Value: #REQUIRED
Attribute: Name: ParentCategoryRef - Data Type: IDREFS - Default Value: #IMPLIED

Description: The SchemaCategory element List of categories. Should not be present if there is a SchemaSource element supplied to identify an external schema.

CategoryName (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


Attribute: Name: lang - Data Type: xmllang - Default Value: "en"

Description: The CategoryName element contains the name of the category as given by its creator.

ListOfSealInfo (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: SealInfo+

Description: The ListOfSealInfo element provides the information regarding the seals affixed to the equipment.

SealInfo (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: SealNumber (Type: string) ,  SealIssuer? ,  SealStatusDescription?

Description:  The SealInfo element provides seal information for the equipment.

SealStatusDescription (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: SealStatusCoded (Type: SealStatusCode)? ,  SealStatusCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  SealStatusInfo (Type: string)?

Description:  The SealStatusDescription element provides information on the status of the seal.

SealIssuer (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: SealIssuerCoded (Type: SealIssuerCode) ,  SealIssuerCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description:  The SealIssuer element provides information about the issuer of the seal for the equipment.

SealIssuerCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the issuer of the seal number. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 9303 (Sealing party coded)

Value: Enumeration, including:

SealStatusCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the status of the seal. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 4517 (Seal condition coded) and X12 407 (Seal status code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

SecondaryMessageInformation (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: MessageTypeCoded (Type: MessageTypeCode) ,  MessageTypeCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  MessageClass (Type: string)? ,  MessageNumber (Type: int)? ,  MessageDescription (Type: string)?

Description: The SecondaryMessageInformation element contains details on transactions posted. Can be messages of type information, warnings or errors.

MessageTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of message posted.

Value: Enumeration, including:

ServiceCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code indicates the special service required. This code list is derived from X12 1300 (Service, promotion, allowance or charge code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

ServiceLevelCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code indicates the level of service required. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 4183 (Special condition code), 4219 (Transport priority coded), and 8335 (Movement type description code) and X12 284 (Service level code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

ShipScheduleDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: CommitmentLevelCoded (Type: CommitmentLevelCode) ,  CommitmentLevelCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  ScheduleDates (Type: ListOfDateCoded) ,  ScheduleQuantities (Type: ListOfQuantityCoded) ,  ItemResourceAuthorization? ,  ScheduleNote (Type: string)? ,  RouteID (Type: int)?

Description: The ShipScheduleDetail element provides the commitment level, dates, and quantity for the shipment.

ListOfShipScheduleDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ShipScheduleDetail+

Description: The ListOfShipScheduleDetail element is the detailed schedule information for the materials. Includes dates and quantity.

ShipToSubInformation (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ShipToSubLocation (Type: Location) ,  ShipToSubQuantity (Type: Quantity) ,  SubLocationItemPackagingReference (Type: ItemPackagingReference)?

Description: The ShipToSubInformation element contains the information for the locations and quantities of the goods for the schedule lines.

ListOfShipToSubInformation (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ShipToSubInformation+

Description: The ListOfShipToSubInformation element details place and quantity information regarding the shipto sub-location.

ShippingSchedule (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ShippingScheduleHeader ,  (ListOfLocationGroupedShippingDetail  |  ListOfMaterialGroupedShippingDetail) ,  ListOfPackageDetail? ,  ShippingScheduleSummary?

Description: The ShippingSchedule element consists of notifications of short-term shipping requirements from a buyer to a supplier in reference to an existing planning schedule or purchasing agreement. The shipping schedule is not intended to be used for authorizing labor, materials, or other resources. The buyer will initially outline product requirements to the supplier in the form of a planning schedule or purchasing agreement. The Shipping Schedule will then be issued in reference to a planning schedule or purchasing agreement and provide specific details relating to the required products, quantities, delivery points and requested delivery dates. The Shipping Schedule document supersedes certain shipping and delivery information transmitted in a previous planning schedule, but does not replace it. Shipping schedules are usually stated in daily, weekly or monthly buckets (depending upon the industry) and are used to refine planning schedules in support of a just-in-time planning environment. This provides a mechanism to issue precise shipping schedule requirements on a more frequent basis than with the issuance of a planning schedule. The Shipping Schedule also provides the ability for a customer location to issue shipping requirements independent of other customer locations when planning schedules are issued by a consolidated scheduling organization.

ShippingScheduleHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ScheduleID (Type: string) ,  ScheduleIssuedDate (Type: datetime) ,  ScheduleReferences? ,  ReleaseNumber (Type: string)? ,  SchedulePurpose (Type: Purpose) ,  RequestedResponse? ,  ScheduleTypeCoded (Type: ScheduleTypeCode) ,  ScheduleTypeCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  QuantityQualifierCoded (Type: QuantityQualifierCode) ,  QuantityQualifierCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  ValidityDates? ,  ScheduleParty ,  ListOfTransportRouting? ,  TermsOfDelivery? ,  Language ,  ShippingScheduleHeaderNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfStructuredNote? ,  ListOfAttachment?

Description: The ShippingScheduleHeader element contains the header information of the ShippingSchedule..

ShippingScheduleResponse (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ShippingScheduleResponseHeader ,  (ListOfLocationGroupedShippingResponse  |  ListOfMaterialGroupedShippingResponse) ,  ShippingScheduleResponseSummary (Type: ShippingScheduleSummary)?

Description: The ShippingScheduleResponse element is a response to a previously sent ShippingSchedule. The intent of these documents is for sellers to provide changes or corrections to the original documents. A seller can reply back with changes to a schedule due to factors such as backorder, insufficient parts, cannot meet demand, incorrect information, etc. The choice between ListOfLocationGroupedShippingResponse and ListOfMaterialGroupedShippingResponse allows you to determine how the detail section will be structured. ListOfLocationGroupedShippingResponse groups the shipping schedule line items according to location and ListOfMaterialGroupedShippingResponse allows you to group the planning schedule line items according to product.

ShippingScheduleResponseHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ScheduleResponseID (Type: string) ,  ScheduleResponseIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  ScheduleReference (Type: Reference) ,  ListOfReferenceCoded? ,  BuyerParty (Type: Party) ,  SellerParty (Type: Party) ,  Purpose ,  ResponseType ,  Language ,  OriginalShippingScheduleHeader (Type: ShippingScheduleHeader)? ,  ChangedShippingScheduleHeader (Type: ShippingScheduleHeader)? ,  ShippingScheduleResponseHeaderNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfStructuredNote? ,  ListOfAttachment?

Description: The ShippingScheduleResponseHeader element holds all ShippingScheduleResponse header-level information. This element occurs once within the document.

ShippingScheduleSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TotalNumberOfLineItems (Type: int)

Description: The ShippingScheduleSummary element is the summary section for the ShippingSchedule document which contains a total number of lines.

ShortDescription (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


Attribute: Name: lang - Data Type: xmllang - Default Value: "en"

Description: The ShortDescription element holds a short textual description. Has xml:lang attribute so there can be more than one ShortDescription in multiple languages. xml:lang must contain valid RFC 1766 language code.

SignificanceCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code indicates the significance of a measurement value. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 6321 (Measurement significance coded)

Value: Enumeration, including:

SourceTargetID (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: SourceID (Type: string)? ,  TargetID (Type: string)?

Description: The SourceTargetID element provides containers to identify source and target values.

SpecialHandling (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: SpecialHandlingCoded (Type: SpecialHandlingCode) ,  SpecialHandlingCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  SpecialHandlingNote (Type: string)?

Description: The SpecialHandling element describes any special handling relating to the package.

SpecialHandlingCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies any special transportation handling instructions. This code list is derived from X12 152 (Special handling code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

SpotRateDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: RateRequestID (Type: Reference) ,  ConfirmationID (Type: string) ,  FXIdentificationData? ,  TargetCurrency (Type: Currency)? ,  FXReferenceNumber (Type: Reference)? ,  FXAmounts ,  ListOfFee? ,  FXTransactionTypeCoded (Type: FXTransactionTypeCode)? ,  FXTransactionTypeCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  FXQuoteTypeCoded (Type: FXQuoteTypeCode)? ,  FXQuoteTypeCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  FXDates?

Description:  The SpotRateDetail element contains fields and elements specific to the spot rate quote. This structure is provided when the IndicativeIndicator is false.

FXIdentificationData (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: OriginatingFinancialInstitution (Type: FIAccountDetail)? ,  CardInfo? ,  PayeeParty (Type: Party)?

Description:  The FXIdentificationData element contains data relevant to identifying the parties involved in the spot rate transaction.

FXAmounts (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: SettlementAmount (Type: MonetaryValue)? ,  DebitAmount (Type: MonetaryValue) ,  CreditAmount (Type: MonetaryValue)?

Description:  The FXAmounts element contains all amount data relevant to the spot rate quote.

FXDates (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: FXValueDate (Type: datetime)? ,  RemittanceDate (Type: datetime)? ,  QuoteExpirationDate (Type: datetime)? ,  ListOfDateCoded?

Description:  The FXDates element contains dates relevant to the spot rate quote.

Status (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: StatusEvent ,  ListOfStatusReason? ,  StatusNote (Type: string)? ,  ErrorInfo?

Description:  The Status element contains the information necessary for reporting a status, this includes the event, the reason, notes and error information if applicable.

StatusEvent (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: StatusEventCoded (Type: StatusEventCode) ,  StatusEventCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The StatusEvent element identifies the status of the purchase order.

StatusEventCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the status of the event.

Value: Enumeration, including:

StatusCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code indicates the status of the element it is associated with.

Value: Enumeration, including:

StatusReason (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: StatusReasonCoded (Type: StatusReasonCode) ,  StatusReasonCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The StatusReason element provides a reason for the status.

ListOfStatusReason (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: StatusReason+

Description: The ListOfStatusReason element holds a list of status reason.

StatusReasonCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the reason for the status.

Value: Enumeration, including:

StructuredNote (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: GeneralNote (Type: string)? ,  NoteID (Type: string)? ,  Agency? ,  NoteURL (Type: URI)?

Description: The StructuredNote element is a note that allows for an ID, URL, and a free form note field.

ListOfStructuredNote (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: StructuredNote+

Description: The ListOfStructuredNote element contains one or more structured notes that allow you to provide notes that are more than a simple free-text field. such notes may include the message text, or this text may be referenced with an external identifier or a URL. An agency may be specified, and is needed in the case where an ID has been provided for a note that is either included in-line or referenced. This field is often used to include references to centrally stored clauses in contracts that are required to appear within business documents.

Subsidiary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: Party

Description: The Subsidiary element contains information relating to a third party or subsidiary associated with the payment document.

ListOfSubsidiary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Subsidiary+

Description: The ListOfSubsidiary element contains a set of subsidiary detail with associated invoicing and adjustment information. This structure is used in the case where the payment is made by a central party and invoice detail needs to be specified by subsidiary.

SurfaceLayerPositionCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the surface layer or the position of the item that is being described by the ItemCharacteristic element. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 7383 (Surface layer code) and X12 752 (Surface/layer/position code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

Tax (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TaxFunctionQualifierCoded (Type: TaxFunctionQualifierCode) ,  TaxFunctionQualifierCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  TaxCategoryCoded (Type: TaxCategoryCode) ,  TaxCategoryCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  ReasonTaxExemptCoded (Type: ReasonTaxExemptCode)? ,  ReasonTaxExemptCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  TaxTypeCoded (Type: TaxTypeCode) ,  TaxTypeCodedOther (Type: Identifier)? ,  TaxPercent (Type: Decimal10_4)? ,  TaxPaymentMethodCoded (Type: TaxPaymentMethodCode)? ,  TaxPaymentMethodCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  TaxableAmount (Type: Decimal21_6)? ,  TaxableAmountInTaxAccountingCurrency (Type: Decimal21_6)? ,  TaxAmount (Type: Decimal21_6) ,  TaxAmountInTaxAccountingCurrency (Type: Decimal21_6)? ,  TaxLocation (Type: Location)?

Description: The Tax element is used to specify tax information.

TaxFunctionQualifierCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the function of the tax element. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 5283 (Duty or tax or fee function code qualifier)

Value: Enumeration, including:

TaxPaymentMethodCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the method by which the Tax will be paid.

Value: Enumeration, including:

TaxCategoryCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the category of the tax, and by implication, the tax rate that applies. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 5305(Duty or tax or fee category code) and X12 441 (Tax exempt code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

TaxLocationCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of location. This codelist is derived from X12 309 (Location qualifier)

Value: Enumeration, including:

TaxReference (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Extends: Tax

Description: The TaxReference element contains a reference to the tax information relevant to the order.

TaxTreatmentCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code indicates the level of tax deduction.

Value: Enumeration, including:

ListOfTaxSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TaxSummary (Type: Tax)+

Description: The ListOfTaxSummary element contains the summary of the tax information specified within the Invoice. This element is mandatory if tax elements occur in either the invoice header or any invoice detail item line.

TaxTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the type of tax. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 5153 (Duty or tax or fee type name code) and X12 963 (Tax type code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

TermsOfDelivery (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TermsOfDeliveryFunctionCoded (Type: TermsOfDeliveryFunctionCode) ,  TermsOfDeliveryFunctionCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  TransportTermsCoded (Type: TransportTermsCode)? ,  TransportTermsCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  ShipmentMethodOfPaymentCoded (Type: ShipmentMethodOfPaymentCode) ,  ShipmentMethodOfPaymentCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  Location? ,  TermsOfDeliveryDescription (Type: string)? ,  TransportDescription (Type: string)? ,  RiskOfLossCoded (Type: RiskOfLossCode)? ,  RiskOfLossCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  RiskOfLossDescription (Type: string)?

Description: The TermsOfDelivery element includes the information related to delivery including shipment method of payment and transport.

ShipmentMethodOfPaymentCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies payment terms for transportation charges. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 4215 (Transport charges payment method code) and X12 146 (Shipment method of payment)

Value: Enumeration, including:

RiskOfLossCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code indicates the responsibility for risk of loss. This code list is derived from X12 54 (Risk of loss qualifier)

Value: Enumeration, including:

TermsOfDeliveryFunctionCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code indicates what terms the delivery is based on. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 4055 (Delivery or transport terms function code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

TimeSeries (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TimeSeriesHeader ,  TimeSeriesDetail ,  TimeSeriesSummary

Description: The TimeSeries element is a forecasting document that can be used to process data based on variable characteristics. Data is collected over a period of time, and time slices can be presented as a historical account or a planned forecast.

TimeSeriesActionCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the status of the TimeSeries message at line level.

Value: Enumeration, including:

TimeSeriesData (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TimeSeriesBucket (Type: ValidityDates) ,  TimeSeriesValue (Type: float) ,  TimeSeriesDataNote (Type: string)?

Description: The TimeSeriesData element contains the time series data which is composed of time buckets and a value. This element can occur a multiple of times.

TimeSeriesDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ListOfCharacteristicCombinations? ,  ListOfTimeSeriesKeyFigureData?

Description: The TimeSeriesDetail element contains detail information for the time series document. The TimeSeriesDetail defines the characteristic combination, key figure, unit of measure, and time series values of a given planning data. This element is broken down into two structures: ListOfTimeSeriesKeyFigures and ListOfCharacteristicCombinations. Both lists can occur independently of the other. If necessary, you can send only one of the data elements.

TimeSeriesErrorCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies any errors in the data of the response to the TimeSeriesRequest message.

Value: Enumeration, including:

TimeSeriesHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TimeSeriesIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  TimeSeriesID (Type: Reference) ,  TimeSeriesPurposeCoded (Type: TimeSeriesPurposeCode) ,  TimeSeriesPurposeCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  TimeSeriesTimePeriod (Type: ValidityDates)? ,  TimeSeriesSystemType (Type: SourceTargetID)? ,  TimeSeriesPlanningData (Type: SourceTargetID) ,  TimeSeriesSelection (Type: SourceTargetID)? ,  TimeSeriesPlanningStep (Type: SourceTargetID)? ,  TimeSeriesParty ,  Language ,  GeneralNotes (Type: string)?

Description: The TimeSeriesHeader element contains all time series header relevant information. The header data will include information such as source target ID, issue date, time series ID, reference information, purpose code, etc.

TimeSeriesKeyFigureData (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TimeSeriesKeyFigurePurposeCoded (Type: TimeSeriesPurposeCode)? ,  TimeSeriesKeyFigurePurposeCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  TimeSeriesKeyFigureResponseCoded (Type: TimeSeriesErrorCode)? ,  TimeSeriesKeyFigureResponseCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  CharacteristicCombinationID (Type: string) ,  KeyFigureInformation ,  UnitOfMeasurement ,  TimeSeriesData+

Description: The TimeSeriesKeyFigureData element defines the key figure and includes all of the time series data values.

ListOfTimeSeriesKeyFigureData (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TimeSeriesKeyFigureData+

Description: The ListOfTimeSeriesKeyFigureData element contains a list of all the key figure and time series data related information.

TimeSeriesParty (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: SourceParty (Type: Party)? ,  ReceiverParty (Type: Party)? ,  ListOfPartyCoded?

Description: The TimeSeriesParty element contains information describing all parties associated with the time series document. Data such as the identifier, name, address, and contact information is provided.

TimeSeriesPurposeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the purpose of the TimeSeries message.This is a subset code list derived from EDIFACT 1225 (Message Function, Coded) and X12 353 (Transaction Set Purpose Code) and 587 (Acknowledgement Type Code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

TimeSeriesRequest (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TimeSeriesRequestHeader (Type: TimeSeriesHeader) ,  TimeSeriesRequestDetail ,  TimeSeriesRequestSummary (Type: TimeSeriesSummary)

Description: The TimeSeriesRequest element contains the TimeSeriesRequestHeader, Detail and Summary information relating to the request of a time series document. TimeSeries is a forecasting document that can be used to process data based on variable characteristics. Data is collected over a period of time, and time slices can be presented as a historical account or a planned forecast.

TimeSeriesRequestDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ListOfCharacteristicCombinations? ,  ListOfKeyFigureData?

Description: The TimeSeriesRequestDetail element is similar to TimeSeriesDetail with a few minor changes. The ListOfCharacteristicCombinations is the same but the ListOfTimeSeriesKeyFigures contains only information for the key figure and no time series data.

TimeSeriesResponse (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TimeSeriesResponseHeader ,  TimeSeriesResponseDetail ,  TimeSeriesResponseSummary (Type: TimeSeriesSummary)

Description: The TimeSeriesResponse element contains all time series response header, detail and summary information relating to the response to a time series document. TimeSeries is a forecasting document that can be used to process data based on variable characteristics. Data is collected over a period of time, and time slices can be presented as a historical account or a planned forecast.

TimeSeriesResponseCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the acknowledgement of the TimeSeriesRequest document.

Value: Enumeration, including:

TimeSeriesResponseDetail (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TimeSeriesDetailResponseCoded (Type: TimeSeriesActionCode) ,  TimeSeriesDetailResponseCodedOther (Type: string) ,  ListOfChangedCharacteristicCombinations (Type: ListOfCharacteristicCombinations)? ,  ListOfChangedTimeSeriesKeyFigureData (Type: ListOfTimeSeriesKeyFigureData)?

Description: The TimeSeriesResponseDetail element contains the detail level information relating to the time series response.

TimeSeriesResponseHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TimeSeriesResponseIssueDate (Type: datetime) ,  TimeSeriesResponseID (Type: Reference) ,  TimeSeriesReference (Type: Reference) ,  TimeSeriesPlanningData (Type: SourceTargetID)? ,  TimeSeriesResponseParty (Type: TimeSeriesParty) ,  TimeSeriesHeaderResponseCoded (Type: TimeSeriesResponseCode) ,  TimeSeriesHeaderResponseCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  ChangedTimeSeriesHeader (Type: TimeSeriesHeader)? ,  Language ,  GeneralNotes (Type: string)?

Description: The TimeSeriesResponseHeader element contains all time series response header relevant information. The header data includes information such as sender receiver ID, issue date, time series ID and reference information, response code, etc.

TimeSeriesSummary (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TotalTimeSeriesData (Type: int)? ,  TotalCharacteristicCombinations (Type: int)? ,  TotalKeyFigures (Type: int)?

Description: The TimeSeriesSummary element contains all information relevant to the summary of the time series document.

Timezone (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TimezoneCoded (Type: TimezoneCode) ,  TimezoneCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description:  The Timezone element identifies the time zone.

TimezoneCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the actual time zone for a location.

Value: Enumeration, including:

ListOfTimezone (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Timezone

Description: The ListOfTimezone element lists the time zones for the location.

Title (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TitleCoded (Type: TitleCode) ,  TitleCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The Title element contains the title of the user related to gender and marital status.

TitleCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the title of the user.

Value: Enumeration, including:

AcademicTitle (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: AcademicTitleCoded (Type: AcademicTitleCode) ,  AcademicTitleCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The AcademicTitle element contains the academic title of the user, e.g. Dr.

AcademicTitleCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the academic title of the user.

Value: Enumeration, including:

TrackingInformation (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TrackingNumber (Type: Reference) ,  TrackingCallURL (Type: URI)?

Description: The TrackingInformation element contains the information to allow tracking of the ASN..

TradingPartnerOrganization (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TradingPartnerOrganizationHeader ,  OrganizationAddresses ,  ListOfBankDetail*

Description: The TradingPartnerOrganization element holds all information necessary to create and change a trading partner organization.

ListOfTradingPartnerOrganization (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TradingPartnerOrganization+

Description: The ListOfTradingPartnerOrganization element contains a list of one or more trading partners.

TradingPartnerOrganizationDelete (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ListOfTradingPartnerOrganizationDeletion

Description:  The TradingPartnerOrganizationDelete element holds information for deleting trading partner organizations.

ListOfTradingPartnerOrganizationDeletion (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TradingPartnerOrganizationDeletion+

Description: The ListOfTradingPartnerOrganizationDeletion element contains a list of the trading partner organization deletions.

TradingPartnerOrganizationDeletion (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TradingPartnerIdentifications (Type: Identifications) ,  TradingPartnerDisplayName (Type: string)

Description: The TradingPartnerOrganizationDeletion element holds information necessary to delete a trading partner organization.

TradingPartnerOrganizationHeader (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ValidityDates? ,  ListOfTradingPartnerType ,  TradingPartnerIdentifications (Type: Identifications) ,  TradingPartnerDisplayName (Type: string) ,  name1 (Type: string) ,  name2 (Type: string)? ,  name3 (Type: string)? ,  OrganizationLanguage (Type: Language) ,  OrganizationCurrency (Type: Currency) ,  TradingPartnerOrganizationVisibility ,  GeneralNotes (Type: string)?

Description: The TradingPartnerOrganizationHeader element holds general relevant information about an organization.

TradingPartnerOrganizationVisibility (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TradingPartnerOrganizationVisibilityCoded (Type: TradingPartnerOrganizationVisibilityCode) ,  TradingPartnerOrganizationVisibilityCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description:  The TradingPartnerOrganizationVisibility element specifies visibility scope of a trading partners information.

TradingPartnerOrganizationVisibilityCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code is used to allow the application to control who is able to view trading partner information.

Value: Enumeration, including:

TradingPartnerOrganizationInformation (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TradingPartnerOrganizationPurpose ,  ListOfTradingPartnerOrganization

Description: The TradingPartnerOrganizationInformation element holds all information necessary to create and change a trading partner organization.

TradingPartnerOrganizationPurpose (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TradingPartnerOrganizationPurposeCoded (Type: TradingPartnerOrganizationPurposeCode) ,  TradingPartnerOrganizationPurposeCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The TradingPartnerOrganizationPurpose element contains a subset of the PurposeCode to give the purpose of the message.

TradingPartnerOrganizationPurposeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code indicates the purpose of the TradingPartnerOrganization message.

Value: Enumeration, including:

TradingPartnerResponse (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ListOfTradingPartnerResponseInfo

Description:  The TradingPartnerResponse element is the response to creating or changing trading partner organizations or users.

ListOfTradingPartnerResponseInfo (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TradingPartnerResponseInfo+

Description:  The ListOfTradingPartnerResponseInfo element contains details on one or more responses posted.

TradingPartnerResponseInfo (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ReturnMessageInformation ,  ListOfReturnedIdentification? ,  RedirectURL (Type: URI)? ,  ServiceID (Type: string)?

Description:  The TradingPartnerResponseInfo element contains the information on the trading partner response.

ReturnMessageInformation (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: PrimaryMessageInformation ,  ListOfSecondaryMessageInformation?

Description:  The ReturnMessageInformation element is a container for the return message information.

ListOfSecondaryMessageInformation (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: SecondaryMessageInformation+

Description:  The ListOfSecondaryMessageInformation element contains details on transactions posted. Can be messages of type information, warnings or errors.

TradingPartnerType (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TradingPartnerTypeCoded (Type: TradingPartnerTypeCode) ,  TradingPartnerTypeCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The TradingPartnerType element indicates the role(s) of the trading partner within the marketplace.

TradingPartnerTypeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code indicates the role of the trading partner.

Value: Enumeration, including:

ListOfTradingPartnerType (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TradingPartnerType+

Description: The ListOfTradingPartnerType element contains a list of one or more TradingPartnerType.

TradingPartnerUser (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TradingPartnerOrganizationReference (Type: Identifications) ,  UserID ,  PersonProfile ,  ListOfUserRole? ,  UserAdministration? ,  ListOfContactRelationType (Type: ContactRelationType)?

Description: The TradingPartnerUser element holds all information necessary to create or change a trading partner user.

ListOfTradingPartnerUser (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TradingPartnerUser+

Description: The ListOfTradingPartnerUser element contains a list of one or more trading partner users.

UserID (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


Attribute: Name: UserShortID - Data Type: string - Default Value: #IMPLIED

Description: The UserID element contains the unique identifier for the trading partner. It is only unique within one trading partner organization.

TradingPartnerUserDelete (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ListOfTradingPartnerUserDeletion

Description:  The TradingPartnerUserDelete element provides the information necessary for deleting trading partner users from a trading partner directory..

ListOfTradingPartnerUserDeletion (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TradingPartnerUserDeletion+

Description: The ListOfTradingPartnerUserDeletion element contains a list of the trading partner user deletions contained within this message.

TradingPartnerUserDeletion (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TradingPartnerOrganizationReference (Type: Identifications) ,  UserID

Description: The TradingPartnerUserDeletion element holds all information necessary to delete a trading partner user.

TradingPartnerUserInformation (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TradingPartnerUserPurpose ,  ListOfTradingPartnerUser

Description:  The TradingPartnerUserInformation element is used to create or update trading partner user information in a trading partner directory within a marketplace.

TradingPartnerUserPurpose (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TradingPartnerUserPurposeCoded (Type: TradingPartnerUserPurposeCode) ,  TradingPartnerUserPurposeCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The TradingPartnerUserPurpose element contains a subset of the PurposeCode to give the purpose of the message.

TradingPartnerUserPurposeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


indicates the purpose of the TradingPartnerUser message.

Value: Enumeration, including:

TransitDirection (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TransitDirectionCoded (Type: TransitDirectionCode) ,  TransitDirectionCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  TransitTimeQualifierCoded (Type: TransitTimeQualifierCode)? ,  TransitTimeQualifierCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  TransitTime (Type: number)?

Description: The TransitDirection element details the direction of the transport.

TransitDirectionCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the transit direction for a shipment. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 8101 (Transit direction indicator code) and X12 731 (Transit direction code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

TransitTimeQualifierCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code indicates the unit of time used to measure the transit time. This code list is derived from X12 732 (Transit time direction qualifier)

Value: Enumeration, including:

Transport (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TransportID (Type: int) ,  TransportMode? ,  TransportMeans? ,  CarrierID (Type: Identifier)? ,  CustShippingContractNum (Type: string)? ,  ServiceLevelCoded (Type: ServiceLevelCode)? ,  ServiceLevelCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  ShippingInstructions (Type: string)? ,  ListOfTransportEquipment? ,  TransitDirection? ,  TransportNote (Type: string)?

Description: The Transport element is a single routing defined by one carrier (that is, one organization operating equipment) moving between two or more locations with a single mode of transport. You may have more than one vehicle acting as part of the transport, but all must use the same route, be of the same mode, and be operated by the same carrier.

ListOfTransport (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Transport+

Description: The ListOfTransport element provides information on the movement of the goods including carrier, equipment and service level instructions.

TransportEquipment (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: EquipmentProviderCoded (Type: EquipmentProviderCode)? ,  EquipmentProviderCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  EquipmentOwnerCoded (Type: EquipmentOwnerCode)? ,  EquipmentOwnerCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  EquipmentID (Type: string) ,  EquipmentSizeTypeCoded (Type: EquipmentSizeTypeCode)? ,  EquipementSizeTypeCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  EquipmentStatusCoded (Type: EquipmentStatusCode)? ,  EquipmentStatusCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  FullIndicatorCoded (Type: FullIndicatorCode)? ,  FullIndicatorCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  Conditions? ,  EquipmentNote (Type: string)? ,  ListOfSealInfo? ,  ListOfEquipmentMeasurements (Type: ListOfDimension)?

Description:  The TransportEquipment element identifies the vessel/vehicle or package serving as the equipment for this leg of transport.

FullIndicatorCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the fill status of the equipment. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 8169 (Full/empty indicator, coded)

Value: Enumeration, including:

Conditions (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: RefrigerationOn (Type: boolean)? ,  Residue (Type: boolean)? ,  ListOfConditions (Type: ListOfDimension)?

Description:  The Conditions element describes the special conditions regarding the equipment.

ListOfTransportEquipment (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TransportEquipment+

Description:  The ListOfTransportEquipment element contains a list of one or more vessel/vehicle or package serving as the equipment for this leg of transport.

TransportLegCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code indicates the stages of the transportation. This code list is derived from EDIFACT 8051 (Transport Stage Code Qualifier) and X12 133 (Routing Sequence code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

TransportMeans (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TransportMeansCoded (Type: TransportMeansCode) ,  TransportMeansCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The TransportMeans element contains the information on the means of transport for the route.

TransportMeansCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the means of transportation. This codelist is derived from EDIFACT 8179(Transport Means Description Code) and X12 40 (Equipment Description Code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

TransportMode (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TransportModeCoded (Type: TransportModeCode) ,  TransportModeCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The TransportMode element is a container for the TransportModeCode.

TransportModeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the mode of transportation. This code list is derived from EDIFACT Recommendation 19 (Mode of Transport) and X12 91 (Transportation Method/Type Code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

TransportPackagingTotals (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TotalPackages (Type: int)? ,  TotalPackageDepth (Type: int)? ,  TotalTransport (Type: int)? ,  TotalGrossWeight (Type: Measurement)? ,  TotalNetWeight (Type: Measurement)? ,  TotalNetNetWeight (Type: Measurement)? ,  TotalTareWeight (Type: Measurement)? ,  GrossVolume (Type: Measurement)?

Description: The TransportPackagingTotals element summarizes the transport and packaging information if included in a document.

TransportRouting (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TransportRouteID (Type: int) ,  TransportMode? ,  TransportMeans? ,  TransportMeansIdentifier (Type: Identifier)? ,  TransportMeansReference (Type: Identifier)? ,  TransportRequirementCoded (Type: TransportRequirementCode)? ,  TransportRequirementCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  CarrierID (Type: Identifier)? ,  TransportQuantities? ,  CustShippingContractNum (Type: string)? ,  ServiceLevel? ,  ShippingInstructions (Type: string)? ,  TransportLegCoded (Type: TransportLegCode)? ,  TransportLegCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  ListOfTransportEquipment? ,  TransitDirection? ,  TransportLocationList

Description: The TransportRouting element holds the definition of the transport routing. A single TransportRouting is defined by one carrier (that is, one organization operating equipment) moving between two or more locations with a single mode of transport. You may have more than one vehicle acting as part of the transport, but all must use the same route, be of the same mode, and be operated by the same carrier.

TransportRequirementCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies specific transport or vessel requirements. This code list is derived from X12 249 (Vessel requirement code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

TransportLocationList (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: StartTransportLocation (Type: TransportLocation) ,  InterimTransportLocation (Type: TransportLocation)* ,  EndTransportLocation (Type: TransportLocation)

Description: The TransportLocationList element lists the locations through which the transportation goes.

TransportLocation (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: Location ,  LocationID (Type: int) ,  Sequence (Type: int)? ,  EstimatedArrivalDate (Type: datetime)? ,  ActualArrivalDate (Type: datetime)? ,  EstimatedDepartureDate (Type: datetime)? ,  ActualDepartureDate (Type: datetime)?

Description:  The TransportLocation element provides information about a stop along a transport route.

TransportQuantities (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: LadingQuantity (Type: Quantity)? ,  ListOfQuantityCoded?

Description:  The TransportQuantities element is used to identify quantities relative to the shipment such as lading and hazardous reportable, and radioactive quantities.

ServiceLevel (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ServiceLevelCoded (Type: ServiceLevelCode)? ,  ServiceLevelCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  ServiceLevelReasonCoded (Type: ServiceLevelReasonCode)? ,  ServiceLevelReasonCodedOther (Type: string)? ,  ServiceLevelResponsibilityCoded (Type: ServiceLevelResponsibilityCode)? ,  ServiceLevelResponsibilityCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The ServiceLevel element is used to hold information about the level of service associated with the transportation.

ServiceLevelReasonCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the reason for shipment via premium transportation rather than the normal mode. This code list is derived from X12 626 (Excess transportation reason code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

ServiceLevelResponsibilityCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code indicates the party responsible for the level of service requested. This code list is derived from X12 627 (Excess transportation responsibility code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

ListOfTransportRouting (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: TransportRouting+

Description: The ListOfTransportRouting element defines the information on the movement of the goods, including the carrier, equipment, locations and dates.

TransportTermsCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code indicates the terms of delivery. This code list is derived from INCOTERMS 1990

Value: Enumeration, including:

UnitOfMeasurement (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: UOMCoded (Type: UOMCode) ,  UOMCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description:  The UnitOfMeasurement element specifies the units which relate to the measurement or quantity.

UOMCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the unit of measurement. This code list is derived from UNECE Rec 20 and X12 355 (Unit or Basis for measurement code)

Value: Enumeration, including:

UserAdministration (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ValidityDates? ,  UserStatus?

Description: The UserAdministration element is for storing administrative information of a user. IF REGISTERING AN ORGANIZATION MUST INCLUDE ONE USER AND THIS USER MUST HAVE USER ADMIN PROPERTIES.

UserStatus (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: UserStatusCoded (Type: UserStatusCode) ,  UserStatusCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description: The UserStatus element is a container to hold the status.

UserStatusCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the status of the user in the TradingPartner message.

Value: Enumeration, including:

UserRole (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: UserRoleAuthority (Type: string)? ,  UserRoleName (Type: string)

Description: The UserRole element indicates the type and role of a user of a trading partner. Examples could be Employee, Manager, Secretary etc. This is the role defined by the marketsite, and has implications for authorization within services, and as an administrator at the marketsite.

ListOfUserRole (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: UserRole+

Description: The ListOfUserRole element contains a list of one or more UserRole.

ValidityDates (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: StartDate (Type: datetime) ,  EndDate (Type: datetime)

Description: The ValidityDates element is used to specify a start and end dates of a period which the element in which they are used is valid.

VisibilityRules (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: VisibilityIndicator (Type: boolean)? ,  VisibilityOfComments (Type: boolean)? ,  VisibilityOfAmounts (Type: boolean)? ,  VisibilityOfQuantities (Type: boolean)? ,  VisibilityOfParticipants (Type: boolean)?

Description: The VisibilityRules element indicates the visibility level of the auction. If the information is not provided, then the assumption is made that the auction is public and that all values are visible.

WinRuleCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code indicates how the winner of the auction is determined.

Value: Enumeration, including:

X509Certificate (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: ListOfCertificatePurpose* ,  (X509Cert (Type: string)  |  X509CertificateInfo)

Description: The X509Certificate element describes how a user certificate should look.

ListOfX509Certificate (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: X509Certificate*

Description: The ListOfX509Certificate element contains a list of one or more X509Certificate.

ListOfCertificatePurpose (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: CertificatePurpose*

Description: The ListOfCertificatePurpose element contains a list of one or more CertificatePurpose.

CertificatePurpose (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: CertificatePurposeCoded (Type: CertificatePurposeCode) ,  CertificatePurposeCodedOther (Type: string)?

Description:  The CertificatePurpose element identifies the purpose of the certificate.

CertificatePurposeCode (Datatype) (Namespace: XCBL30) 


This code identifies the purpose of the certificate.

Value: Enumeration, including:

X509CertificateInfo (Element) (Namespace: XCBL30) 

Content: X509Subject (Type: string) ,  X509Issuer (Type: string) ,  X509SerialNumber (Type: string)

Description:  The X509CertificateInfo element contains information regarding the X509 certificate.

SOX Intrinsic Data Types [TOC]

boolean: A value of either “true” or “false”

string: A sequence of characters.
Format: X*

URI: A sequence of characters forming a valid URI.

number: An infinite precision number.
Format: [+-][0-9]*[‘.’[0-9]*]?

float: A single precision floating point number in the range -3.40282347 * 10E38 to 3.40282347 * 10E38
Format: [+-][0-9]*[’.’[0-9]*]?

double: A double precision floating point number in the range -1.17549435 * 10E308 to 1.17549435 * 10E308
Format: [+-][0-9]*[’.’?[0-9]*]?

int: An integer in the range -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Format: [+-]?[0-9]*

long: An integer in the range -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
Format: [+-]?[0-9]*

byte: An integer in the range -128 to 127
Format: [+-]?[0-9]*

ID: An ID is a name which must be unique within the instance and names the node for which it is defined. The value of an ID cannot be reused within the instance.
Format: NMTOKEN production of XML 1.0 specification.

IDREF: An IDREF must contain the value of an ID string declared elsewhere in the document.

IDREFS: A list of whitespace delimited IDREF values.

NMTOKEN: A string corresponding to the values of the NMTOKEN production of the XML 1.0 specification.

NMTOKENS: A list of whitespace delimited NMTOKEN values.

date: A date including month, day, and year

time: A time accurate to the nearest second with optional offset from GMT
Format: HH:MM:SS[[+-]HH:MM]?

datetime: A combination Date and Time. Note the presence of a “T” character between the date and time portions, and the use of colons to separate hours, minutes, and seconds. These are as per ISO 8601.
Format: YYYYMMDDTHH:MM:SS[[+-]HH:MM]? (the first MM is Months, the other two are minutes)